I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,366 [The legend of Zhang Ye in the world! 】

On the plane. 【】

While boarding the plane, Zhang Ye used his mobile phone to send a voice message to his mother. What he said made the people next to him laugh. He only heard him say: "Oh, Mom, just keep your heart in your stomach, or go abroad." Well, nothing will happen. Don't worry. I will adhere to the principles of respect and tolerance when I go out this time. They don't respect me? Then I respect them, but they don't respect me? I still respect them, but they don't respect me? I Just respect them, and they keep disrespecting me? Damn, I’ll kill them to death—then they can’t always disrespect me.”

Ning Lan: "Hahahahaha!"

Xiaodong: "Hahahahahaha."

Xu Meilan couldn't help laughing.

Wherever Zhang Ye is around, there will always be relaxation and laughter. It's like he's talking about cross talk wherever he goes.

The stewardess on the plane was also pleasantly surprised when she saw him.


"Teacher Zhang?"

"Teacher Zhang is here?"

"I'll get your luggage!"

"Teacher Zhang, give me your luggage, give me your luggage!"

This was an Air China plane. As soon as Zhang Ye entered the cabin, several flight attendants rushed around to help him. Behind him, a group of celebrities were left standing there.

Zhang Ye was a little embarrassed, "No, no, no."

AMY was speechless, "Look at this treatment."

Xiaodong said: "They are all first class, why is the difference so big?"

Da Qi smiled and said, "Teacher Zhang is an honorary lifelong passenger of Air China. He doesn't pay anything to fly. He saved a whole plane of passengers and stewardesses back then, so the treatment is naturally different."

Ning Lan remembered, "Oh yes, there is still such a thing."

The flight attendant informed the captain.

The captain also came out to greet us, "Teacher Zhang, welcome!"

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "I told you not to be polite."

The captain said: "That's not okay. No one can neglect you. Teacher Zhang, I'm getting married, and the bride is the flight attendant who was saved by you back then."

Zhang Ye said in surprise: "Oh? The thin one or the fat one?"

The captain smiled and said, "The thin one."

Zhang Ye said: "Oh, you are very lucky. Congratulations."

The captain said: "Thank you, it's all thanks to you. I'll bring you some wedding candy later!"

Zhang Ye was also very happy and felt a sense of accomplishment.

First class area.

Everyone sat down, and bodyguard Sun Aixi helped them put their luggage one by one.

Li Xiaoxian: "Thank you, Brother Sun."

Sun Aixi smiled naively, "Teacher Li, you're too polite."

Xiaodong held Li up with his feet, "Brother Sun, I'm a little heavy too."

"Don't worry about Teacher Xiaodong, I'll release you." Sun Aixi said in a generous tone.

Xiaodong smiled, "Thank you."

Sun Aixi said: "Sister Lan just told me that I am responsible for the safety of the team. If you have any questions along the way, you can come to me."

Ning Lan asked curiously: "Is Lao Sun a veteran?"

Most of the bodyguards are veterans.

Xu Meilan laughed when she heard this and said, "That's not the case with Old Sun. Master Sun is a serious practitioner with very high kung fu. Three or five people can't easily get close to him."

AMY was surprised, "So powerful?"

Sun Aixi blushed a little, "No, no."

Da Qi asked: "Is there really martial arts in this world?"

Sun Aixi explained: "We usually call it Guoshu."

Xiaodong smiled and said: "Then who is better, you or Uncle Jiang?"

Everyone in the entertainment industry knows that Jiang Hanwei, the Asian martial arts superstar, is a martial arts practitioner and has real kung fu. In everyone's perception, Jiang Hanwei is the person with the highest kung fu in the country, because they only know this one, but they don't listen. I have mentioned other masters, so when many media news reports about kung fu masters, they will rank Jiang Hanwei first. This is already a recognized thing.

Jiang Hanwei looked at him, "Which sect does Master Sun belong to?"

Sun Aixi said: "Sun Family Boxing."

Jiang Hanwei said unexpectedly: "Hey, are you Master Sun Hesun?"

Sun Aixi said: "That's my second uncle."

Jiang Hanwei smiled and said: "We can discuss and learn from each other when we have time."

