I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,394 [He seizes the day! 】

That night.

Asia is turbulent.







Various sounds collided together, people from all walks of life fought together, and the whole of Asia was turned upside down because of a live broadcast, a piece of calligraphy, and a name! This "Man Jiang Hong" by that great man on earth, Zhang Ye, really poked a hole in the sky of Asia!

In a business car.

Several people came to pick him up.

Xiao Wang couldn't laugh or cry, "Director Zhang, why did you fire again?"

Zhang Ye sneered, "Fire a cannon? Even if I don't do anything, I'll be gentle, I tell you!"

Tong Fu sweated and said: "Didn't you say that we should take the charity route in the future? Should we take the great love route? In just three days, our newly created tall image -"

Zhang Ye in the car seemed to be a different person compared to the previous few days. He said: "What a charity route! I can see it. If you are kind and amiable, people will think you are easy to bully. Just fucking dare to hit your nose and face." After a pause, he unbuttoned the collar of his shirt, crossed his legs, and said, "This route still doesn't seem to be suitable for me. I've been exhausted these past few days. Let’s talk about it, we are a team that is used to being casual, we are a team that fights with people every day, we have nothing to do but pretend to be big tailed wolves.”

Ha Qiqi smiled and said: "You just want to understand?"

Xiao Wang said: "Then you won't engage in charity in the future?"

Zhang Ye rolled his eyes, "I just got the appointment as charity ambassador, so of course I have to continue with it."

Tong Fu said: "But the calligraphy you just did -"

"If you want to do charity, people will scold you!" Zhang Ye summed up his experience: "This time, we are a little impetuous. Faced with a little fame and a little profit, we forget about it and don't know what our last name is. , No, you can’t forget your original intention as a human being. We grew up in the fights, and we got to where we are today in the fights. How can we forget this just because we are a charity ambassador? Our original intention , original intention, comrades! In the future, everyone should keep this lesson in mind and take it as a warning!"


This is the first time we have heard of it!

Is it your original intention to co-write and scold talents?

Your original intentions are too dirty!

Xiao Wang smiled bitterly and said: "Director Zhang, I finally understand. It's you, and it's you. Anyway, it's your reason. We can't explain it to you."

Ha Qiqi said: "This matter is really not going to end well now. Japan and South Korea are likely to take action, and something big may happen!"

Zhang Ye said: "Come on, who is afraid of whom? I tell you, old man, don't be afraid of trouble. In our studio, no matter before or in the future, we can have no money, no jobs, and no place to work. , can be banned and disbanded by others, but the integrity cannot be lost. Whoever stabs us, we will f*ck with whoever stabs us. It doesn’t matter whether you are South Korea or Japan. The worst I can do is not develop in Japan and South Korea, so I will I have to point my finger at him and scold him."

Ha Qiqi nodded, "I understand, this matter was originally brought against you by Japan and South Korea. In fact, even without this calligraphy, even if you didn't scold them, they would have been holding back and removing you from the Asian list. It’s been pulled down, and it’s inevitable. If that’s the case, why don’t you scold me?”

Zhang Ye asked: "Who do you think is responsible?"

Ha Qiqi thought for a while, "I think everyone in the entertainment industry in Japan and South Korea has a share."

Zhang Ye was speechless, "Everyone? Are you so unwelcome?"

Ha Qiqi smiled and said: "How popular do you think you are?"

Zhang Ye pondered for a moment and said, "Yeah, that's right."

No one cared about Zhang Ye before, but it’s different now. Zhang Ye’s fame in Asia is getting bigger and bigger, and his ranking on the charts is getting higher and higher. A few days ago, he was still at the bottom of the first tier in Asia, but now he is almost in the middle of the first tier in Asia. , his popularity has soared, and his momentum is extremely strong. If he continues this way, no one may be able to stop him. That's why this fake news incident of collective sniping at Zhang Ye happened.

