I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,360 [Zhang Ye’s one-day recorded interview! 】

The fourth day of the Lunar New Year. ?

In the morning, newspapers are on sale.

"The King is Born!" 》

"Zhang Ye reaches the top with strength! 》

"The entertainment industry may enter a new era!" 》

"Many celebrities send their humble blessings! 》

"Zhang Ye reaches new heights of popularity!" 》

Turning on the TV, there was news about Zhang Ye.

CCTV: "Tonight, "A Date with Yan Mei" will bring a special program. The famous talk show host Yan Mei will enter Zhang Ye's home to bring you the most real Zhang Ye and record him with the camera. A day of work and life. Are you ready for Zhang Ye’s first appearance after being promoted to Heavenly King?"

on Weibo.


"I'm coming!"

"Haha, "A Date with Yan Mei" is here!"

"Looking forward to the interview."

"Yes, I have never seen Zhang Ye in real life."

"What a show of being a king!"

"I watch this show all the time, it's interesting!"

"I just want to see Wu Zeqing!"

"Pfft, actually me too, Director Wu is so beautiful!"

"If Zhang Ye's wife had given up her official career to pursue entertainment, she would have been more popular than that guy!"

"Hahahaha, agree!"

"Just because of Director Wu, I turned from being a fan of Radio and Television to being a fan!"

"Pfft, I'm interviewing Zhang Ye. Do you have any business?"

"The recording should have started, right?"

"Wait and see tonight!"



It's past seven o'clock.

Zhang Ye got up very early today because he had an interview appointment. But he didn't expect that Yan Mei and the team would arrive earlier. As soon as he opened his eyes, the doorbell rang downstairs.

"Is someone here?"

"Seems to be."

"Open the door, Old Wu."


Wu Zeqing opened the door.

Zhang Ye yawned and walked down the stairs. He and Yan Mei were old acquaintances and had worked together during the Spring Festival Gala.

Outside the door, Yan Mei, dressed in casual clothes, stood there with a smile. There was only a camera crew behind her, holding a camera. The lens was turned on and the lights were on. From the first second when Yan Mei knocked on the door, the camera started recording. They wanted to record Zhang Ye's day's work and life, and the entire process was videotaped.

Yan Mei smiled and said: "Wu Bureau, happy New Year."

Wu Zeqing smiled, "Here? Come in."

The camera focused on her and took a picture.

"Hey, excuse me." Yan Mei walked into the room, lowered her head and said, "I have to change my shoes, right?"

Zhang Ye also came up and said carelessly: "Hey, no need, just step on it as you like, just like your own home."

The camera immediately focused on Zhang Ye.

Yan Mei smiled and said: "Director Zhang, I will follow you today. I will go wherever you go, and I will eat whatever you eat. I will take care of the food."

Zhang Ye said happily: "That depends on your appetite."

Yan Mei smiled: "I have a big appetite."

Zhang Ye shouted: "Then I have to hesitate."

Several people laughed.

Yan Mei said: "Today's interview is nothing special. You will be fine as usual. Just say a few words to me when you have time. Don't worry about me when you are busy. I will just watch from the side. .”

Zhang Ye blinked and said, "How is it usually? How is it today?"

Yan Mei nodded and smiled: "Yes, we want your most authentic life state."

Zhang Ye turned around and left, "Okay."

"Huh? What are you doing?" Yan Mei was stunned.

Zhang Ye said: "I'll sleep for another two hours. I usually sleep until nine o'clock."

Yan Mei: "Pfft!"

The cameraman also burst out laughing!

Wu Zeqing smiled and said, "Ignore him, that's just the way he is."

Zhang Ye just made a joke, but of course he didn't actually go back to sleep.

Yan Mei looked at Lao Wu, "Is your lover usually like this?"

Wu Zeqing smiled and said: "He is usually like this, relatively poor."

Yan Mei: "Can I take a tour of your home?"

"Okay, you can do whatever you want." Wu Zeqing didn't care about them anymore and went to cook.


Yan Mei came up with a camera.

Zhang Ye was brushing his teeth in the bathroom when he saw her coming up.

He held his toothbrush in his mouth and mumbled: "Lao Yan, you haven't had breakfast, right?"

Yan Mei said: "I haven't eaten yet."

Zhang Ye said happily: "I'm not bragging to you. You can try my lover's craftsmanship in a while. I guarantee that if you come to our house today, you won't want to leave in the future." He spit out the toothpaste foam casually and rinsed his mouth. , spat out the little water in his mouth, and said: "Don't believe it, I didn't lie to you."

Yan Mei said expectantly: "I'm already hungry."

Zhang Ye wiped his face and went out in slippers, "Are you hungry? Let's go."

Breakfast is ready.

Yan Mei said politely: "Thank you, Bureau Wu."

Wu Zeqing said: "You're welcome."

Yan Mei said: "You usually cook?"

Wu Zeqing smiled and said: "I can't cook a few meals. He is busy with work and I work a lot. We rarely get together to have a meal together."

Zhang Ye was very showy, "Try it, try it quickly."

"Okay." Yan Mei moved her chopsticks, then looked surprised, "It's so delicious!"

Zhang Ye laughed loudly, "I didn't fool you, did I?"

Yan Mei immediately turned to the direction of the camera and said: "I really don't praise this, it's really delicious."

Zhang Ye boasted: "You haven't seen my lover's specialty dish yet. I'll show it to you at noon."

Ring ring ring.

At this time, the mobile phone rang.

Zhang Ye answered the question and said: "Old Ha, what's the matter? Okay, okay - um, I understand. I'll go over and talk about it later - um, okay."

Hang up.

Zhang Ye said to Old Wu: "I have something to do and go back to the studio."

Wu Zeqing asked: "Come back for lunch?"

Zhang Ye said helplessly: "Let's talk about it, it won't be possible when we are busy."

After the meal, Zhang Ye put on his coat and left.

Yan Mei and the cameraman followed him into the car.

In the car, Zhang Ye stepped on the accelerator and drove out of the community, then turned to Yan Mei in the passenger seat and said, "Sometimes, I feel sorry for my wife. Usually, the meal is ready and the chopsticks are picked up. I have to go out immediately after a phone call or an urgent matter. Sometimes I really want to give up and take a break for half a year, but there is no way. We are in this industry, how can we take a break? The audience doesn’t want it? The work doesn’t want it? The fans don’t want it? How many people? They are all waiting for you. How many people are pointing at you to eat, can you ignore it? You have to get up even if you are paralyzed! "

Yan Mei lamented: "I may be a little better than you. I don't have that much work, but sometimes I am really busy. I often go on business trips and can't go home."

Zhang Ye asked: "Old Yan, are you single?"

Yan Mei smiled and said, "I am single now. My last marriage ended because of mutual misunderstanding at work, so I don't plan to start a family before I retire."

The atmosphere is a bit heavy.

The two of them had a lot of feelings for each other.

Zhang Ye was driving the car and suddenly said to himself:

"I once thought that being sentimental would harm my holy life."

"When you go into the mountains, you are afraid that you will not be able to fall in love with the city."

"The world is safe and sound."

"If you don't live up to Tathagata, you will never live down to your Majesty."

Yan Mei fell silent, her heart deeply moved by this poem!

The cameraman also took a deep breath.

"Director Zhang."


"I beg you for a calligraphy treasure."

"What calligraphy?"

"That's the poem."

"Okay, I'll write it later and find someone to send it to you."


"You're welcome." (To be continued.) 8 For more exciting novels, welcome to visit our reading academy

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