I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,456 [A curse throughout Asia! 】

Netizens are confused!

"What's the meaning?"

"What do you mean?"

"Zhang Ye?"



"What a fool!"

"No? No way?"


"Please tell me it's not what I think it is!"

"Paralysis, maybe it's what you think!"

"Buddha! God!"

The meager amount exploded!

The people exploded!

Zhang Ye’s Weibo shocked the whole of Asia!

When they first saw this Weibo, everyone didn’t dare to continue guessing, because not only them, but the first impression of all Asian people at this moment was that the mastermind behind the seven national animations must be Japanese. He must be a Japanese. Japanese cartoonists, because Japan is the country of animation and the most glorious place in the animation industry in the world. Seven animations were also released in Japan, so everyone has preemptively targeted the Japanese and has been attacking them one by one. Once again, even after seeing Zhang Ye's words, they thought it was something else.

Zhang Ye also draws comics.

He also happened to be a eunuch.

If it were any other person, other celebrities, people wouldn't think about it.

Someone else is making a movie, and you are also making a movie. There is no correlation in itself.

But Zhang Ye is different. This name represents something different. When I think of this person as Zhang Ye, when I think of this guy’s character, and read the Weibo post again, many people trembled. Everyone's eyes widened, as if they had seen a ghost in shock!

Who is Zhang Ye?

Singing, hosting, directing, calligraphy, novels...

A pervert who knows everything and knows everything!

You said other celebrities can draw comics? They definitely don't believe it!

But Zhang Ye can draw comics? No one dares not to believe it!

All these planes can fly.

What’s so incredible about being able to draw comics?

Besides, does Zhang Ye have this time?

He has it, he really has it. From the beginning of the serialization of the first "One Piece", it was precisely the moment when Zhang Ye's wife had just broken a bone. Zhang Ye gave up all his work and asked for leave to go home. Then he became the eunuch of seven anime series. It was also the moment when Zhang Ye Ye's wife recovered and Zhang Ye returned to the entertainment industry on his first day! Not only did it meet the conditions in terms of time, but it was also a terrible coincidence and a terrible coincidence. The error was not even a day away!

Besides, what's Zhang Ye's speed?

Talkative? No. 1 in Asia!

Speaking speed? No. 1 in Asia!

Zhang Ye's astonishing advertising slogan display in "The Voice" is still beyond the reach of all hosts in Asia! There was also a glorious history of recording ten episodes of a talk show in one night. This speed, this efficiency, this record, no one in Asia can break it!

What if Zhang Ye's hand speed is also the best in Asia?

What if Zhang Ye's painting speed is also the fastest in Asia?

Is this really possible? Damn it!

Finally, let’s talk about Zhang Ye’s temperament. Can Zhang Ye do such a thing that lacks great virtue and such a hooligan act of killing people without caring about them? Does he really dare to do it?

The answer is obvious!

He can do it!

This guy is really fucking capable!

Moreover, this guy likes to do such immoral things, and he never tires of doing it!

conform to!

conform to!

All conditions are met!

So, when Zhang Ye's studio's official Weibo posted again, the public was no longer surprised by what they saw!

Studio pictures.

All are original manuscripts from comics such as "One Piece" and "Naruto". The original manuscript is the first version of the manuscript that comes out of the hands of the author. It is a clean manuscript with no modifications, no watermarks, and nothing. This is only available to the original author and the magazine. So as soon as these pictures came out, the silence became louder than the silence.

Zhang Ye's studio hurriedly explained: "Teacher Zhang didn't mean it. The main reason is that the restriction order is too strict. All of Teacher Zhang's work and works in Japan and South Korea have been extremely severely restricted, so since Teacher Zhang revealed his identity , there is no way to continue painting. Furthermore, Teacher Zhang has returned to work and is very busy at work. He does not have the time and energy to continue completing these seven works. Please understand!"

However, these words are of no use at all!

After the identity of the great eunuch was exposed, no words were of any use!

Found the rightful owner!

Finally found the mastermind behind it!






Comics world!

This Weibo caused a shocking storm all over Asia!

The news spread quickly throughout Asia as if it had wings!


Juvenile Library Editorial Department.

Countless editors are collectively cursing.

"Have you found anyone?"

"I've searched all the cartoonists in Japan, and they're all wrong!"

"Where did this guy come from?"

Then, the deputy editor-in-chief walked in with a look of shock and anger, "We found the person!"

Seto Kyoko stood up suddenly, "What? Who is it?"

The deputy editor gritted his teeth and said, "A guy we have been scolding every day!"

A male editor was stunned, "No, we scold him every day? That's Zhang Ye, we don't have anyone else - ah! Zhang Ye?"

"Is it Zhang Ye?"

"Oh my God! How could it be him!"

Seto Kyoko fainted!

Everyone in the editorial department vomited blood!

South Korea.

Li Anxu’s team.

"The man named Zhang is back again."

"Yeah, I don't know what's going on."

"Anyway, he doesn't want to come to South Korea anymore. If he wants to cause trouble, he can do it in China. We won't play with him anymore!"

"Hey, why isn't "One Piece" updated?"

"Brother An Xu, are you watching too?"


At this time, an assistant ran in like crazy, "Something happened! Zhang Ye made trouble again! He drew "One Piece"! He drew "Naruto"! He drew the whole damn thing!"

"What did you say?"


The assistant shouted: "It's really Zhang Ye! He has already admitted his fault!"

Li Anxu almost fell off the chair!


Yao Jiancai's family.

Yao Mi is cursing at home!

"Don't let me know your address!"

"You're a scammer!"

"You don't care whether you bury or kill me!"

"My "Slam Dunk"! My beloved Rukawa Kaede!"

Behind me, my mother came over.

Mother said: "Hey, Mimi, is there any news about your Uncle Zhang?"

Yao Mi didn't look back and asked without paying much attention: "What news?"

The mother held up her mobile phone and said, "Let me take a look. Well, he said that seven animations including "Slam Dunk" and "Gundam" were drawn by him. What animation? Is it a comic?"

Yao Mi was stunned!


A mouthful of old blood spurted out!

Holy shit!

Is it my Uncle Zhang?

A certain school.

Cao Mengmeng's class has just ended.

As soon as the bell rang, the students gathered together to curse.

A girl: "Why are there such wicked people?"

A boy cried: "My "Gundam"! Is it just such a eunuch?"

Cao Mengmeng said: "Damn eunuch! Stinky eunuch! It's so annoying!"

At this time, a female classmate came over with her mobile phone dumbfounded and held the screen in front of Cao Mengmeng, "Mengmeng, please stop scolding."

Cao Mengmeng said angrily: "Why can't I scold you?"

The female classmate didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Because that person is your brother!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole class burst into tears!

Cao Mengmeng was dumbfounded, "What?"

The female classmate raised her phone and said, "See for yourself, the latest news!"

After reading the phone, Cao Mengmeng slapped her forehead in collapse, and suddenly shouted: "Fuck, stop scolding, stop scolding, study hard, what anime are you watching!"

Everyone sweated, that's not what you just said!

The female classmate said: "Well, no more scolding."

Cao Mengmeng said to her on the first floor, "My best friend is better!"

The female classmate said speechlessly: "Because there is no need for me to scold you anymore. There is no need for me to scold you anymore. See for yourself. People all over Asia are scolding your brother now!"

Cao Mengmeng: "..."

She is about to cry now!

She was puzzled, how could she end up with such a troublesome cousin?

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