I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1377 [Who is the leader? (middle)】


Grandma's house.

Zhang Ye's parents, grandparents, several uncles and aunts, several younger sisters, and the whole family were watching the live broadcast, and everyone was anxious to watch.

"Oh, I'm so anxious!"

"What's wrong with my brother!"

"Xiaoye only brought five grams of tea?"

"It's over, it's over."


Old Wu Family Courtyard.

Wu Changhe and Li Qinqin were also watching.

"Little Ye, what are you doing!"

"What are you yelling about?"

"Fight Japan and Korea, roll up your sleeves!"

"It's just an auction."

"What kind of auction, this is the dignity of the country!"



news channel.


"not yet."

"After the results come out, make a manuscript quickly and wait for the news."

"Okay, I understand. Oh, Zhang Ye doesn't do his best."



Charity dinner scene.

The auction is drawing to a close.

Auctions of several heavyweight Asian stars have been unveiled!

Read one by one in Korea-Novel Asia Super First-line King took out a copy of the original lyrics of his new album. It is a manuscript that he used to record in his notebook when he repeatedly created and polished it. It is very precious and there is only one copy.

"One hundred and fifty thousand!"

"Two hundred thousand!"

"Two hundred and one thousand!"

A sky-high deal!

Take back the number one!

The auction item of the Chinese queen Xu Meilan was a pair of earrings she was wearing. The market value of the earrings alone was 50,000 US dollars, and it was once snapped up.

"Sixteen thousand!"

"Seventeen thousand!"


Unfortunately, in the end, it was still less than two hundred thousand dollars.

Xiaodong: "Oh!"

Amy said: "It's broken, it's broken!"

Da Qi: "It's almost there!"

It's a pity for the Chinese star group.

Then, Ning Lan's lot was also unveiled, but the price was not high, only 10,000 US dollars was sold, mainly because the lot she took out was really not interesting. Ning Lan and Zhang Ye had similar attitudes, and the collective sense of honor between the two None of them are very strong, and they mainly focus on participation.

Li Xiaoxian's calligraphy also appeared.

The font is elegant, following the way of Xingkai.

Huo Dongfang didn't know if he understood, "Good words."

Li Xiaoxian blushed, "It's just nonsense."

Jiang Hanwei smiled and said, "It's really good."

Da Qi said: "In the future, we will also have calligraphers in the entertainment industry."

Li Xiaoxian was embarrassed by being praised.

Zhang Ye also looked up and said nothing, what should he do, this regular script looks pretty, but in his opinion, there is no soul in this word, everyone is dead, Zhang Ye guessed Well, she must have imitated too many ancient Chinese calligraphy masters, and instead lost her own charm. This kind of calligraphy is at best a beginner's calligraphy, and it may be more mellow than beginners' writing, which is also quite good.

There are many knowledgeable people present.

On the Japanese side, a little old man in his fifties showed a disdainful expression.

A Japanese actress asked: "Master Miyamoto, what's wrong with this calligraphy?"

Miyamoto shook his head, "A bunch of waste paper."

A Japanese male star said with a smile: "Compared to you, all calligraphy is not up to the mark."

Li Xiaoxian's calligraphy was sold for 6,000 US dollars, which is not bad.

In the end, it still depends on Zhang Yuanqi.

Zhang Yuanqi is one of the best in terms of popularity both in Asia and in China. What Lao Zhang took out this time is the same as last year. It is a dinner auction. Whoever pays the highest price can have lunch with her. And it's Lao Zhang's treat, you can bring as many people as you like, and you can order as many expensive dishes as you like. It seems that Lao Zhang's annual Asian charity dinner auctions this, and it has become a practice. But this year, Zhang Yuanqi added an extra item to the auction. In the so-called buy one get one free, she even took out a calligraphy work.

Lot has been displayed.

Calligraphy is just one word - I!

Zhang Yuanqi stood on the stage and said with a smile: "Everyone, you're making a fool of yourself."

There was continuous applause from the audience.

Li Xiaoxian was shocked, "Sister Zhang can also do calligraphy?"

Amy said: "This word is very imposing!"

Da Qi said: "Okay! That's great!"

Zhang Ye was also a little surprised when he read it. This word is really okay, at least better than Li Xiaoxian's. It already has the meaning of getting started. Hey, Lao Zhang can do it.

Can I have dinner with her again?

Is it her treat again?

Can I still take a picture?

This is buy one get three free!

Many people are very excited!

A Japanese businessman: "One hundred thousand!"

A Chinese businessman: "One hundred and fifty thousand!"

Another Chinese businessman: "180,000!"

A South Korean boss: "Two hundred thousand!"

In the end, it was Qian Haitao who made the move.

