I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1373 [The charity dinner begins! 】

readx(); noon.

half past twelve.

Korea Er.

The sky here is clear and smoggy. Apart from this difference, the surroundings are also full of high-rise buildings and busy traffic. I don't feel any too eye-catching difference from China.

In a restaurant with hangers in Korean, in a foreign country, the members of the Chinese star group were not too high-profile, so they just found a restaurant near the hotel and entered.

There are Koreans pointing and pointing.



"Those girls are so beautiful."

"Is it a star?"

"Not like people from our country?"

"It's a Chinese star!"

"Ah, that person is Zhang Ye."

"Yes, I also made a video yesterday!"

"It's really him!"

"The news said, this is a jerk."

"He has a bad reputation in China."

"Well, An Xu Ouba let him beat him."

"When the Japanese delegation visited China, he also scolded him."

"But he sings really well."

I think when the Chinese star troupe first came to South Korea and got off the plane, no one at the airport knew Zhang Ye, and no one paid attention to him. However, a day later, the Chinese star troupe went to the streets and restaurants in Seoul again, and people could already recognize him. There is Zhang Ye without sunglasses. This change is too obvious and intuitive. The increase in Zhang Ye's popularity on the Asian star rating list has already been reflected. Although this quantitative change has not reached the point of producing a qualitative change, it is a good start, indicating that Zhang Ye's popularity in Asia still has a lot of room to rise, and his popularity is also slowly increasing. This time Zhang Ye's The trip to South Korea has already completed the task of showing his face on the Asian stage.

a la carte.

eat vegetables.

Ning Lan pointed her chopsticks at the back of Zhang Ye with a smile, "Are those people talking about you?"

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Who knows, I don't understand."

Xiaodong smirked and said, "Director Zhang, he is charming and capable. He is popular wherever he goes, and the Asian market has also opened up." dudu1();

Zhang Ye pretended to wave his hands and said, "Low-key, low-key."

The accompanying female translator's eyelids twitched, and she looked back, not ashamed to tell Zhang Ye: Actually, people didn't say anything good about you at all.


mixed up.



—Which is a good word?

Chen Guang asked, "Hey, where's Miss Lan?"

Amy said: "She went to do some errands in the morning, so she should be picking up someone now?"

Li Xiaoxian said: "I told Sister Lan the address, and she will come over later."

Just as I was talking, the person has arrived.

Outside, the two queens came side by side.

A Xu Meilan.

A Zhang Yuanqi.

There are four or five Chinese celebrities behind, all of whom participated in the Asian Charity Dinner. They should have just got off the plane with Zhang Yuanqi and arrived today. Huo Dongfang's figure was also in the crowd, but apart from Lao Huo, Zhang Ye was not very familiar with the others, and hadn't had much contact with them.

Zhang Ye greeted, "Old Zhang, Lao Huo, are you here?"

Huo Dongfang smiled and said, "Have you eaten all of them? Why didn't you wait for us?"

Zhang Ye said, "Who knows when you will come?"

Huo Dongfang sat next to Zhang Ye, and said, "You're popular again this time. Everyone in the country has heard about what happened last night. There was a wave of media bombardment, and there was a wave of hot discussion on the Internet. You are still saying that you have contributed to the Chinese rock and roll industry, okay you, you will not be idle when you come out."

Zhang Ye said happily, "That is, can I let go of the matter of winning glory for the country?"

Zhao Wuliu smiled, "Yes, for the glory of the country, Teacher Zhang has to do it."

Zhang Yuanqi also sat down, "Go to the venue of the charity dinner in the afternoon, and we will walk on the red carpet."

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Let's go together? That's fine."

Xu Meilan smiled, "Sister Zhang and I fought for a long time on the road."

In the lineup of the Chinese star group this time, Zhang Yuanqi, Xu Meilan and Zhang Ye are the most popular in China. They are all first-line.

