I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,341 [Justify the art of cross-dressing! 】

Chen Tian is on fire. ?

Magic is on fire.

Even people within the magic world were shocked.

"Why is there no apple juice?"

"Where are the coins?"

"A blind trick?"

"Coins are props?"

"What tricks were used?"

"I can't tell."

"What about the glass? What mechanism?"

"Who sees the trick?"

"There are too few flaws to analyze!"

"I saw one, but the others were motionless. I needed slow-motion playback to study them bit by bit."

"Chen Tian's techniques have always been relatively high-level in the industry and he handles details very well. But even so, I haven't heard that Chen Tian has this skill?"

"Yeah, why did he suddenly become enlightened?"

"There is also humorous communication in the performance. This is not his previous magic style."

"Is it Zhang Ye?"

"I also heard that the magic was designed by Zhang Ye."

"But how did he, a layman, figure it out?"

"Only the devil knows!"

This magic show "Kuai Chang" has shocked even people in the industry, let alone ordinary people. Everyone knows that magic is fake and there can't be any teleportation or special functions. But where is the trick, they still don't know. No one can tell!

That’s why I was shocked!

That’s why it’s so applauding!

For a time, the entire discussion on the Internet was occupied by this magic show!

Tianxi Company.

They put in the apple juice advertisement.

I think back then, Tianxi Pure Water and Renjia Spring were direct competitors. The earth-shattering advertising battle between Li Xiaoxiao and Zhang Ye is still vivid in my mind. It can be said that Tianxi and Zhang Ye can be regarded as enemies. Zhang Ye can They had been tricked hard, but it was precisely because of this, and because Tianxi and Zhang Ye had faced each other head-on, that they knew best how powerful Zhang Ye was. There was no eternal enemy, so they also voted for this Spring Festival Gala bidding, and named them. Let Zhang Ye help them design the way the advertisement appears. It seems now that this decision was the right one!

"The ad is on!"

“This location is great!”

"Although there is only one scene and one sentence, it is really great!"

"Yes, when everyone talks about magic tricks, they always wear our brand!"

"The money spent is worth it!"

Spring evening.

One show after another.


This was Zhang Ye's most acclaimed acrobatic show in the Spring Festival Gala in the past. Its difficulty, spectacle, and enjoyment were all miraculous. Zhang Ye spent a lot of effort and found many acrobatic troupes and performance groups to put it together. This show reappears in this world.

The audience was dazzled:

"here we go again!"

"This time it's acrobatics!"




"It's so exciting!"

"These actors are amazing!"

"Can you do this kind of action?"


"This acrobatic show is awesome!"

on site.

In the audience.

A woman was absent-minded. Her name was Zhao Ke. She was the wife of Gao Xiliang, the heir to the cross-dressing art. She was watching the performance on the stage and listening to the applause and cheers of the audience in her ears. She was indifferent because she was too nervous because her husband She was about to go on stage. How could she care about watching other programs now?

To be honest, this is the first time that Zhao Ke has sat in the audience to watch her husband's performance. Yes, she has been at every performance of her husband for so many years because she is an agent, but sitting in the audience to watch her husband's performance This has never happened before, because she is afraid. She is afraid that people around her will make irresponsible remarks about her husband. What makes her most angry is that others say something bad about her husband. She cannot listen, so she simply stops listening. I was waiting backstage for my husband to finish his performance. But today is different. Today she is sitting in the front row. She wants to cheer her husband up. She doesn't want to hide anymore!

Lao Gao!

take it easy!

You can do it!

You'll be fine!

Show them your twenty years of hard work!

Let them see what real cross-dressing is!

On the stage,

The show is over.

The host joins the show and the next program begins.

The subtitles were clearly printed on the TV:

"New Drunken Beauty"

Lyricist: Zhang Ye.

Composer: Zhang Ye.

Choreographer: Zhang Ye.

Performer: Gao Xiliang.



At this moment, Zhao Ke's heart was already in her throat. She could feel her heart pounding in her throat. What she was worried about now was that the audience would not accept it and that the audience would not recognize her husband. She turned to look at the audience who were still discussing the previous show, and kept shouting in her heart.

I beg you!

This is Lao Gao’s lifelong effort!

I ask you to look at him!

I beg you to listen carefully!

The stage colors have changed!

The music sounds and the light and shadow change!

The most amazing thing is that the stage rises slowly like stairs, and there is already a person dressed in women's clothing standing on it, wearing a bright red skirt and robe, surrounded by backup dancers!



"Who is this woman?"

"I do not know."

"I don't know him either."

There are comments from the audience below.

But when the music entered the melody, and when Gao Xiliang danced his robe and opened his voice, countless viewers at the scene and in front of the TV were stunned!

"Love and hate are in a moment."

"Raise a glass to the moon and feel as much love as the sky."

"Love and hate are two things."

"Ask you when you fell in love."

"The chrysanthemum platform reflects the bright moon."

"Who knew my love was so cold?"

"Drunk in the arms of the king."

"Dream back to the love of the Tang Dynasty."

Gorgeous sleeve dance!

Gorgeous face!

Soft singing voice!

Everyone was fascinated!

Very few people knew him.

Most people have no idea who Gao Xiliang is.


"So beautiful!"


"Why haven't you seen this woman before?"

"This is a man."

"Go upstairs!"

"Haha, how can your man be so beautiful? Can he sing so femininely?"

"It's really a man. His name is Gao Xiliang. You can search it online."


"Holy shit, I searched!"

"It's a fucking man!"

"Oh My God!"


"Oh, buy me! What's going on?"

"It's impossible! It's impossible!"

"I'm sorry, if these are all men, how many people in the world would dare to say that they are women?"

"This, what kind of performance is this?"

"I heard it's called cross-dressing!"

"Cheating? This is so awesome!"

"This is simply fake and real!"

"I'm going to go! This is awesome! This is awesome!"

"Yes, this is really hard work! It wouldn't have taken ten or twenty years! The movements, expressions, and sounds are all lifelike!"

"I saw the man of God today!"

A certain newspaper company.

Several reporters were stunned.

Zhang Ye’s grandma’s house.

The family was in disbelief.

The old Wu family.

The family was stunned.

on site.

Zhao Ke was also stunned. She didn't hear any of the curses and ridicules she thought she was hearing!

My ears were filled with praises from the audience.


"This is not just a man pretending to be a woman!"

"Is this art?"

"It must be!"

"Well, if this isn't art, then what else is it!"

"It's so beautiful! It's just one word from beginning to end - beautiful!"

Thunderous applause!

Rave reviews!

Some audience members even raised their hands and cheered loudly!

Listening to the voice in his ears, Zhao Ke looked at her husband on the stage and suddenly laughed. While laughing, tears fell uncontrollably!

Lao Gao!

Did you hear that?

Did you hear that?

This is a round of applause for you!

Here’s to cheers for you!

What is cross-dressing?

Not many people knew about it before.

Not many people understand it either.



A strange look.

That's how everyone sees them.

So Zhao Ke is very grateful to Zhang Ye, because on this day, Zhang Ye, despite the heavy pressure, put the cross-dressing on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala against all opinions, because on this day, Zhang Ye vindicated the name of the art of cross-dressing!

This is not a man dressing up as a woman!

This is art!

It's real art! (To be continued.) 8 For more exciting novels, welcome to visit our reading academy

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