I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,353 [Get 10 blood! 】

morning. ??

The TV in the living room of Zhang Ye's parents' house also played a replay of the Spring Festival Gala. From the sound, it seemed to be Zhang Yuanqi's "Where Has the Time Gone" being played.

My mother's shout came from outside the bedroom.

"Son, are you up yet?"

"Get up, Mom."

"It's breakfast."

"Okay, where is Lao Wu?"

"I'm cooking for you, hurry up."

"Here we go."

I had dumplings stuffed with leeks for breakfast.

As soon as Zhang Ye opened the door and came out, he could smell the fragrance.

Wu Zeqing was holding chopsticks, "Why didn't you sleep more?"

Zhang Ye cheered and said, "I want to sleep. I have been on the phone all morning. This one is thanking someone and that one is congratulating me. How can I still sleep?"

Wu Zeqing smiled and said, "I heard your phone ringing. Let's eat."

Zhang Ye turned around and said, "Dad, what time did you get back yesterday?"

Dad put down the newspaper and said, "It's probably less than two o'clock in the morning."

"Why didn't you turn off the TV when you left?" Zhang Ye asked.

Dad smiled and said: "Your mother refused to let me go and said she would increase your ratings."

Mom said happily: "The TVs at your uncle's, second, and third uncle's houses are also on. Before I went to your grandma's house yesterday, I called them one by one."

Zhang Ye applauded, "Mom, great job."

Mom laughed.

Dad said: "How much ratings can these TV sets in our house increase?"

Mom glanced at him and said, "What do you know? One more is another!"

Zhang Ye asked: "I didn't bother reading the newspaper. What do you think of it?"

"Of course it's been well received!" Mom became excited when she said this, pointing to the pile of dozens of newspapers on the coffee table, "Look for yourself, I just bought them this morning, and there are also news on the Internet. There are also TV news, they are all talking about you, they are all talking about yesterday's Spring Festival Gala. Many people in the industry commented that your Spring Festival Gala this year is the most exciting one since the first year of the Spring Festival Gala. Even if it is The Spring Festival Galas that had the best reputation 20 or 30 years ago were not as good as yours in terms of program quality, art, and entertainment!"

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "The masses are very discerning."

After meal.

Zhang Ye sat on the sofa and read newspapers one by one. Beijing Times, Beijing Morning News, and even People's Daily all praised this Spring Festival Gala.

Zhang Ye is still very satisfied with everyone's evaluation. If this Spring Festival Gala is questioned and reviled by others, it will really be the biggest joke in the world. Others don't know what's going on with these shows, but Zhang Ye himself certainly knows it. It’s clear that being able to appear on his Spring Festival Gala program on Earth is because he stood out from all the programs across the country that year. This has already gone through a wave of screening. Those who can’t pass the test are eliminated, and only the best are left. However, what Zhang Ye did this time was to once again screen out this batch of elite Spring Festival Gala programs. From these outstanding programs on the Spring Festival Gala in previous years on Earth, he once again selected the most popular and most acclaimed programs. Selecting good programs one by one is equivalent to selecting a batch of the most elite programs from the elite!

All forty programs are like this!

"Thousand-Hand Guanyin"?

Liu Qian’s magic?


"In the spring"?

Which one is not thunderous?

Which one is not a classic among classics?

Do you think this Spring Festival Gala can’t be good-looking?

It's not good to watch. Zhang Ye took all the most classic programs of the Spring Festival Gala in the world for decades and put them together into a party. He brought out most of the things he could. Of course, as for what to do next year, the year after, and the Spring Festival Gala in the future, Zhang Ye doesn't care. He will leave it to some unlucky general director in the future to worry about. Being the Spring Festival Gala general director once is enough. He can He didn't want to do it a second time. This was really tiring and stressful. He hadn't had a good night's sleep in the past two months.

The Spring Festival Gala is over, and Zhang Ye is on vacation. Now that he is feeling relaxed, he just wants to rest for a few days and live a peaceful New Year.

It's almost noon.

Mom and dad put on their coats.

Dad said: "Xiaoye, Zeqing, we are going to your aunt's house first."

Zhang Ye asked: "Are you going to visit my aunt at noon?"

"Yes, your dad and I will go over first to help prepare the meal." Mom said.

"Okay, then Old Wu and I will be there in a moment." Zhang Ye said.

"Don't be in a hurry, just arrive before lunch." Mom said.

"Okay." Zhang Ye said.

My mother told me, "You still have to go to your grandma's house in the evening. You didn't go there on New Year's Eve. You must go over today to pay New Year greetings, take a shower, and tidy up quickly."

Zhang Ye said: "I know."

My parents are gone.

As soon as the door closed, Zhang Ye and Wu Zeqing were left in the room.

Wu Zeqing was clearing away the remaining dishes from breakfast.

Zhang Ye walked up to her with a smile and hugged her from behind, "Old Wu."

Wu Zeqing didn't look back, and smiled while cleaning up, "What's wrong? Are you smiling so cunningly?"

"Pfft, what does it mean to be cunning? Look at your choice of words. Oops, stop messing with the dishes." Zhang Ye looked at Old Wu who was dressed at home with great envy.

Wu Zeqing smiled and said, "Haha, we haven't finished cleaning up yet."

Zhang Ye blinked his eyes and said, "Brother, I haven't been home for two months. Ahem, you can't express your gratitude?"

"What does it mean?" Old Wu asked.

"Come on, I'll tell you when you go back to the house." Zhang Ye dragged her into the house.

"Wait a minute, my hands are still dirty."

"Oh, hurry up, we have to leave soon."

"It's broad daylight."

"It's dark when you close the curtains."

"There's not enough time."

"It's still an hour away."

"Haha, you."

"Quick, quick, Harry, poof!"

This guy suddenly said something in English, which caught people off guard.

"Xiao Ye."


"If you don't know English, just stop talking next time."

"Isn't it standard?"

"Not quite standard."

"Oh, I'll study hard from now on."

"Why do you think of learning English?"

"Don't be stunned, and said while taking off - well, if I reach the top of the domestic entertainment industry, my future goal is to be on the world stage. I will definitely be able to use English, as well as Russian and Spanish. I am ready to learn them, not just to follow Foreigners communicate, but I have to know who is scolding me. Foreign language swearing courses are my focus. I will look back and see if there are any training courses on English swearing. I will sign up for one just in case. Oh, you Is it easy to be a star? How much do you have to learn? Not everyone can become a star."

"Haha, there are no stars like you in the entertainment industry who learn foreign languages ​​just to curse people."

"Oh, hurry up, time! Time!"

"Okay, that's enough."

The door closes.

The curtain was drawn.

ten minutes.

twenty minutes.

half an hour.

There was spring in the house.

After two months, Zhang Ye angrily took Lao Wu's tenth blood! ! (To be continued.) 8 For more exciting novels, welcome to visit our reading academy

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