According to the convention, the two of them would definitely walk the catwalk together. Zhang Yuanqi and Xu Meilan were both lesbians, so it wasn't appropriate to walk together, so Zhang Ye would definitely walk the red carpet with one of them. Men and women matched. They had already chosen someone before they came. dudu2();

Zhang Ye was overjoyed, "As for it? We still have to fight for a long time?"

Huo Dongfang hummed, "It's finally decided by rock-paper-scissors."

Zhang Ye laughed, "Sister Zhang is lucky."

Zhang Yuanqi stabbed the knife: "What kind of luck? I lost."

Zhang Ye was stunned, and fainted, "Ah? Whoever co-authored lost and who walked the red carpet with me?"

Zhang Yuanqi looked at him with a smile, "Otherwise what do you think?"

Zhang Ye: "..."

Everyone laughed!

After dinner, everyone started to get busy.

make up.

play tricks.

Change dresses.

Some celebrities brought their own teams, while others did not. The organizer of the charity dinner also had a professional make-up team. Zhang Ye did not use the organizers, but the team brought by Zhang Yuanqi. The makeup was done with Lao Zhang. Zhang Ye was simple, and it was over in half an hour. The rest of the time was spent waiting for Zhang Yuanqi. It took two hours.

Four p.m.

The Chinese Star Group arrived at the periphery of the venue.

Reporters flocked to the event, including Japanese media, Korean media, and Chinese media, all gathered around the red carpet to take pictures.

Over there, the Korean celebrity group has already started to enter, among them Zhang Ye is also an old acquaintance who has not seen for a long time-Korean star Li Anxu.

Han Xing set foot on the red carpet in groups.

The Chinese Star Group listened to Zhang Ye's chatter from afar.

Zhang Ye murmured, "Is Li Anxu still in the entertainment industry? I thought he had retired long ago. People really miss him. I miss the days when he was kicked away."

Zhang Yuanqi: "..."

Chen Guang: "..."

Huo Dongfang: "..."

Over there, a Korean actress suddenly fell down on the red carpet!

The reporters went crazy, taking pictures like they don't want money! dudu3();

Zhang Ye snorted, "It's too unprofessional, this fall is too fake, this person is not working, it's clear that he is looking for a topic to hype, look, you have to pretend to be real if you sprained your ankle, even if you I count you as an expert if one foot sprains first and then falls to the ground, where you lie down sideways, you want to take off?"

Xiaodong: "..."

Li Xiaoxian: "..."

Amy: "..."

Han Xing finished.

Japanese stars also came.

As a result, the first Japanese actress fell down on the red carpet just after taking two steps. The male star next to her quickly helped her up, and the Japanese actress also looked embarrassed.

The reporter is boiling again!



It's all flash!

Zhang Ye clapped his hands and applauded, "This is good! This is really professional! This guy fell down, and I don't know how many times he has practiced. From head to toe, there is an air of professionalism, every toe has acting skills, every cell There is no sign of diving! Even in the international arena, the most stringent referee in the world has to give a penalty! There is nothing wrong with it!" A member of the star team of another country asked, "Which team's football is this? Actress?"

Da Qi: "..."

Xu Meilan: "..."

Jiang Hanwei: "..."

Chinese Star Group: "..."

Soccer girl!

She is a famous movie actress in Asia, hello!

Everyone felt dumbfounded!

Mr. Zhang's mouth, there is really no one else!

Do you want to be so hurt! ?

Huo Dongfang patted him on the shoulder, "Mr. Zhang, I know why sister Zhang and Lan don't want to walk the red carpet with you."

Zhang Ye rolled his eyes, "Why?"

Amy sweated and said: "Because your mouth is too capable of offending people. It is still a little slow for others to offend others. You are so good. Every word is to press people to death! You don't give any leeway. Let those actresses hear this, let alone say it out of anger, and have to fight with your life!"

Li Xiaoxian: "Pfft!"

Chen Guang also laughed out loud: "Hahahaha!" (To be continued.) Big Wild Goose Pagoda's photo shoot of naked beauties and full-scale indecent photos exposed! ! Follow the WeChat public account: meinvmo1 (press and hold for three seconds to copy) to watch online!

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