I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,402 [Your sister! 】

There was a sound of vomiting blood in the studio.

"Director Zhang, five or five hundred thousand?"


"Would it be too damaging?"

"Uh, is it damaged?"

"It seems a little bit."

"That's right, it's just a loss!"


The farce at Faye Wong's concert was still vivid in Zhang Ye's mind. Even the queen of his world couldn't stand it, let alone others. Just like Zhang Ye said himself, he may not be able to lift you up, but if he wants to step on you, this guy has too many damaging moves!

Is it easy for Chinese people to make money?

Do you think the Chinese are fools?

The higher the ticket price, the more status you appear to have? The more status you have?

Okay, as you wish, I will add another fire to you!

Aren’t you going to sell it more expensively?

Is one hundred thousand expensive enough?

Is two hundred thousand expensive enough?

Is half a million expensive enough?

Japanese and Korean teams.

It's a very exciting moment.

"sold out!"

“All the tickets released in the first round are sold out.”

“We also sold a lot of VIP tickets!”


"News just came from the ticket office. Someone actually bought a lot of tickets worth 20,000 to 30,000 each!"

"Hahahaha, is there really someone who has been taken advantage of?"

"Raise the price!"

"Okay, raise the price!"

“If you don’t make this money, you won’t make it in vain!”

"I think we can double the price. On the surface our VIP tickets cost more than 10,000 yuan, but if we sell them for three or four times more, no one else can find us!"

"Yes, there is still a market, and there are still people buying it!"

"There are too many tycoon fans in China."

"Well, otherwise everyone would have come to seize the Chinese market these years."

"Well done. That guy surnamed Zhang doesn't make any money, so who's to blame? What's wrong with our slow sales? We can still be impressive. The second round of tickets can be released!"


They were all jealous!

Who can resist the temptation of having huge sums of money in their account?

Many people have gone crazy. To put it bluntly, they are here to steal money!


The curses are still there.

"The three of them are also sold out?"

"Is anyone really buying it? Damn it!"

"They have a lot of fans."

"It makes me angry!"

"Have the VIP tickets not been released yet?"

"It has been released, but it is impossible to buy it at the market price!"

"Yes, I heard that the prices are now as high as 30,000 to 40,000 yuan!"

"Thirty thousand or forty thousand? You are all old people. The latest news is that the VIP seats in the first row of Park Jae-xiang and the seats next to the side are all fifty thousand! Who doesn't know that this is all done by those celebrities and the ticketing company? It’s scalper tickets that they speculated and sold themselves!”

"Only a fool buys it!"

"But some people really buy it."

Many fans of those Japanese and Korean celebrities came forward.

"Why don't you buy it?"

"I just have money!"

"Yes, I am a rich man!"

"What happened to the scalper tickets I sold? Anyway, in the end, the Oppas will share the money. I am willing! Hahahaha, buy, buy, buy!"

"Who has a VIP ticket? I'll take one! The price is 50,000!"

"Do you still have VIP tickets for Jin Zhican? I can't stand the cheap ones!"

"You are too lenient. We have money. We can buy as expensive as we want. We can afford it! We are just cheering for the Obamas! What's wrong?"

"Yes, I will buy it no matter how expensive it is! Jin Zhican, I love you!"

"The more expensive it is, the more you buy it! Park Jae Sang, I love you!"

"Fifty thousand is still money? Kimura Kimura, I care about you!"

"Are you not willing to spend this little money for your idol?"

A bunch of local tycoons clamored to buy up all the VIP tickets to support the three Japanese and Korean stars' concert in China. It was also a coincidence that the next moment, many VIP tickets were suddenly released as scalpers in various places, and wealthy people and enthusiastic fans immediately flocked to it!

"Tickets are released!"

"finally come!"

"It's a VIP ticket.

I’m worried that I can’t buy it! "

"Hahaha, I'm coming, buy, buy, buy!"

