I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,414 [Zhang Ye smashes the car (Part 2)! 】

The square is not far away, just across a long street. r?anw?e?n?`


"Just ahead!"

"What about Korean car activities?"

"Yes, just theirs!"

"Why did Chenchen go there? Aren't you going to the mall?"

"She insisted on watching the fun."

Rao Aimin's face was as dark as water.

Zhang Ye was also extremely anxious.

Even though these two people usually don't have a good attitude towards Chenchen, they actually love her very much in their hearts.

A group of people had already walked quickly to the square. Far away, they saw the banner advertisement and stage stand of the Korean car brand. There was a red carpet on the ground, and seven or eight black bulletproof cars were parked on it. There are also some golf clubs, wooden baseball bats, turning heads, pliers, screwdrivers and other items, which are obviously props used when smashing cars for the audience. There are three circles inside and three circles outside. On the middle booth, Chen Chen and Xiao Wang were both on top, as well as the exhibition staff and person in charge.

At this moment, there was an argument on the stage.

Xiao Wang put his hands on his waist and said, "Why did it get smashed?"

The male employee pointed to the car door and said, "Look, see for yourself!"

Xiao Wang said loudly: "You let the children smash it! You let the children come on stage! So many people smashed it, why can't we do it?"

The male employee said angrily: "Everyone is smashing the glass! Who told you to smash the car door!"

Xiao Wang said: "Then you haven't made it clear yet!"

A female employee next to me said: "We haven't made it clear enough. Our car is still for sale. How can we sell it if the paint on the door is peeled off?"

Xiao Wang shouted: "What are you shouting? You're scaring our children!"

Chenchen stood there expressionlessly.

The person in charge and several employees almost fainted!

Why was she so frightened?

She is calmer than us, okay!

Many people in the audience also spoke out:

"You didn't make it clear."

"And it's not bad for other people's children."

"The child is short and his hands are not heavy. It is normal for him to miss the target."

"This kid didn't do it on purpose, so he just refused to let me go."

"Yeah, forget it."

"You're a big company, so what's the shortfall?"

A person in charge on the stage said: "It's not that we're short of money, but we need to make this matter clear, and children can't mess around!"

Chenchen said calmly: "There is something wrong with the quality of your car."

The person in charge was annoyed, pointed at her nose and said, "You broke our car door, and you still make irresponsible remarks?"

Xiao Wang opened his hand with a snap like a little tiger, "Who are you referring to?"

Several male employees gathered around, "How dare you do it!"

After hearing this, things became clear.

It turned out that Chenchen had brought Xiao Wang and Xiaozhou over to watch the fun, and cars were being smashed up above. Chenchen also lined up eagerly. When the organizer saw that she was a child, they didn't take it seriously, so they smiled and let her get on, but no one could I didn't expect that a **-year-old girl would be so strong. She picked up a brick and threw it out with a whoosh, but she missed the target and landed on the car door a little bit below the glass. The patent leather has also fallen off, and the exposed iron sheet is also slightly dented. The onlookers were originally suspicious, thinking, "Isn't this a bulletproof car? The glass is quite hard, so why are the doors so hard to smash?" As a result, Chenchen also said, "There is something wrong with the quality of this car." At this moment, the person in charge of the exhibition immediately quit and pulled them to prevent them from leaving.

The person in charge shouted: "Where are the parents of the child? Let the parents come and pick them up!"

Xiao Wang said angrily: "What right do you have to detain someone?"

The person in charge said: "The car broke down! I have the right! Let her parents come!"

Over there, Zhang Ye and his gang also rushed over.

Zhang Ye said calmly: "I am her parent."

At this moment, everyone's eyes were all on him, and then they exploded!

"Oh my God!"

"Zhang Ye!"

"It's Zhang Ye!"

"Why is it Zhang Ye's child?"


Now the fun is great! "

"Here comes the slap in the face!"

There were screams.

Some took pictures.

There are also video recordings.

People from the car brand were also stunned!

The person in charge's face darkened, "Zhang Ye?"

Xiao Wang found his backbone: "Director Zhang!"

Zhang Ye has already walked onto the booth.

Chenchen immediately came over and shouted to Qu, "Zhang Ye, the quality of their cars is not good."

Zhang Ye looked at the staff, "Let's not talk about anything else. You guys are standing around a little girl pointing at your nose and shouting. We have to talk about this. You said the car door is broken, okay? , how much does it cost to repair it, yes, we are not unreasonable people, but why are you yelling at your children?"

A male employee said loudly: "She smashed our car and poured dirty water on it. Even a child can't talk nonsense!"

Zhang Ye looked at him, "You're still shouting, right?"

The person in charge said coldly: "Teacher Zhang, are you here to cause trouble?"

Zhang Ye was amused, "Am I causing trouble?"

Everyone in Zhang Ye's studio is also angry!

