I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,411 [I’m going to be a father! 】

upstairs. 【】

Lao Wu's office.

Zhang Ye pushed the door open and went in. When he saw no one was there, he took a cup, sprinkled some tea leaves on it, made a cup of tea, and sat there to taste it.

Boom boom.


Zhang Ye shouted, "Please come in."

Bai Li came in, "Mr. Zhang, I heard you are here."

"Just right." Zhang Ye took out the document, "Old Wu wants it."

Bai Li smiled and took it, "Okay, I'll send it to Bureau Wu. Bureau Wu is in a meeting. It'll probably take another hour. You have to wait for a while."

Zhang Ye smacked his lips and said, "Old Wu, too. Why has he been so neglectful lately?"

Bai Li thought for a moment and said worriedly: "Director Wu seems to be not in good health recently."

Zhang Ye was stunned, "Really?"

Bai Li said: "I've been feeling uncomfortable these past few days."

Zhang Ye chuckled, "Why didn't I know?"

Bai Li said: "Bureau Wu must be afraid that you would worry, so he didn't tell you."

Zhang Ye said angrily: "Hey, this Old Wu!"

Bai Li said: "Then I'll send the documents first."

As soon as Secretary Bai left and the door closed, Zhang Ye couldn't help but secretly blame himself. He was busy fighting with people every day, and was focused on reaching the top ranks of Asia. Even Lao Wu didn't notice that he was not feeling well these days. This husband is indeed too incompetent for his job. He needs to reflect on it. He must reflect on it!

Got a cold?

Or other diseases?

Zhang Ye is not worried at all. He still has the [Healthy Spring Water] he won in the last draw. Don't say you have a cold, fever or other serious illness, even if you have one breath left, he can save you. . The worst case scenario is giving [Healthy Spring Water] to Lao Wu as cold medicine!

——Zhang Ye is never stingy with his own wife.

Ring ring ring.

The phone rang, the call came.

Zhang Ye took it out and looked at the number and smiled. It was the number of the Queen Xu Meilan.

Zhang Ye: "Hello? Sister Lan."

Xu Meilan: "Thank you."

Zhang Ye: "Is it done?"

Xu Meilan: "Haha, with you coming forward, what else can't be done on the radio and television side? It has been done, and the procedures were completed at that time. It has helped us a lot. If it weren't for you, the key schedule would have been scheduled in a few days. If it doesn’t go on sale, if the tickets are delayed, it will be a huge blow to the box office and reputation, and no one can afford to lose.”

Zhang Ye: "Okay, just get it done. You too. Wasn't that what the phone call was about before?"

Xu Meilan: "Yes, but after thinking about it, I don't have the nerve to come to you."

Zhang Ye: "Hey, what a big deal, what's there to be embarrassed about?"

Xu Meilan smiled and said: "I just heard from Xiao Yang that you were in the radio and television station. Xiao Yang said that she was so stupid after entering that she didn't dare to say a word. She also said that it was all because of your face, so I must treat her well." Thank you."

Zhang Ye said: "Hey, it's all for my wife's sake, and my family will just take advantage of it."

Xu Meilan: "Anyway, I owe you a treat. Find a time and I'll be the host and treat you to dinner."

Zhang Ye: "It's a trivial matter, no need."

Xu Meilan: "That won't work, that's it."

Zhang Ye: "Okay, that's okay."

After hanging up the phone, he was waiting there.

half an hour.

One hour.

Finally, the click of high heels sounded outside the door.

Wu Zeqing opened the door and came in. When she saw her husband sitting on the sofa, she smiled and said, "Here?"

Zhang Ye rolled his eyes, "I've been here for more than an hour."

Wu Zeqing closed the door and said, "I thought you had gone back long ago."

"Why should I go back?" Zhang Ye stood up and said, "Secretary Bai told me that you haven't been feeling well these past few days. What's wrong? Where do you feel uncomfortable?"

Wu Zeqing said casually, "It's okay."

Zhang Ye stared, "Why is it okay?"

Old Wu smiled and said, "I'm just a little tired and a little dizzy."

"Is this okay?" Zhang Ye became anxious upon hearing this, "Let's go, let's go to the hospital!"

Old Wu waved his hand, "No, why should I go to the hospital for such a trivial matter?"

Zhang Ye couldn't help but said: "That won't work.