This is most likely a joint boycott by the Japanese and Korean entertainment circles, and there is even a hint of Japanese and Korean media participating in it. It has only one purpose, to get Zhang Ye to step down!

Zhang Yuanqi can reach the top of Asia!

Xu Meilan can reach the top of Asia!

So can everyone else in the Chinese entertainment industry!

But only Zhang Ye can't do it!

Only this Zhang Ye, who has fought with both Japan and South Korea, the Japanese and Korean entertainment circles and even Japanese and Korean officials cannot just watch him reach the top of the Asian frontline!

Fruit buried before.

Now it’s finally leavened!



As soon as Zhang Ye came back, he found that there were guests at home.

She is Wu Zeqing’s best friend, Xin Ya, a young mathematician from Tsinghua University.

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Hey, Professor Xin is here to visit?"

Xinya rolled her eyes, stood up and began to chirp, "I just watched the live broadcast with Lao Wu. You are really good at it. Why do you curse people again? And you also fire a map cannon? You curse all the time? Are you crazy? This is Asia. Live broadcast, I heard Lao Wu say before that you want to reach the top of Asia. What are you going to do now? Have you not thought about the consequences? If everyone in Japan and South Korea boycotts you, how can you reach the top? Even if you Turn everyone in China into fans, and even if you conquer all other countries in Asia except Japan and South Korea, you still won’t be able to reach the top!”

Zhang Ye was amused and said, "Professor Xin, I'm not in a hurry. Why are you so anxious?"

Xin Ya said: "Nonsense, I'm angry for Lao Wu!"

As a result, Wu Zeqing was very upset.

Old Wu said calmly: "Are you tired?"

Zhang Ye smiled and said: "It's not bad."

Old Wu said: "The tea is ready, let's drink some water first."

Zhang Ye said: "Yes."

Old Wu: "How many days have you worn this shirt? Didn't I ask you to take it off this morning?"

Zhang Ye: "Hey, I forgot, just wear it."

Lao Wu: "Take off your clothes for me. I happen to have clothes to wash."

Zhang Ye: "Okay."

The conversation was about trivial family matters.

Regarding the topic of the live broadcast just now, Lao Wu didn't mention a word about the calligraphy curse just now, and Zhang Ye didn't explain a word.

After a while, Zhang Ye went upstairs to take a shower.

Xinya was left stunned, "Old Wu, you don't care about him?"

Wu Zeqing said calmly: "I have my own way of doing things, and he has his own style of doing things. I support everything he decides. Our family has always been like this."

Xinya fainted and said: "You are too free-spirited. This is not okay. I'm not saying that Professor Zhang shouldn't curse people. Those people are really irritating. Those fake news are obviously aimed at him, just to put him at risk." He died. This is a common trick in the entertainment industry, but it also depends on the timing. What is the occasion today? A press conference for a charity organization. It is broadcast live across Asia. People all over Asia are watching. Why not wait for someone better? Why don't you speak again when you are young? Why don't you wait for a more suitable opportunity to say this? There will be plenty of opportunities in the future, and there will be plenty of time in the future. When he becomes the Asian King, who cares who he wants to scold? Did you kill him? He is writing this calligraphy at this time. This is the worst time. Do you admit it? "

Wu Zeqing smiled and said, "The timing is not good."

Xin Ya said: "Then why don't you care? Then why doesn't he wait any longer?"

But Lao Wu smiled and said: "This is what has always made him different from others. His calligraphy has made it very clear. When you say wait, how long do you have to wait? One year? Ten years? One hundred years? Ten thousand years?" She shook her head, raised her gaze and looked in the direction of the bedroom upstairs, "For him, ten thousand years is too long, he only seizes the day."

Xin Ya was silent, and suddenly didn't know what to say.

at night.

The Asian star list has been updated.

What's ironic is that amidst the scoldings from countless Japanese and Korean media and people in the Japanese and Korean entertainment circles, Zhang Ye's popularity in Asia has risen again! (To be continued.) 8 For more exciting novels, welcome to visit our reading academy

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