I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,350 [People across the country have been deceived by the 5 blessings! 】

It's past midnight!

It’s a new year!

The streets were full of firecrackers, and the Spring Festival Gala was bustling with people. ??

The Spring Festival Gala is still going on.

The show is still going on.

When stars Ning Lan and Huo Dongfang appeared together, and when the song was sung, the Chinese people around the world in front of the TV were excited again!

"my China Heart":

"Rivers and mountains only haunt me in my dreams."

"We have not been close to our motherland for many years."

"But it can't be changed no matter what."

"my China Heart."

"I'm still wearing the dress."

"My heart is still Chinese."

"My ancestors have given me everything."

"Brand the Chinese seal."

"Yangtze River! Great Wall! Huangshan! Yellow River!"

"It weighs a thousand pounds in my heart!"

"Anytime, anywhere!"

"As dear to my heart!"

The old Wu family.

Wu Changhe slapped his thigh and said, "Good singing!"

Li Qinqin said: "My Chinese heart? This song is great!"

Wu Mo was dumbfounded, "Brother Zhang wrote it again?"

Grandma’s house.

The third sister clapped her hands and applauded, "My brother is my brother!"

The eldest sister also exclaimed: "I thought the shows after midnight were just a formality and would not be so serious and careful, but there is such a good show? The quality of the show is still so high!"

Dad proudly said: "Your cousin is never sloppy in his work. As long as he does something, he will do his best. Xiao Ye will follow me in this regard."

Mom rolled her eyes and said, "You can go on your own, that's up to me!"

Dad was speechless, "What does your careless temper have to do with you?"

Mom glared, "Who is being careless? Who are you talking about?"

Grandma quickly stopped, "Okay, okay, why are you arguing during the Chinese New Year? Let me be fair, Xiaoye - actually follow me."

Everyone burst out laughing!

This is destined to be a night that will be remembered for a lifetime, especially the audience at the Spring Festival Gala. They all know exactly what kind of Spring Festival Gala they have witnessed this night!

Whether it's the pre-opening promo, the opening, the middle, the backcourt, or the finale.

Or stage construction, lighting, special effects, costumes.

Stunning from start to finish!

It's beyond imagination from start to finish!

There is no one before, and there will be no one after. This evaluation may not be appropriate in many places, because there is no one before, and one can compare them one by one, but there will be no one after, that is something in the future, and people today can't see it at all. , however, at this moment, many people have commented on this Spring Festival Gala as "unprecedented". It is not that they are not rigorous, nor that they are short-sighted, but that they really cannot imagine the future. Will there be a Spring Festival Gala in a certain year that can be compared with Zhang Ye's Spring Festival Gala this year?


It’s really unexpected!

If there really is such a year, the chief director of the Spring Festival Gala in the future may also be Zhang Ye!

Such was the case with the live audience.

The audience in front of the TV also remembered this night, especially those who participated in the Wufu Battle, and will never forget this teeth-gnashing night in their lifetime!

on tv.

The host Yan Mei started advertising, "Now, I want to announce some exciting news. The activity of collecting five blessings to win red envelopes has ended. The cash red envelopes have been distributed. Viewers who have collected five blessings can click on your One Pay Pass Wallet, surprises are waiting for you.”



Haha, I’ve been waiting for it for a long time!

The outside world exploded!

Even at the Spring Festival Gala, countless people took out their mobile phones!

"I'm coming!"

"It's over!"

"Haha, red envelope!"

"My two hundred million!"

"Hurry up!"

"Did the payment arrive?"

"Ah, it's already here!"

"How many are there?"


"This, this is?"

Main control room.

Zhang Ye's eyes flickered when he heard this.

Ha Qiqi asked from the side, "What's wrong, Director Zhang?"

Zhang Ye coughed and said, "Ahem, it's okay."

Five pits are coming!

It’s finally coming!

at this time.

When the people who collected all the five blessings opened their OnePass wallets, one of them was deeply shocked and their eyes widened!

I am surprised by your sister!

I cheer up your sister!

"What is this? What is this?"

"Two hundred and two?"

"Two hundred and two for me too!"

"Me too, I'm so stupid!"

"Fuck you, sister, the promised 200 million yuan!"

"I, I have finally collected all the five blessings!"

"Where is my two hundred million?"

"They were all divided equally? This is too much!"

"How fucking dedicated did the Spring Festival Gala program team get at the end!"