But when they saw the ticket price, everyone was dumbfounded!

The wealthy people’s jaws dropped in shock!

"How many?"

"How much?"

"Five million?"

"A piece of five hundred thousand?"

"Kimura Kimura I-I fuck-you-mom-ah!"

“Oba, Oba—you, uncle!”

“The more expensive you are, the more you buy—I’ll buy your sister, me!”

"Fifty thousand? Only idiots would buy it!"

"You are crazy!"

"What a fool! Did you really take me for granted?"

"I bought a hundred thousand! Five hundred thousand? Why don't you die!"

"You guys are going crazy trying to steal money!"

"Can I buy a suite for five hundred thousand?"

"Paralysis! I'm so angry! I don't spend money like this even if I have money!"

The tycoons and fanatical fans who just supported the Oppas, in the blink of an eye, many people started to criticize them, let alone others!

In an instant, the whole country was filled with curses!

"too dark!"

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

"Let them die!"

"Whoever buys it is stupid!"

"Don't let them earn a penny!"

"Get out of China!"

"Get out of China!"


"Yes, I don't want to see it!"


Everyone is angry!

Even fans of several Japanese and Korean celebrities are scolding them!

The media also criticized it harshly!

"Who will stop the crazy money making?" 》

"A VIP ticket worth five hundred thousand?" 》

"Over-hyped sky-high ticket prices!" 》

"Three concerts are facing collapse!" 》

"People demand refunds! 》

"Fans said: This time we don't buy it!" 》




The whole country is in a state of panic!

There were already disputes and doubts about the initial ticket price. Once Zhang Ye's conscience ticket price was announced, the doubts became even louder. Later, several Japanese and Korean stars deliberately grabbed VIP tickets. The hype of ticket prices aroused the disgust of countless people, and it was close to the critical point. Until the sky-high price of 500,000 yuan came out, the three concerts with sky-high price tickets finally collapsed at this moment!

The army was defeated like a mountain!

The second round of ticket releases for Japanese and Korean concerts can no longer be sold!

The Japanese and Korean star teams were stunned!

Jin Zhican is stupid!

Park Jae Sang is stupid!

Kimura Kazuya was also stupid!

"who is it?"

"Who sold the tickets?"

"Five million?"

"Damn it, what is the ticket office doing?"

They didn't even know what happened until they were drowned out by the scoldings from the Chinese people and media. They hurriedly investigated the cause, and then got news that made their lungs explode. A large number of their VIP tickets had been taken away before. People make crazy purchases through connections!

No evidence!

No bills either!

But all ticket purchasing sources point to one place!

——Zhang Ye Studio!

"Zhang! Ye!"

"your sister!"


"You're so fucking disgraceful!"

"You're cheating on us!"

"Too poisonous! He is too poisonous!"

"What a fool! How could he be such a person!"

"Asian Charity Spokesperson? You must be the fucking Asian Rogue Spokesperson!"

They finally panicked!

A team of several Japanese and Korean stars rushed to remedy the situation!




But it's no use!

Everything is meaningless!

The momentum has grown, and public opinion has crushed them to death. Now even if they tell the truth, they can't get over it. They have been completely nailed!

The ticket is in hand!

Even before the concert started, I was called crazy!

Seeing this scene, they almost collapsed!

In the past, they thought that it didn't matter before. The time to compete for strength was when the concert officially started. But no one expected that before the concert started, they were already defeated by Zhang Ye. This time The waves of insidious moves are like a violent storm, each one more poisonous than the last, and each more damaging than the last! They all knew that Zhang Ye was wicked and shameless. They had seen this before and learned about it in the news, but they never expected that this man named Zhang could be so wicked and shameless!

I've never seen such a person!

They have been in the entertainment industry for so many years, but they have never seen such a person!

Not in Japan!

Not in Korea!

There is none in the world!

Only China!

There is only one Zhang Ye!

Today, their eyes were really opened! (To be continued.).

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