I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,368 [Zhang Ye comes to the rescue! 】

Music festival scene. ??

The music is agitated and the fans are screaming!

Amy was so excited that she started shouting!

Xiaodong beat the rhythm and hummed.

There were only two people who were more alternative. One was Ning Lan. She couldn't stand this kind of heavy music and kept covering her ears. The other was Zhang Ye, who was speechless and looked uninterested.

Li Xiaoxian asked: "Teacher Zhang doesn't like it?"

Zhang Ye looked at her and said loudly: "Huh?"

The music is too loud.

Li: "You don't like it?"

Zhang Ye curled his lips and said: "They are all in foreign languages, I can't understand them at all."

Amy turned around and shouted: "This is heavy metal!"

Zhang Ye replied: "Haha."

Ning Lan also smiled and said, "Haha."

Amy said in surprise: "How nice it sounds!"

Seeing Amy complimenting the foreigner, Zhang Ye didn't bother to talk to her.

Does this sound good?

Very ordinary!

Suddenly, the Chinese star group shouted.

"Old Chen is here!"

"It's Lao Chen's turn!"

"come on!"

"Okay, good singing!"

"I haven't sung it yet."

"Haha, let me say hello first."

Only then did Zhang Ye raise his head.

Ning Lan also loosened her hands on her ears a little.

You definitely have to listen to Chen Guang's performance.

Chen Guang's popularity in Asia is okay, not very high, but not very low either. He has some Korean fans who like rock music, and many Chinese students also like him very much. But of course, they are definitely incomparable to those local Korean stars and Western rock stars. Regardless of cultural reasons or political reasons, in places such as Japan and South Korea, white people and local celebrities are still popular. This is a phenomenon that is difficult to change.

Music up!

The band borrowed it. Neither Chen Guang nor Zhao Wuliu brought a band. They were not professional heavy metal players. They just represented the Chinese rock industry and made a guest appearance.

Chen Guang shouted:





Amy said loudly: "Not bad, not bad!"

Xiaodong smiled and said, "That's the song!"

Li Xiaoxian has also heard, "American classic metal rock."

Jiang Hanwei said: "Old Chen has a good voice."

Zhang Ye was quite looking forward to it, but he felt helpless when he heard it.

Have a good voice? What's the matter? Lao Chen is not suitable for singing this kind of song. You are a pop rock player, why are you joining in the fun with others who play heavy metal?

Their team brought IFI with them.

Zhang Ye searched the Internet for heavy metal music in this world. There were not many types, and it started a little late. The historical display was completely different from that of his earth, at least twenty years later. No wonder Zhang Ye sounded a little awkward. No wonder this China on Earth does not yet have its own heavy metal music. It turns out that heavy metal in this world started late and is not particularly mature yet. This International Heavy Metal Music Festival has only been held for five years. Compared with other music forms, Heavy metal is still very young here.

Of course, this "young" evaluation may only be made by Zhang Ye, because he has experienced the growth and maturity of heavy metal on his earth, has listened to too many classics, and witnessed too many bands, so he is qualified to comment. But for people in this world, the form of heavy metal music here is already the latest and most cutting-edge. Naturally, they will not feel immature. They have never seen truly mature heavy metal music. Maybe a few years later, ten years later, they may not see that day coming.

Chen Guang finished singing.

Next, bands came on stage to sing one after another. The bands were all heavy metal bands from all over the world, and the atmosphere on the scene became higher and higher.

Ning Lan almost vomited, and said at the top of her lungs: "Let me tell you! When are we leaving?"

Amy said: "This is just half of the process! Sister Ning,

Listen again, listen attentively! You can definitely feel the soul of heavy metal music! "

Ning Lan rolled her eyes, "Listen with your heart? I can't appreciate it even if I listen with my kidneys!"

Zhang Ye was happy, but he couldn't appreciate it either.



He heard flaws everywhere.