"Buy it!"

"Zhang Ye! Come out!"

"Crying! I have been gathering for a month! Just get two hundred and two? My internet and electricity bills are not enough!"

"Whose idea was this? Whose idea was this?"

"This advertisement was planned by Zhang Ye!"

"I knew this cheater didn't have good intentions!"

"Two hundred and two? I want to die!"

"Pfft! Zhang Ye is a big fucking liar!"

"Yes, it's the same as in his skit!"

"This guy has tricked all of us! Ahhh! I'm going to bite someone!"

"This is the biggest scam in history!"

"Hahahahaha! Oh, you made me laugh so hard! I knew that there must be nothing good in the plan devised by Zhang Ye! Look!"

"This guy just wants us to watch the Spring Festival Gala to gain five blessings and contribute to his ratings!"

"Conspiracy! What a big conspiracy!"

"Zhang Ye, you are so bad that pus leaks out of you!"

"Turn off the TV quickly! Stop contributing to his ratings!"

"What are you still shutting up? The Spring Festival Gala will be over soon. All the contributions that need to be made have already been made!"

"Ahhhhhh! I'm so angry!"

Only then did everyone realize.


Some members of the directing team also gathered the five blessings. When they secretly opened their wallets and took a look, their eyes went dark and they almost fainted!

22o yuan?

Several people almost rolled up their sleeves to argue with Zhang Ye!

How about so little?

Do you want to be so cheating?

We gathered for dozens of days!

We spent hundreds of dollars on electricity!

Is this it?

Lao Rao's family.

Rao Aimin scolded angrily, "Zhang Ye, you uncle!"

Chenchen was also confused, "Auntie! Zhang Ye, he doesn't look like an adult!"

Rao Aimin said coldly: "Give me two hundred and two, right? OK! Chenchen, open the door and go to Zhang Ye's studio to see if there is anything valuable for me to bring back!"

Netizens are furious!

Countless people cried!

A group of self-organized troops immediately rushed forward, shouting slogans!

"Crunt against Zhang Ye!"

"Crunt against Zhang Ye!"

"Give me back 200 million!"

"Give me back 200 million!"

"Zhang Ye, your sister!"

"Zhang Ye, your sister!"

Those who have not gathered all the five blessings are scolding their mothers.

People who have collected all five blessings are also scolding their mothers.

Everyone was so filled with hatred that they wouldn't be like this, they wouldn't be so deceptive!

In an instant, posts and memos titled "Zhang Ye, Your Sister" were posted all over the country to express the one hundred thousand idiots in my heart!

At this time, the Spring Festival Gala is finally coming to an end.

Music played on the TV, and Zhang Xia took the lead.

Later, all the participants of this year’s Spring Festival Gala came out one by one, and the entire stage was filled with actors and hosts. "Selling Kidneys" is the last program before midnight of the New Year, and the following song is the finale of this Spring Festival Gala - Zhang Ye's must-have song for the Spring Festival Gala on earth, "Unforgettable Tonight"!

"Tonight is unforgettable, tonight is unforgettable."

"No matter the ends of the earth or the ends of the earth."

"China is embraced by the same people thousands of miles apart."

"We wish the motherland well and the motherland well together."

"Farewell tonight, farewell tonight."

"New friends and old friends."

"I'll invite you again next spring."

"As long as the green hills are there, no one will grow old."

"As long as the green hills are there, people will not grow old."

"As long as the green hills are there, people will not grow old."

"We wish you all the best for our motherland."

"We wish you all the best for our motherland."

The song is moving!

The singing is lingering!

This year’s Spring Festival Gala has finally come to an end!

In front of the TV.

Many people have extremely complicated emotions!

Some people admired.

Someone cheered.

Some people admire it.

Someone discusses the previous show with the family.

There was also a large group of people who were scolding Zhang Ye for his wickedness. They were shocked by this year's Spring Festival Gala, shocked by Zhang Ye's abilities, and laughed out loud by Zhang Ye's skit. But in the end, no one could Unexpectedly, this product was so damaged that it tricked everyone in the end!

Especially the last song, the more these people listened, the more sarcastic and angry they became!

"Unforgettable Tonight"?


This is such a fucking unforgettable night!

Five blessings?

This is the five pits!

There are five fucking sinkholes! ! ! (To be continued.) 8 For more exciting novels, welcome to visit our reading academy

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