I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,397 [Zhang Ye’s Crosstalk Tour! 】

A few days later.

The buzz is still there.

There are more and more voices saying that Zhang Ye's popularity in Asia is about to decline.

However, the situation in Zhang Ye's studio was calm and there was no sound. This surprised many people who were familiar with Zhang Ye.

The industry murmured:

"What's going on?"

"No movement?"

"Isn't this unlike Zhang Ye's style?"

"Who knows, maybe there's nothing we can do this time."

"Yes, Japan and South Korea have joined forces to restrict his development in Asia. What can he do?"

"It seems like he's going to keep a low profile."

"That's right. If you keep a low profile, the restriction order will probably be lifted sooner."

"Zhang Ye finally learned to be smart this time."

"That's right, he definitely can't let go of the popularity in Japan and South Korea."


Yao Jiancai's family.

Zhang Ye strolled upstairs and knocked on the door.


"Sister-in-law, me."

As soon as the door opened, the face of Yao Jiancai's wife was revealed, "Hey, Zhang'er? Why are you here? Come in, come in, we are about to start dinner."

Zhang Ye smiled and said: "Yes."

Hearing the sound, Yao Mi also ran out, "Wow, Uncle Zhang, it's really you!"

Zhang Ye laughed and said, "Has school started?"

Yao Mihan said: "School started early, and I have had many days of classes."

"Ah? Really?" Zhang Ye said confusedly.

Old Yao's wife smiled and said: "You said that you, a professor at Peking University and a professor at China University of Science and Technology, are so incompetent that you don't even know if you have eaten when school starts?"

Zhang Ye said: "I haven't eaten yet. Didn't you just come here to get some food?"

Over in the kitchen, Yao Jiancai came out, "Hey, you really know how to be on time. Today I cooked the food myself and asked you to copy it. Why are you here?"

Zhang Ye smiled and said: "I have nothing to do so I can drop by the house."

Lao Yao's wife asked: "Should I ban you?"

Yao Jiancai said happily: "That's right. You can't develop in Asia. You must have nothing to do. It's okay to take a rest. You've been busy in the past few years."

dinner time.

A few people were having a great time chatting while eating.

After the meal, Yao Jiancai took Zhang Ye to the balcony to smoke.

Zhang Ye lit one and asked, "What have you been doing recently?"

Yao Jiancai said: "The last movie has just finished filming, and I am resting at home just like you."

Zhang Ye nodded, "Okay, give me some time in a few days."

"What?" Yao Jiancai asked.

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Let's hold a cross talk show."

Yao Jiancai asked with interest: "Oh? Special performance? Where will it be performed?"

Zhang Ye said: "Beizhan, I have already contacted someone. As for other venues, we will discuss it later. We have cooperated for so many years, and in the end we have not even held a cross talk show or tour. It can't be justified. Anyway, I I’ll make an appointment with you in advance and then set the specific time. Don’t answer announcements these days.”

Yao Jiancai said: "Okay, I have no problem."

Ring ring ring.

the phone is ringing.

Zhang Ye answered, "Hello."

Ha Qiqi said: "Director Zhang, the time is determined."

Zhang Ye said: "Okay, I understand."

Ha Qiqi said: "Do you really want to do it?"

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Of course."

Ha Qiqi said: "Khan, I understand."

That night.

The domestic entertainment industry was shocked by a piece of news.

"Korean star Park Jae Sang's concert is coming soon!" 》

"Asia's top star Park Jae-sang will appear in Beijing!" 》

"Park Jae Sang's first concert in China!" 》

"Millions of Chinese fans are crazy about it!" 》

"The Chinese market has become a battleground for Japanese and Korean stars!" 》

"Can Park Jae Sang's debut be successful?" let us wait and see! 》


Many fans are passionate.


"My male god!"

"Oppa is coming to have a concert!"

“Oh my God, I have to buy a ticket!”

"You have to buy dirt even if you eat it!"

"Buy, buy, buy! Take a look!"

"Park Jae Sang's concert has been postponed for a year, and it's finally going to be held!"

"I can not wait any more!"

"The media is so stupid. They still ask whether Oppa's debut will be successful? That's Park Jae-sang, a big name in Asia! How many fans do he have in China! How could it not be successful? The tickets must have been sold like crazy, and if there were Synchronized webcast, that would be even crazier!”

"When will the tickets be sold?"

South Korea.

Park Jae Sang’s team.

"This is our first time in China."

"Yes, it must be absolutely foolproof."