And the most important thing is that he can't understand English, Korean, or even Spanish sung by the band, which makes this guy even more confused. In an international music festival, every country has its own heavy metal music, its own language, and its own heavy metal singing style. But China doesn’t have one? A huge country still has to imitate others and cover others? This sounds even less interesting, and there is no sense of participation at all.

Zhang Ye also suggested: "Let's just go."

Ning Lan said: "Yes, yes, it's too noisy."

Just as he was talking, a Korean band on the stage suddenly sang.

Da Qi was stunned, ""BoBo"?"

Li Xiaoxian also exclaimed, "Didn't Teacher Zhao say on the plane that this was the song he wanted to sing?"

Amy was stunned, "Is there any?"

Xiaodong also remembered, "It seems so."

Zhang Ye frowned and said, "Don't all the songs for this kind of music festival be decided in advance? It's impossible for two groups of people to sing the exact same song, right?"

Amy said: "Yes, what's going on?"

Xu Meilan asked: "Is something wrong?"

At this time, everyone's cell phones rang.

Amy shouted: "Look at the group chat on the mobile phone!"

Zhang Ye asked: "What group chat?"

Amy said: "We set up a group on the plane."

Everyone took out their mobile phones and saw that the message was actually from Zhao Wuliu. He should be in the background now. He will appear on stage in a few days!

Within the group.

Zhao Wuliu: "Where are the people? Is there anyone?"

Xu Meilan asked: "What's going on, Lao Zhao?"

Amy: "Why did your song get sung by others?"

Zhao Wuliu cursed loudly: "I-fuck-his-uncle! That Korean band changed the song temporarily and chose the song "BoBo". They didn't even notify the organizer. They didn't know until they came on stage. I was ready to I have this song, I haven’t prepared anything else, I don’t have anything to sing!”

Jiang Hanwei typed: "How about another one?"

Zhao Wuliu: "It's too late. The band was all borrowed, so I just broke into one song in advance. And I'm not a professional heavy metal player. I haven't studied a few songs myself. Plus my English is not good. Even if I'm a little better than Director Zhang, I'm not much better. Now if I change to another song, how can I remember the lyrics? I have to correct the music again, and I can't keep up. These Koreans are so wicked!"

Xu Meilan suggested: "Where is Lao Chen?"

Zhao Wuliu: "He just prepared one."

Amy said: "What should we do?"

Zhao Wuliu said: "So the rivers and lakes are here to help. Who knows heavy metal? Any song can be played, and one can be played. Hurry up and help me! Save the place!"

Xu Meilan said: "I know, let's discuss it."

Zhao Wuliu said: "There are still ten minutes left!"

Abroad, everyone still sticks together.

And it is difficult to say that this incident was not deliberately caused by the Koreans.

As the leader of the team, Xu Meilan naturally started to organize things, "Everyone knows what happened. Old Zhao is in trouble. What should we do?"

Ning Lan spread her hands, "I can't even sing pop music well, let alone heavy metal."

Jiang Hanwei said: "I don't know how to rock and roll either."

Da Qi expressed his stance, "I'm even worse, I'm tone-deaf."

Xu Meilan looked at Amy, "Amy, do you know something?"

Amy almost cried, "I'm just living in vain, I can't sing."

Xiaodong also said: "There are not many people who can sing heavy metal. Let's not talk about anything else. A few of us in Spring Garden have bad voices."

They are an idol group, not a rock band.

Xu Meilan looked at the last one, "Teacher Zhang?"

Zhang Ye smacked his lips, "Heavy metal?"

Xu Meilan asked: "Is it okay?"

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "It's okay."

Ning Lan was the first to not believe it, "You can sing heavy metal?"

Da Qi was also shocked and said: "Isn't your English very poor?"

Amy said: "Teacher Zhang, are you really lying? Have you ever heard of heavy metal?"

Zhang Yexin said that when I was listening to heavy metal, you didn’t know where you were. (To be continued.) 8 For more exciting novels, welcome to visit our reading academy

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