I’m Really a Superstar

【1 wave flow! ! ! 】

It's very late.

Every house outside has turned off its lights.

Zhang Ye was still surfing the Internet, but Rao Aimin went to the second-floor bedroom of the small duplex, pushed the door in, frowned, and started to pack the clothes on the bed. He hung up the clothes that could be hung and threw everything that couldn't be hung into the washing machine. Zhang Ye said in a bad temper: "You, what about you? Look at what time it is. Hurry up and get your things and go home. It's time for Chenchen to go to bed. Go back to where you came from!"

She wore a very homely sportswear. The clothes were rather old-fashioned and the colors were not that good. She probably got them dirty from cooking and working.

Zhang Ye glanced at her and said, "Okay, I've finished reading this."

This is news about the sales on the first day. Although the specific figures are not mentioned and the publisher has not announced them to the public, a conclusion has been drawn through data analysis of some major bookstores - that is, sales are very hot. Now, except for a few A large bookstore still has a lot of volumes one and two in stock, while other bookstores with small stock volumes are almost sold out!

This is the first day!

The first printing is 100,000 copies for one volume and 200,000 copies for two copies!

Is this half of the sales volume? In recent years, few books have been so popular that you can count them on the palm of your hand, let alone such a relatively unpopular supernatural book!

After reading the news, Zhang Ye closed the web page.

At this time, Chenchen stomped upstairs with clumsy steps. As soon as she came to the bedroom and saw Zhang Ye, she got into bed wearing little pajamas.

"I'm leaving, little one." Zhang Ye said goodbye to her.

Chenchen looked at him and said, "Zhang Ye, tell me a story."

Rao Aimin packed up her clothes and said, "Your Uncle Zhang still has to go home and sleep!"

Chenchen didn't listen and looked at him with big silent eyes and said, "Zhang Ye, tell me a story, otherwise I won't be able to sleep and my aunt won't tell me."

Rao Aimin groaned: "You are so old and you still listen to stories!"

Chenchen stretched out his small hand to hold Zhang Ye's big hand, as if not letting him go.

Zhang Ye had no choice but to sit on the bed and ask the landlord's aunt for her opinion, "Then let me tell Chenchen?"

"Let's talk, let's take a shower." Rao Aimin ignored it and went into the bathroom and closed the door. Within a moment, the sound of running water came from inside. Maybe it was because she felt comfortable after washing, and there was also a sound coming from inside. The sound of Rao Aimin whistling.

"Zhang Ye!" Seeing that he was distracted, Chenchen called him displeased.

"Oh, okay." Zhang Ye asked, "Have you listened to my fairy tales? Which ones have you heard?"

"The school talked about your marriage." Chenchen closed his eyes and lay on the bed.

"Okay then, I'll give you one." Zhang Ye started to say, and after talking for a long time, he finally got tired and simply lay down on the outside of the bed, took off his shoes and covered himself with a quilt, and continued Tell Chenchen.

Unexpectedly, the little thing became more energetic the more he listened, his big eyes became brighter and brighter, and the sleepiness he felt just now disappeared without a trace.

The landlady had finished taking a shower and came out. When she saw Zhang Ye hadn't left yet, Rao Aimin looked at him and said, "Are you still talking?"

Zhang Ye smiled bitterly, "She won't sleep."

Chenchen insisted: "I still want to listen."

Zhang Ye said: "Let's talk about it tomorrow. My uncle will tell you tomorrow."

"No, I want to listen today." Chenchen said: "There are no classes on National Day, so I can sleep later."

Rao Aimin looks fierce and scolds everyone she catches every day. In fact, many people will find that she is a very careful and soft-hearted elder sister. " He said harsh words, but then said: "Okay, okay, listen, listen." Then he said to Zhang Ye: "Xiao Zhang, I don't care about you anymore. I'm sleepy. Let's go to bed first."

"Uh, okay." Zhang Ye said.

Rao Aimin wrapped the towel tightly around her body, walked to the other end of the bed, got under the quilt, and turned her back to them, "Keep your voice down, don't disturb me."

Chenchen said like a little adult, "Go to sleep and cover yourself with quilt. Good night, auntie."

There are three people sleeping on the bed at the moment. Fortunately, the landlady's house is bigger and the bed is bigger, so it doesn't feel crowded at all. Now Zhang Ye and Rao Aimin are sleeping on the left and right, with little Chenchen in the middle. This scene always feels like a family. He was so human, which made Zhang Ye feel a little warm in his heart.

"Zhang Ye." Chenchen whispered.

Zhang Ye then said: "Okay, let me continue talking about the rest."

From nine-thirty to ten o'clock, from ten o'clock to ten-thirty.

Finally, it was almost eleven o'clock. Rao Aimin turned over sleepily and said angrily: "Why are you still telling stories? It's almost time to sleep!"

Chenchen didn't respond and had already fallen asleep.

Only then did Zhang Ye notice that he was so sleepy that he was too lazy to move and just fell asleep under the quilt.

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