I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,390 [Throughout the ages, there is only one person! 】

It's very late. ????

Everyone in the studio is working overtime.

Zhang Ye's public service advertisements continue to spread in Asia. Because the regions are similar, the races are similar, and the diseases are similar, these charity advertisements can basically be applied to every country in Asia. No modification is needed except for language changes. The universality also increases the spread of several public service announcements.

“Indian netizens keep praising it!”

"Japan too!"

"The Korean media also reported it!"

"The discussion in China is crazy!"

"Asia is the news for our public service announcements!"

“The Asian Red Cross is so awesome and the amount of advertising is too huge!”

"Our director Zhang is still great. The most important thing is the reputation of our seven or eight public service advertisements. Without such sophisticated production and unique creativity, it is impossible for a few charity advertisements that no one pays much attention to in Asia." It has caused such a huge response in so many countries in China. Each of those advertisements is the highest level of public service advertising in the charity industry, not to mention that it was thrown out in one go! All of Asia was shocked!"

“The ad is awesome!”

"I cried several times watching it too!"


Be inspired!

Good news abounds across Asia!

Everyone in the studio was overjoyed when they saw the feedback and news coming back from various countries.

Ha Qiqi looked at Zhang Ye, who was smiling at the side, and reported the good news: "You are still good. Director Zhang will know if you are successful as soon as he makes a move. Our popularity this time is like a rocket-"

Zhang Ye smacked his lips, waved his hands in a pretentious manner and said, "Oh, what a popularity! It's for charity, it's for charity!"

Ha Qiqi immediately changed his mind and said with a smile: "Yes, yes, for charity." He stretched out his hand and hit his head, "Look at my ideological consciousness, it is too low."

Zhang Ye said seriously: "When doing charity, you can't care about the gain or loss of popularity."

Ha Qiqi said: "Yes, I am narrow-minded."

Zhang Zuodao: "Director Zhang is still more enlightened."

Wu Yi said: "Then, can Director Zhang be like us?"

Xiao Wang said: "Director Zhang, you are my idol!"

Everyone kept flattering him.

Zhang Ye smiled and pressed his hands, "Low-key, low-key."

This guy now behaves like a "big philanthropist".

But then again, the seven or eight advertisements this time really left everyone speechless. Each one is a classic among classics, and each one is shocking. Zhang Ye was also willing to give up. On this day, his identity changed repeatedly. Sometimes he was the father of a hearing-impaired child, sometimes he was the son of an Alzheimer's patient, sometimes he was an AIDS patient, sometimes he was a leukemia match, and sometimes he was a person with the disease caused by smoking. of gastric cancer patients. On TV, there is enough work for him. Zhang Ye personally does every public service announcement.

Of course, the results are also significant!

Asian Red Cross Society.

The staff were also very excited.

“The phone is off the hook!”

“Many people came to inquire about donations!”

"Leader, we don't have enough manpower! We can't answer the phone!"

"Ah, I have a Chinese businessman here who wants to donate five million to charity!"

"Leader, after the advertisement was broadcast, the Red Cross societies across Asia received countless calls, and the number of registered volunteers increased tenfold than before!"

"Great! Great!"

"This is the power of public service advertising!"

"It is a great merit to be able to arouse the attention and love of people from all walks of life. We have learned a lesson from Teacher Zhang today!"

"Yeah, this is really surprising. I never thought that a few public service announcements could cause such a heated discussion. Teacher Zhang has too many identities. One of them has the title of the number one person in the Chinese advertising industry. Now It seems that the reputation is truly well-deserved. In the future, if Mr. Zhang serves as the Asian Charity Ambassador, our charity advertisements will definitely be extraordinary, and we hope to spread to every corner of Asia! With so many more donations, so many more volunteers. In the future, we will carry out charity work in Asia.

It will be much smoother! "

Chinese media.

"I'm going!"

"It caused a sensation!"

"Is this guy really on the Asian stage relying on charity?"

"I really can't believe it!"

"Yeah, no one has done this before!"

"This teacher, he never takes the usual path!"

"Is he going to reach the top of Asia in one fell swoop?"

"You're right. Asia has been flooded with news about him these days. The heavy metal music festival, the calligraphy of "Lanting Preface", the appointment of charity ambassadors, and now there's another wave of public service announcements? Then? Several A-list kings and queens in Asia have not been as exposed as him in the past few days!"

Advertising world.

"How come there are so many advertisements at once?"

"I have news. I heard that Zhang Ye did it within two days."


"Two days?"

"He's really good at it."

"I just admire his brain, how he came up with all these ideas!"

"Stop talking, let's learn from these commercials first."

“I’ve watched it twenty times, it’s really shocking!”

late at night.

It's almost midnight.

Zhang Ye greeted everyone: "Okay, let's get off work and go home quickly."

Xiao Wang said: "We have waited until now, why not wait a little longer, the Asian popularity list will be updated soon, Director Zhang."

Tong Fu smiled and said, "Yes, wait another five minutes."

Ha Qiqi said: "I'm not in a hurry to go back."

Zhang Zuo laughed and said, "It's okay if I go home."

Zhang Ye blinked and said, "Hey, are you trying to get overtime pay?"

Xiao Zhou: "Pfft!"

While everyone was chatting and laughing, midnight had arrived.

For a moment, everyone excitedly opened their computers or mobile phones and refreshed the Asian star rating list. For everyone, only popularity is real. They have invested money, effort and people, and they have made so much effort to do this. With so many public service announcements, they have done their best for charity. Now it depends on what kind of report card the Asian market will give them.

Zhang Ye also glanced over, and immediately he saw surprised faces.



"It's hot again!"

"The ranking has gone up!"

"It's risen three more places!"

"Oh my God, this is too fast. It's only been a few days!"

"There must be a popularity bonus for the Asian Charity Ambassador! The appointment letter has been issued! There will be a press conference tomorrow, and this popularity bonus should also be included in the statistics today!"

"That's awesome, Director Zhang! That's awesome!"

"Starting from today, we are no longer the last stars in Asia's first tier, we are already close to the middle of Asia's first tier!"

"Yes, we will soon be in the middle of the first line!"

"Who else is there at this time! I just asked who else is there!"

"In the past three or four days, our director Zhang's popularity in Asia has really skyrocketed. Who can stop him? He's going to destroy them one by one!"

Everyone was so excited!

This report card simply surprised them!

Although I had already had a premonition, and although I had already noticed it from the spread and hot reputation of today's public service announcement, when I really saw Director Zhang's popularity change on the Asian list, I felt that sense of satisfaction, that sense of pride, that sense of I can't help but feel excited. This is an Asian list. This is not a domestic star rating. The competition in the Asian field is obviously more intense and cruel, especially when Chinese stars are on their way to the Asian list. It has been very difficult. How many first- and second-tier stars in China can't even see their names on the Asian star list? But what about them? They actually carved a bloody path and increased their popularity by a huge margin in a very short period of time!

Some are popular in Asia through movies.

Some are popular throughout Asia through TV series.

There are people who have traveled all over Asia through music.

But there is only one person in history who relies on public service advertisements to open up the Asian market. Apart from Zhang Ye, there is no other person! (To be continued.) 8 For more exciting novels, welcome to visit our reading academy

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