The onlookers were becoming more and more outrageous. They thought the organizer had gone too far regarding the little girl. Why did they seize the child and not let it go? You were the one who started this activity of smashing and giving away cars. When Zhang Ye came, he made it very clear how much money should be paid. He was very reasonable. Why did you bite Zhang Ye after you had bitten the child?


"Teacher Zhang, don't pay attention to them!"

"They are just trying to take advantage of you!"

Some people shouted.

Riding on my heat?

hehe. My heat is not that easy to rub off on!

Zhang Ye said: "Chenchen, you go back first."

Chenchen: "Oh."

But the person in charge really held on to her, "You can't leave! This matter must be made clear!" There was no intention of minimizing the big deal in his words.

Zhang Ye stared at him, "Let the child go down, I will make it clear to you."

The person in charge hesitated and said, "Okay!"

Zhang Ye turned around and walked to the front of the car. He looked down and pointed at the place where the paint peeled off, "Is this what the child smashed?"

A male employee said: "Yes!"

Zhang Ye asked: "Did the bricks break down?"

Person in charge: "Yes!"

Zhang Ye nodded and said: "Then my child is right, there is something wrong with the quality of your car!"

The person in charge said coldly: "You evildoer will file a complaint first?"

The male employee said: "Don't talk nonsense!"

Zhang Ye said: "Everyone with some common sense knows that a **-year-old child is still a little girl. No matter how strong she is, even if she is born with supernatural powers, how big can she be?"

Everyone in the audience laughed.

Zhang Ye pointed there, "A brick can make the door of your so-called bulletproof car so dented inside? Then where is your so-called bulletproof effect?" As he said that, he reached out and knocked. , "I believe that patent leather is not bulletproof, but the same is true for steel plates?"

The person in charge immediately said: "What do you know? This is the outer layer. The real protective effect is on the inner layer. If a bullet hits, it can only penetrate the outer door, but cannot get in at all. Our car door There are five layers of protection, all of which have passed professional military-level testing!”

Zhang Ye said: "I can't tell if there are five ways or not. I know that the first line of defense allowed a nine-year-old girl to break through with just a brick."

The crowd booed:


"There's nothing wrong with what Teacher Zhang said!"

"I was wondering just now, why did it break when I smashed it?"

“Is this car really bulletproof?”

"But glass is quite hard."

"Well, more than twenty people just didn't break it."

The person in charge became angry when he heard this, "Teacher Zhang, I am now convinced that you are really here to cause trouble! The inner layer of the door protection cannot be seen unless it is removed. You are holding on to this on purpose. What do you mean? ? What’s your intention? You are deliberately slandering our brand! How good is the bulletproof effect of our car? So many pairs of eyes in the audience just witnessed it! There are so many tools here, none of them can break the glass of our bulletproof car! Is there a problem with the quality of our cars? We are the top three car manufacturers in South Korea! We promise that the quality of every bulletproof car will pass the test!"

The male employee said: "You are smearing dirt on us!"

Another male employee shouted: "What's your intention!"

A group of people spoke without any courtesy.

The people around him felt disgusted.

What is this for?

Who is Zhang Ye?

Professor from Peking University!

World class mathematician!

Even if you don't respect me, you should at least be polite, right? How do you talk about this? Are you still causing trouble on purpose? Why are people causing trouble on purpose? Didn’t you first grab the little girl and ask her to meet her parents? The parents are here now, and you are doing this and that! Who is this?

The people in his studio were also furious!

However, what surprised everyone was that Zhang Ye was as steady as a mountain, still looking at them with a calm expression, without any change in his expression.

Zhang Ye turned around, stretched out his hand and lightly knocked on the car glass, "Is it really bulletproof?"

The person in charge said coldly: "You can try it!"

Zhang Ye smiled and said: "Why don't I believe it?"

The employee next to him said: "We have tools here! You can use them as you like! Take whatever you want!"

The person in charge sneered, "Didn't you say there is something wrong with our quality? Okay, you smash it, you smash it, you will pay for one car if you smash it!"

They are all waiting to see the joke!

Zhang Ye also smiled slightly, "Then let me try?"

The person in charge stretched out his hand and said, "Try, try whatever you want!"

Smash bulletproof glass?

What a joke!

Even the strongest men in the world can't smash it!

Then, Zhang Ye raised his right hand!

No bat!

No bricks!

He held a secret energy in the palm of his hand, and lightly slapped the bulletproof glass. He heard a loud thumping sound and the whole car body shook!

The glass has turned white!

The person in charge is stupid!

Several employees were dumbfounded!

The audience was dumbfounded!

The people in Zhang Ye's studio were also stupid!

The next moment, Zhang Ye raised his hand again and slapped it down!


The car body shook violently!

The whole piece of glass shattered!

At this second, no one in the audience spoke!

There was complete silence in the huge square! (To be continued...)

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