I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,339 [Shocking magic show! 】

In front of the TV. ???

Chinese people all over the world are looking forward to it.

Hurry up!

what else?

What other programs are there?

Take it out quickly!

Will future shows be as exciting as this?

At this time, Yan Mei, the hostess of the Spring Festival Gala, announced the next program with a smile: "Now, I will introduce you to a magician. I heard that he will bring us a close-up magic today. It's quite weird and it doesn't matter. Do you know if it’s true or false, let’s go and see it together?”

Main control room.

Zhang Ye smiled slightly.

Here Comes the Magic, this should be the show he has never had the most confidence in before. In the singing show, he can come up with lyrics and music, in the dance show, he can teach each move, and even in the acrobatic show, he can even direct it twice and tell the story. Everyone does what they want to do, but only magic cannot do it, because Zhang Ye doesn't understand the inside method. He has seen some magic tricks and can tell the magician the exact words. But you want Zhang Ye to tell you how to do this prop and the secret. He couldn't tell most of where they were. He only knew some decryptions that had been analyzed by netizens in his world. So based on the magic process and the few clues, he and the magician were busy for more than half a month. A little bit of speculation, a little bit of experimentation, the hardships involved really cannot be explained to outsiders.

Spring Festival Gala!

Liu Qian!


The magic trick that Zhang Ye had been looking forward to for a long time was finally restored in this world, so Zhang Ye was in a very expectant mood at the moment. He couldn't wait to see the stunned expressions of the people in the world, that expression, that kind of magic. Shock had also appeared on the faces of people on his earth.

The audience in front of the TV was stunned.


"Time for the magic show?"

"Close-up magic?"

"what does it mean?"

"I do not know."

"Closer shot? How close?"

"I don't like it. I still want to watch a cross talk sketch. Let's do another one quickly."

"Haha, yes, language programs are better, other programs are just foils."

"Magic is the same thing every year. It turns into a dove, a flower, or a living person. It's okay to watch it once or twice, but it's boring if you watch it too much. There's nothing new."

"That's right. They all have props and special techniques. Audiences who are a little smarter can expose them. Watching them too much will become boring."

"Hey, do you still remember the magic trick at last year's Spring Festival Gala?"

"Remember, someone exposed it just five minutes after it was aired."

"Yes, I just changed the box at the back."

"Well, it's just a deception. Magic is like this now."

"What I'm saying is that it's far away, and it's blocked by curtains and cloth. You have no idea what he's doing behind the scenes."

Some people are not very interested when they hear that magic is coming.

In this world, the domestic audience has gone from being curious about magic at the beginning, to liking it, to now being numb. They have been exposed to more magic and seen more. Sometimes, as soon as the magician curtains are blocked, everyone will know that you are going to use magic. If you cheat, even if you don't know what tricks the magician uses, everyone will think that you should do it. They think it has no technical content, and naturally their enthusiasm will be greatly reduced.

But when the camera turns.

But when the picture is focused on the magician.

Everyone in the audience in front of the TV was stunned.

too close!

The lens is simply too close!

"Three meters? Two meters?"

"Holy shit!"

"How did this change?"

"Isn't he going to do magic like this?"

"I can even see the pores on the magician's face!"

"Oh, something is going on!"

"Aha, who gave him the courage?"

"At such a close distance, a flaw was revealed!"

"Yes, he is so courageous!"

Audiences around the world felt incredible and their curiosity was suddenly piqued!

Some people who were not interested in magic and were about to go to the toilet also sat down at this moment. They wanted to see what tricks this person could do.

on the screen.

A glass round table surrounds the magician, surrounded by several spectators surrounding the magician at a 360-degree angle. There are also some small objects placed on the table.

The magician sits in the center.

Chen Tian was dressed handsomely. He smiled at the nearby camera and said, "Hello everyone, I am Chen Tian. The so-called close-up magic, also known as close-up magic, is a magic performed at a very close distance. What exactly is there? How close?" He suddenly stretched out his fingers toward the camera.

The audience in front of the TV only saw one hand sticking up.

The live audience can also see it clearly from another screen.

Holy shit!

This is only one meter, right?

Everyone was shocked.

Chen Tian smiled, "Yes, it's so close. So without further ado, I'll give you a simple demonstration first." He pointed to the cup on the table and picked it up, "Here is a cup of apple juice." He placed When he reached his mouth, he took a big sip, then looked at the camera, then picked up the juice box next to him and poured some into it, "Well, fill it up. This is Tianxi apple juice. It's very good." Delicious."

Everyone was stunned.

With a pop, there was a lot of laughter from the audience!

Then continued to stare at him without blinking.

paper cup.

Apple juice.

A full cup.

Nothing special.

Chen Tian put his hand on the mouth of the cup, "No need to say any more gossip, just put your hand on top and bottom, and this is the moment to witness the miracle."


What miracle?

Can you still turn water into water?

Everyone blinked, not knowing why.

Chen Tian paused for two seconds. Suddenly, he turned the paper cup upside down and placed it in his hand. Under everyone's astonished gaze, he had taken away the hand covering the mouth of the cup, but not a drop of apple juice flowed out. Come down, twist your hands again, the paper cup has been squeezed!

Still no water!

The paper cup is empty!

It actually disappeared in full view of everyone!

The scene burst into applause!

Many people almost had their eyes popped out!



"what's the situation?"

"Why has it disappeared?"

"Where's the juice?"

"This is amazing! This is amazing!"

"How is it possible! Who saw it clearly? How did it change?"

"I don't know! It disappeared suddenly!"

"Oh my god, it's so close. How did he do it?"

"Yes, hundreds of millions of Chinese people around the world are watching! It's just one meter away, and the camera doesn't freeze a single frame! How could it be gone?"

"Is this close-up magic?"

"Is this designed by Zhang Ye?"

"I'm done, can magic still be like this?"

"Can the advertisement for Tianxi Juice be run like this?"

"When it comes to advertising, I totally obey Zhang Ye!"

It was an eye-opener for everyone. Most of them had never seen such magic at such a close range, and they were all frightened!

But what they don’t know is that this is just the appetizer, this is just the beginning! (To be continued.) 8 For more exciting novels, welcome to visit our reading academy

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