The richest man in China held up a sign and said flatly, "Three hundred thousand!"

There was an uproar at the scene!


"One hundred thousand dollars more than last year?"

"Wealthy and powerful!"

"This is the highest in the audience!"

"Sure enough, he is the richest man!"

The Chinese merchants looked at each other and put down the auction cards with a smile, not arguing.

The Japanese and Korean businessman bosses hesitated a few times, but didn't say a word.

The host dropped the gavel.

With 300,000 US dollars, the Chinese star group regained the first place!

Xiaodong applauded, "Sister Zhang is amazing!"

Amy said: "At the critical moment, I still have to watch Sister Zhang!"

Huo Dongfang smiled and said, "This time it's safe!"

Ning Lan laughed and said, "Elder Sister Zhang is forced to write calligraphy, so it won't make sense if she doesn't take the lead."

Da Qi applauded, "That's right, there are no stars in Korea anymore, 300,000 US dollars, less than 2 million RMB, last year's charity auction, the highest hammered was 240,000 US dollars, unless someone took advantage of it Stand up, otherwise it will be difficult to catch up."

Korean star group.

Li Anxu shook his head.

The others also laughed wryly, this must not be contested.

The Japanese star group looks at me and I look at you, and there is nothing wrong with it.

But at this moment, a voice sounded!

Miyamoto stood up dismissively, "That's all, also called calligraphy?"

Everyone was stunned, and everyone looked at him.

As soon as the camera turned, countless people watching the live broadcast in Asia were slightly stunned.

"Who is this?"

"I do not know."

"I know him, the master of Japanese calligraphy!"

"Huh? That Miyamoto?"

"Yes, that's him. He just won a calligraphy gold medal in Asia!"

"One of the world's most powerful calligraphers? Miyamoto Shinsho?"

"Fuck, this is a calligraphy master!"

"Why is he here this year?"

There were murmured discussions and pointing at the scene.

Cheng Yaojin appeared on the way. This was a scene that no one expected. Zhang Yuanqi and Li Xiaoxian's calligraphy skills are not good? Of course, they are not professionals in this business. This is a charity auction, and everyone contributes to it, so you can make a lot of money to help you enjoy yourself. More than half of the auction items had to be taken out and thrown into the trash can. This auction was mainly for fundraising purposes, not professional.

Zhang Ye also narrowed his eyes, "Who is this grandson?"

Li Xiaoxian recognized him, and immediately introduced them, "This is a real master of calligraphy, my calligraphy and Zhang Jie's handwriting are really making a fool of myself in front of others..."

Amy shouted: "He is not so disruptive!"

Jiang Hanwei was also a little angry, "This is still live, why?"

However, Miyamoto Xinchang was not relentless, as if he couldn't rub the sand in his eyes, he walked up to the rostrum, "Can I add more items?"

The translation also came up, chirping and googling.

The Korean host smiled, "Of course, the auction is not over yet."

Miyamoto Xinchang said with a straight face: "Okay, I didn't bring anything with me today, so I will write a picture on the spot for everyone to taste and taste, and also make a contribution to charity!"


"Write on the spot?"

"This is interesting."

"It's a good show."

Many people looked lively.

The Korean star group is happy to hear it.

The Japanese star group is also cheering up one by one!

The organizer communicated immediately, and the pen, ink, paper and inkstone were quickly put on the table.

Everyone looked at the rostrum.

The camera lens was also aimed at the case.

China, Japan and South Korea all have calligraphy, and their inheritance comes from China, but they also have their own differences. For example, in Japan, when they are training in calligraphy, they pay attention to advancing the way with skills. Their calligraphy basically has two styles. Cursive script, the pursuit of elegance, very Zen, belongs to the style of cherry blossoms, this way fits the tenderness and sadness in the bones of the Japanese nation.

Grind ink.


Miyamoto Xinchang wrote with a cold face!

Japanese Chinese characters have similarities with Chinese Chinese characters. They are more similar to traditional Chinese characters, but some are not the same, but they are generally understandable. The content of the article does not have much significance, it is nothing more than xx years, xx people, what xx things they did, an ancient story that may be quite famous in Japan, it is very cumbersome, but this is not the point, the point is the first part of this ancient story Something else!

It's a word!

As soon as Miyamoto Xinchang wrote the pen, there were bursts of admiration at the scene!

"Good word!"

"This is calligraphy!"

"Really a master!"

"Floating clouds and flowing water are really art!"

"Well, the master's calligraphy is different, just watching him write is a kind of enjoyment."

"Professional and amateur, the gap is too big."

"The calligraphy of Chinese celebrities is not even considered amateur."

"Everything is afraid of comparison." (To be continued.)

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