I have to go, you come with me! "

Wu Zeqing said, "Okay, you wait until tomorrow when I'm done."

Zhang Ye shouted loudly: "Today, now, hurry up!"

Wu Zeqing smiled helplessly, "You, even if you are a little sick, you don't want to go to the hospital. When others are a little sick, you are the one who shouts, OK, OK, go, listen to my lover."

As soon as Zhang Ye took the car keys, "That's right, let's go."

They went out, drove, and went straight to the hospital.

On the way, Zhang Ye also called someone to ask for help. Yao Jiancai had a relative who was the head of the hospital and there was no need to register.



Completed a series.

When they finally saw the results, both Zhang Ye and Wu Zeqing were shocked!

——Old Wu is pregnant!

Zhang Ye was dumbfounded, "Huh?"

Wu Zeqing touched his belly very carefully, "Are you sure?"

The doctor smiled and said, "Sure, congratulations."

Zhang Ye shouted, "Hey!"

Wu Zeqing also smiled, "Please keep your voice down, the hospital is here."

Zhang Ye quickly shut up, but he couldn't hold back his excitement. He clapped his legs repeatedly, and he didn't know how to feel happy. "Then my wife doesn't have any other illnesses?"

The doctor laughed and said: "You are not sick. Your lover is in good health. Fatigue and dizziness are normal reactions of pregnancy. Please pay more attention to rest and diet in the future."

Zhang Ye held the doctor's hand and said, "Thank you, thank you, Doctor Liu!"

Out of the hospital.

Zhang Ye drove Lao Wu home.

On the way, he laughed and quickly told his parents the news.

Lao Wu also called her parents with a smile.



As soon as Zhang Ye and Zhang Ye entered the door, the parents of the two families rushed over at the same time, with expressions of surprise on everyone's faces!

Wu Changhe said happily: "Are you really pregnant?"

Zhang Ye rolled his eyes, "Dad, can that be fake?"

Li Qinqin said hurriedly: "I'll look at the test report, I'll look at the test report!"

Mom also grabbed the test sheet and Li Qinqin lowered her head to look at it.

Then both of them smiled happily, "Really!"

Zhang Ye's father was also very excited, "Okay! Okay! Okay!"

Li Qinqin's eyes suddenly turned red, and tears almost fell out, "My Zeqing is many years older than Xiaoye. Even considering her age, I'm afraid she won't be able to get pregnant. Now I'm at ease! Now I'm at ease!"

The news was so sudden. Zhang Ye, Wu Zeqing and the parents were not mentally prepared either. This surprise that fell from the sky stunned the whole family!

Then Lao Wu was surrounded.

"Zeqing, you must pay attention to your diet!"

"Yes, don't eat spicy food!"

"You are a senior mother, and the first three months are very important!"

"You should stop working overtime now!"

"You can't face the computer every day, the radiation is too great!"

The two parents were chattering around Wu Zeqing, but Zhang Ye couldn't get a word in. The guy didn't understand anything, so he could only listen obediently and write down everything his parents said.

Wu Zeqing smiled, "Okay, I understand."

My mother was still ecstatic, "It's so good, it's so good!"

Li Qinqin smiled and said: "Congratulations, in-laws, you are going to be a grandma."

Mom said: "I congratulate you, you are going to be a grandma."

Wu Zeqing sat there gently. It could be seen that she was in a very happy mood. Then she looked at her watch and stood up and said, "It's already noon, it's time to cook."

Zhang Ye immediately shouted, "Stand right there!"

Wu Zeqing turned around and said, "Haha, what are you doing?"

Zhang Ye glared and said, "Sit down and don't move. From now on, you don't have to work anymore. All the work at home is mine. It's time for you to show off, brother!"

Wu Zeqing said: "I can still move, it's only been a few months."

Zhang Ye said: "No, I'll cook!"

Wu Zeqing: "I'll do it. You can chat with your parents."

Zhang Ye said: "Don't worry about it, I'll do it!"

Wu Zeqing: "You can do it."

The two of them started fighting.

Mom said, "Okay, I'll do it."

Hearing this, Zhang Ye didn't even hesitate, "Okay, let my mother do it."

My mother almost fainted, "Hey, are you going to risk me with your help?"

Everyone laughed: "Hahahahaha!" (To be continued.).

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