"If the first concert doesn't get popular, there's nothing we can do about the second concert."

"Don't worry, Zaixiang is very popular in China."

"It seems like someone else is going to hold a concert in China during this time?"

"Yes, I heard about it too, but it doesn't matter, the time and city are different."

"That's fine."

Park Zaixiang sat aside and smiled silently - he was one of the Korean stars who had been bombarded by the Japanese and Korean media and entertainment circles before, saying that Zhang Ye had had sex with him. Obviously, this was meant to be a hype, even though he was in China There are many fans, but there are also many people who don't know him. The battle with Zhang Ye a few days ago also brought him a lot of attention in China, which is a good opportunity to hold concerts. Park Jae-Hsiang is also very confident about this.

But suddenly, the people in his team screamed.



at the same time.

Zhang Ye's studio, which has been quiet these days, suddenly sent out a promotional picture!

"Zhang Ye and Yao Jiancai's first cross talk show will be held in Beizhan! 》

The Internet exploded.

"Holy shit!"

"Lao Zhang and Lao Yao are going to hold a special show?"

"Cross talk show?"


“It’s been a long time since I heard them talk about cross talk!”

"Yes, these two finally thought of holding a special show!"



"What are you looking at?"

"Look at the time!"

Then, countless people in the country were stunned!

Location: Beijing!

Date: Next Friday!

Time: 7pm!

Exactly the same!

It’s exactly the same time as Park Jae Sang’s concert!

"What a coincidence!"

"Yeah, how come it's such a coincidence?"

"Khan, this is a car crash!"

For a time, everyone was talking about it!

Another day.

Another news is out!

Korean star Kim Ji-chan's concert will be held in Shanghai next Saturday. This has been decided for a long time. The news was released a year ago, but the time was not announced. Now, the final accurate time has been finalized. Just need to pre-sell the tickets.

This is not the first time Jin Zhican has held a concert in China. He has already gathered a lot of popularity, so the concert this time is also very large. It is one of the largest venues in Shanghai. Generally, less popular stars would not dare to perform in such a big venue. The venue is open, because it can't be opened. The size and scale of the venue are sometimes used as a measure of a star's popularity. Jin Zhican is obviously qualified.

"Another Oppa!"

"I can't go to Shanghai."

"Hahaha, I'm in Shanghai, I can go!"


"Eat the dirt, eat the dirt! Buy a ticket, buy a ticket!"

But no one expected that at this moment, Zhang Ye's studio once again released a promotional photo!

The second stop of Zhang Ye and Yao Jiancai’s cross talk tour:


next Saturday!

Seven o'clock in the evening!

Everyone was shocked:


"Same again?"

"What a coincidence?"

"Why do you keep crashing?"

That afternoon.

Japanese superstar Kazuya Kimura's concert will be held in Shenzhen next Sunday. It is also a large venue with tens of thousands of people, and it is huge!

"Kimura is here!"

"look forward to!"

"This is an Asian rock star!"

"The originator of rock and roll! Handsome!"

"I like him so much!"

"Kimura is very popular in Asia, but his reputation in China is average. If this concert can be a big success, he will have a firm foothold in China and can develop here in the future. This will also increase his popularity in Asia. Crucially, China’s market is the largest in Asia!”

"I wish Mr. Kimura success!"

"It must succeed. In the field of rock music, the only person in China who can compete with Mr. Kimura is Chen Guang, but Chen Guang is too junior. If we talk about qualifications, it is Mr. Zhao Wuliu who can compete with him. They The two of us are rockers of the same generation, and everyone else has no chance."


"The New Year is over, and the Asian superstars are coming too!"

"Yes, every year starts after the new year, and there are big performances one after another!"

But the next moment, the meagerness of Zhang Ye's studio was once again illuminated.

The third stop of Zhang Ye and Yao Jiancai’s tour:


Next Sunday!

Seven o'clock in the evening!

Everyone was dumbfounded!

Everyone is confused!


"Fuckin' crashed again?"


"What a coincidence?"

"Why is it such a coincidence?"


What a coincidence!




All the same?

Even the location and time are the same?

This was obviously intentional!

This is clearly something being done by Zhang Ye's studio!

The entertainment industry was suddenly in chaos!

The reporters stared!

Everyone in the industry was stunned!

Zhang Ye's friends slapped their foreheads with a wry smile!

Domestic netizens were stunned!

The two star teams in Korea changed their expressions!

The Japanese rock star team almost vomited blood!

What are you doing?

What is Zhang Ye doing?

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