I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1371 [The popularity of Asia has risen! 】

readx(); that night.

The show was a huge success.

The International Heavy Metal Music Festival came to a successful conclusion with Zhang Ye's singing.

However, at the scene, nearly 10,000 spectators were reluctant to leave for a long time, and their emotions were still in a state of excitement, shouting a name like crazy - a Chinese name!

"Zhang Ye!"

"Zhang Ye!"

"Zhang Ye!"

"Zhang Ye!"

"Zhang Ye!"

A "Dream Back to Tang Dynasty"!

A song "No Place to Shame"!

It made the hairs of countless people in the audience stand up!


Really great!


On the bus going back.

Zhang Ye's expression was still unsatisfactory.

Songs of the Tang Dynasty.

Black Panther's song.

He took it out today, and it was fun! So much fun!

Although Zhang Ye is not a professional in this field, he still has a heart of rock and roll in his bones!

in the car.

Zhang Ye and several people from Spring Garden have been "surrounded" by everyone!

Da Qi raised his thumb and said excitedly: "Don't say anything, awesome! It's awesome! Have you seen the atmosphere at the scene? Nearly ten thousand people are shouting your name! Nearly ten thousand people are screaming and shouting! We ordinary people in China How can there be such an atmosphere in the concert, only heavy metal music can have this madness! I sat down and listened with excitement, my voice, Lao Chen, Lao Zhao and I are almost hoarse!"

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Haha."

amY exclaimed: "I'm having fun too!"

Xiaodong happily said: "Today is really refreshing!"

"Yes!" Li Xiaoxian said: "Who said we don't have heavy metals in China!" dudu1();

Xu Meilan laughed when she heard this, "I just figured out today how the name 'Slap Face Zhang' came about. I didn't pay much attention to it before, and I wonder why people keep calling him that."

amY said: "Haha, you just know, sister Lan? Teacher Zhang has been on the road of slapping faces for many years! Now he has gone abroad!"

Ning Lan said with a smile: "I never listen to heavy metal music. Today, the one sung by other people is all noise to me. It hurts my ears, but I don't get bored with our teacher Zhang's song at all." , I really like to hear it, what is this? This is what our teacher Xiao Zhang is capable of! Haha!"

Zhang Ye waved his hand pretendingly, "Sister Ning, keep a low profile, low profile."

Zhao Wuliu took a deep breath and said, "Director Zhang, I really convinced you today, completely convinced! What else do you not know? You can produce Chinese style of heavy metal music? Or was it just a temporary idea on the spot? Do you know that there are so many bands in China, how many years have they not made a name? If we had known this, we would have asked you for advice! Chinese rock and roll could have made their voice on foreign stages a few years earlier!"

Zhang Ye said, "I'm just saving a game for you, I'm not a professional player."

Chen Guang laughed loudly, "You are not a rescuer, you are a shocker, you know? Your singing today has opened a new chapter in Chinese heavy metal rock music! These two songs of yours , is the pioneering work of Chinese heavy metal! The contribution is too great! It also pointed out a way for the bands in China who are still exploring their own heavy metal music in China. You are equivalent to the status of the patriarch. , who can avoid your name? When we talk about the development history of Chinese heavy metal music in the future, your name must be the first one mentioned! It must be the 5th International Heavy Metal Music Festival! You have made great achievements! "

Zhang Ye snorted, "It's not that serious, it's not that serious."

After hearing this, Xiaodong rolled her playful eyes, "Hey, hello, what about us? No one said us?"

amY was not happy anymore, and said, "That's right, what about our contribution?"

Everyone quickly praised it.

"You guys are great too."

"Yes, it has left a name in history!"

"Haha, Sister Dong's bass is too skillful!"

"amY's drum kit is in place."

"Yeah, it's hard to imagine that it was just running in before going on the court.


"You can sing well too!"

"The last few words that the three of you yelled, are too heavy metal!"

This flattery made the three girls in Spring Garden very happy.

amY raised her chest, "From now on, my sisters will also be heavy metal rock singers!"

Xiaodong also joked: "Yes, let's change careers and stop being a youth idol group!"

Zhang Ye: "..."

Li Xiaoxian: "..."

Everyone is also happy.

But today is really exciting!

A few of them are indeed too embarrassing for China!

 … dudu2();

the other side.

Somewhere in Seoul.

Korean star Lee An-wook's team work location.

"Ouba! Oppa!"

"What's wrong?"

"That Zhang Ye has come to Seoul!"

"What? What is he doing here?"

"Maybe it's a charity dinner tomorrow, but just now, he and the Chinese Star Troupe went to the International Heavy Metal Music Festival, and he also appeared on the stage, unexpectedly suppressing our most famous Korean wind band and other foreign bands Go down! The scene is crazy! It's unbelievable!"

"How can it be!"

"It's true! One of our staff was there!"

"How can the Chinese sing heavy metal!"


Korean social network:

"The video is out!"

"Recommend a video for you guys, listen to it!"


"Song at a heavy metal festival!"

"Wow, this is great!"

"Very shocking, very passionate!"

"who is this?"

"He is a heavenly king in China and a top star in Asia!"

"do not know."

"I don't know either."

"Ah? Is it the number one Go player in the world?"

"Yes, that's him!"

"Oh oh oh, now that I've said that, I'm thinking of him too!"

 … dudu3();



"It's so classic!"

"Anyone who likes heavy metal music should listen to it!"

"It's hard to believe this is the work of the Chinese!"

"Who is Zhang Ye?"

"It's the teacher in the Chinese university, the one who led the students to curse."

"Ah? It's him!"

"Can he still sing?"

"Well, I heard that this person is the top star in China!"

"That's right, his name is also listed on the ranking of top Asian artists!"


Asian media also reported one after another!

The journalists in Asia were shocked too!

This thing is really incredible!

The International Heavy Metal Music Festival is held! "

"Chinese Stars Amazed the Audience! "

"Chinese heavy metal music debut in Asia! "

"A song "Dream Back to the Tang Dynasty" is popular at the music festival! "

"Chinese Star Steals the Show! "

"Zhang Ye: A Disgraced Asian A-list Star! "


The music festival video goes viral!

The original soundtrack of the two songs went viral!

All of a sudden, Zhang Ye's popularity in Asia soared!

This was the first time that Zhang Ye took the initiative to appear on a foreign stage, and it was also the first time he appeared in front of the Asian people and media in this way!

That night.

The Asian artist rating list is updated.

On the list, Zhang Ye's popularity has increased a lot! Announcement: This site recommends a free novel APP, bid farewell to all advertisements. Please follow the WeChat public account to download and install appxsyd (press and hold for three seconds to copy)

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