I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,451 [Zhang Ye returns! 】

one day. ??Ranwen Novel???`t

Two days.

Three days.

Asian countries such as China, Japan and South Korea continue to receive rave reviews.

Especially in Japan, almost all people are fascinated.

"It's so enjoyable!"

"Animation feast!"

“There are so many good anime out there!”

"I'm fascinated too!"

"These seven teachers are amazing."

"Update quickly!"

Across Asia, many people who have never watched anime have been captured by this wave of Japanese comics, and have been drawn into the army of chasing new anime, unable to extricate themselves.

The seven animations are chasing each other, frequently breaking the historical records of Japanese comics. Now it comes up, and then it comes up again. There is no other animation at all. Now the entire Asian market seems to have become these seven animations. ’s exhibition game, there is no other protagonist.

Throughout Japanese history.

Throughout the history of animation.

Such a feast has never happened before!

Zhang Ye's studio.

Going to work in the morning, everyone's morale is high.

"Good morning, Director Ha."

"Brother Zuo, good morning."

"How are the results?"

"The new single volume of "Dragon Ball" breaks the record again."

"Very good."

"The same goes for the animated version. "Conan" has surpassed the ratings of "Doraemon" again."

"It's all our own records anyway, haha."

"Yes, no one knows that all the calls are actually the work of Director Zhang alone."

"What new works has Director Zhang painted?"

"I don't know. Director Zhang has been silent for several days."

"Let's have a video conference and ask."


When everyone arrived, they entered the conference room.

Ha Qiqi opened the video and connected with Director Zhang.

Dudu, the video connection is connected, but when they saw Zhang Ye on the other side of the video, everyone in the studio was dumbfounded and screamed!

In the image, Zhang Ye looked as if he had just escaped from the refugee den. His hair was gone, his beard was unshaven, and his clothes were still the same as the one they saw in the video last time. He looked very sluggish, and his eyelids were drooped, as if he was going to die at any moment. As if he was about to fall, a gust of wind could blow him away.

Xiao Wang groaned.

Ha Qiqi hurriedly shouted: "Director Zhang, what's wrong?"

Zhang Zuo was also startled, "What's wrong with you? Are you drawing new works again?"

Xiao Wang asked: "How many new ones have you drawn?"

New product?

How many more?

Hearing this, Zhang Ye almost vomited blood!

Zhang Ye said angrily: "Why should I draw new ones? There are already seven volumes now. Seven days a week, each volume is updated with three episodes. On average, I have to draw three episodes a day. I can only draw it when my buddy is in good condition. I have drawn so many, and now I have to update three chapters every day. I haven’t slept in the past two days, you think I am an iron man!"


Aren't you an iron man?

Of course, they obviously didn't dare to say this.

Ha Qiqi said quickly: "Oh, then you should rest quickly, rest quickly."

Zhang Zuodao: "That's right, stop drawing."

Zhang Ye said listlessly: "I stayed up late to finish the painting and sent it to the mailbox. Please check it. If it doesn't work, I'll go and catch up on some sleep."

Ha Qiqi: "Go quickly, go quickly!"

Hang up the video.

Zhang Ye went back to the bedroom and lay down. He didn't even want to move a finger. This guy was so excited that he created seven comics in one breath, but he ended up getting involved in it. He had three chapters a day, and occasionally four chapters. Even Zhang Ye couldn't stand it! In the past, he was quite happy when he saw the scores of comics rising steadily, and he would brag about it with Lao Wu every day, but now this guy trembles all over when he hears the word "comic"!

Keep at it!

Hold on a little longer!

Victory is at hand!

One hour.

three hours.

He fell asleep, and it was noon when he opened his eyes again.

Zhang Ye looked at his watch in a daze and immediately sat up from the bed, "Oh, I forgot to cook." So he hurriedly got up and went downstairs.

The food is fragrant.

There is also the smell of cooked rice.

Zhang Ye was startled and walked downstairs faster.

Downstairs, the family members were all here, including dad, mom, Li Qinqin, and Wu Changhe. In the open kitchen over there, Wu Zeqing was cooking.

"Dad, Mom."

"Hey, Xiaoye is awake."

"Why are you guys here?"

"Zeqing called."

Zhang Ye tilted his head and said angrily: "Old Wu, what are you doing?"

Wu Zeqing smiled, "I'm cooking."

Zhang Ye complained: "Who told you to move! I promised to cook!"

Mom said: "I also said that she must do it by herself."

"I have to do this meal today." Wu Zeqing smiled, then moved his feet and said, "Look, my feet have healed. I have been idle for the past few months. If I don't move any more, I will I can barely walk anymore, Xiaoye, wash your hands quickly and get ready to eat."

Zhang Ye walked over, knelt down and touched it, "Is it really good?"

Wu Zeqing said gently: "Well, that's about it for the past two days."

dinner time.

Everyone sat around.

Wu Zeqing suddenly raised his glass and said with a smile: "Before eating, I have to toast my husband first."

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Oh, no need, no need."

Wu Changhe said: "Thank you."

Li Qinqin also lamented: "Xiaoye has really worked hard these past few months. He has also left work and classes. It is really not easy to take care of Zeqing at home every day."

My mother smiled and said, "His own wife, shouldn't he?"

Dad said: "Zeqing has been serving him in the past, now it's time for him to contribute."

Zhang Ye laughed and said, "My parents are right, it's my job."

It took a hundred days to break the muscles and bones. However, Lao Wu was pregnant and did not dare to take medicine, so his recovery speed was much slower than that of normal people. In the past few months, the outside entertainment industry has changed a lot, and new people have become famous overnight. , there were old people whose ratings dropped, new movies set the trend, and famous movie stars suffered misfortunes. A lot of things happened during this period, but Zhang Ye ignored them and focused on taking care of his wife at home. Apart from going out to buy groceries, I haven't even stepped out of my house. It is indeed not easy for Zhang Ye, who has a restless temperament, to be able to do this.

Learned to cook.

Learned to do laundry.

Learned a lot of housework.

Zhang Ye has also grown a lot in the past few months.

Wu Zeqing said: "Tomorrow, you start working."

Zhang Ye blinked, "Are you so kind?"

Mom rolled her eyes, "Are you still hoping that Zeqing will get better?"

"Hey, let me ask." Zhang Ye was speechless.

Everyone laughed.

Wu Zeqing said: "After eating, take a nap and have a good rest. Only then will you have the energy to go to work tomorrow. There are many things waiting for you."

Zhang Ye smiled slightly and said, "Okay, listen to my wife."

After dinner, Zhang Ye went upstairs to sleep and recharge his batteries.

I have said goodbye to the entertainment industry for a few months. I wonder if everyone has missed me?

Haha, I, Hu Hansan, am back again! (To be continued...)

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