Sun Aixi said: "Okay,

If you have the opportunity, please ask Master Jiang for advice. "

The two of them chatted sentence by sentence.

However, Zhang Ye was not interested in this topic and did not even listen. Before the plane took off, he was chatting with Wu Zeqing on his mobile phone with his head down and a smile on his face.

Sitting next to him was Ning Lan.

Ning Lan said with a smile: "People talk about kung fu, don't you listen? Last time I was surrounded by people while filming, you came to help me out, I heard that all the practitioners called you Master Zhang?"

Zhang Ye said absently: "Ah? Ah."

Ning Lan said: "You know how to do kung fu?"

Zhang Ye said casually while typing: "Ah, I know a little bit."

Xiaodong turned around in surprise, "Teacher Zhang, too?"

Chen Guangle said: "Listen to him."

AMY chuckled, "Why do I not believe it so much? Look at your physique and temperament. Master Sun is the real practitioner."

Jiang Hanwei said nothing.

Sun Aixi was so frightened that she almost peed, and said quickly: "No, no!"

Sister! Just stop flattering me, okay? Who dares to call himself a master in front of others? They are the real masters of Chinese martial arts! He is a Tai Chi master who has been lost for hundreds of years! Don't talk about me, even if Master Jiang and I are together, we are no match for him. He is a being who can compete with the masters of Chinese martial arts. He has swept through Zhoujiquan, Huashan, Emei, Wudang, Shaolin, etc. all by himself. Kongtong and other ruthless people from more than ten sects! He is a person in the world who is frightened just by mentioning his name!

Compare me with others?

Aren’t you degrading me?

Sun Aixi was very excited, but he couldn't tell anything about Zhang Ye, so he wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl in.

At this time, Zhang Ye finished chatting, threw his phone on the chair, got up and went to the bathroom.

One minute.

Two minutes.


As soon as he opened the door and started to walk out, Zhang Ye was startled.

A dark shadow suddenly stood outside the door.

——He is the bodyguard of the Queen of Heaven.

Zhang Ye thought he was also waiting to go to the toilet, so he turned sideways and said, "Come in."

No one was around.

However, Sun Aixi did not go in. She held her fists solemnly and said respectfully: "Sun Aixi, the seventh generation disciple of Sun Family Quan, has met Master Zhang."

Sun family boxing?


Zhang Ye was startled, "Do you know me?"

Sun Aixi carefully held her fists and said: "I am fortunate to have heard the elders in my family talk about Master Zhang's deeds. The elders in my family also experienced the great battle in the sky. They were also fortunate to fight alongside Master Zhang and witnessed it. Master Zhang's demeanor makes people's blood boil every time I think of it." After a pause, he quickly said: "Sister Lan asked me about you just now. Of course I understand the rules of the world. I didn't say anything. Don't worry about this. It’s not someone who doesn’t understand the rules.”


Do you understand?

I do not understand!

What are the rules of the world?

Zhang Ye has never considered himself a member of the world. He is just an entertainer in the entertainment industry. It was a helpless move to go to heaven to challenge various sects. Who would have thought that since then, there will be no one left in the world? Everyone still keeps silent about his legend, and their expressions change when they talk about it.

That's what you said!

I didn’t let you say it!

If you give me publicity, your popularity will increase!

If people in the world knew that Zhang Ye thought this way, they would probably vomit blood!

In fact, the so-called rules of the world are that if you know it, then you know it, which means you are qualified to know it. If you don’t know it, then you shouldn’t know it. For example, Sister Lan, or those celebrities in the entertainment industry, they are not here. Of course, no one would talk to them about some things in Jianghu, at least Sun Aixi couldn't talk about it, because the people and things involved were too big, and he didn't have enough seniority or qualifications. Of course, he couldn't talk about it on his own, let alone What about telling outsiders? Only Jianghu people know about Jianghu affairs. This is the rule.

Sun Aixi said respectfully: "If you have the opportunity in the future, please ask Master Zhang for some advice."

Zhang Ye could only clasp his fists and say: "Easy to say, easy to say."

Sun Aixi was overjoyed, "Then I take you to agree?"

Zhang Ye said: "Huh? Ah, okay." (To be continued.).

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