I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,470 [China’s local phenomenal animation! 】

at night.

Zhang Ye's studio.

Sun Xiaobei cried.

Chen Xiang cried.

Hu Kebang also cried.

They hugged each other excitedly, sometimes laughing, sometimes roaring, and sometimes crying. They didn't know how to vent the excitement in their hearts!


"We made it!"

"We won the Japanese comics! We won for the first time!"

"How many years have I been waiting!"

"Director Zhang, you are so awesome! You are so awesome!"

"We finally did it!"

"Ahhh! What should I do! I'm so excited that I'm going crazy now!"

"This, is this really our achievement?"

"It's true! Of course it's true!"

Seeing them happy, the eyes of the people in Zhang Ye's studio were a little warm. They were not from this industry. They didn't know anything about local animation or domestic animation. They were just the strings in Director Zhang's mind. As soon as there was a movement, they rushed in. To be honest, they don’t have such deep feelings for local animation, but after these days of contact and understanding, Ha Qiqi, Zhang Zuo and the others admire Sun Xiaobei and other domestic animation people, admire their persistence, and admire their persistence. They really want to make some local animations. There are really too few young people like them.





Now, the day has finally come.

They should be happy that this honor belongs to them.

Sun Xiaobei went up and hugged Zhang Ye, "Director Zhang, thank you!"

Hu Kebang and others also came up and hugged Zhang Ye one by one, shouting and laughing.

Sun Xiaobei wiped her tears and said, "Please keep your voice down. The neighbors are all asleep. Don't cause any trouble to Teacher Zhang."

Zhang Ye said with a smile: "It's okay, today is a day for us Chinese animators to feel proud. It's right for us to be happy."

And we Chinese animators?

Can you not flatter yourself?

Everyone in Zhang Ye's studio rolled their eyes.

Sun Xiaobei and the others are standard Chinese animators, but you are not. You just produced seven comics a while ago. You stopped drawing in Japan and came back to China to make animations. What kind of Chinese animators are you? You are just kidding. One shot and one place, all based on whim, okay?

Zhang Ye said: "Are you all hungry? Come on, I'll treat everyone to a supper!"

"Thank you, Mr. Zhang!"

"Wow, it's time to eat!"

Everyone went to celebrate.

It is indeed time to celebrate.

The "report card" of the day has come out. The number of views on the first episode of Qin Shi Mingyue finally stopped at 130 million. This is a frightening number, which not only broke the history of domestic animation The best result can even be compared with the number of views of the best variety shows and TV series in the industry, and this is the first episode, only one episode premiered!

Two of the most popular domestic TV series and a variety show have been affected. The number of online clicks has dropped by more than 20% than usual. The producers and production units are frightened and at the same time dumbfounded. TV series and variety shows The number of clicks was actually shared?

When did local animation gain such power?

When will domestic animation be able to compete with TV dramas and variety shows?


Several companies held meetings overnight.

"King Wu is greatly affected!"

"The same goes for our Angel Slash, the clicks have dropped a lot!"

"It was all shared by Qin Shimingyue!"

"What the hell is going on with this animation!"

"Who knows why such an animation suddenly appeared in China's sluggish animation market!"

"Alas, this Zhang Ye has disrupted all our plans!"

"But this is only the first episode. Because Zhang Ye is so famous and they have a lot of publicity funds, it is normal for the first episode to be higher. The rest will definitely not continue like this if they all have over 100 million views. , then why are you playing, it can’t last!”

"That makes sense!"


We can't be chaotic. "

However, what the Japanese animation industry expected did not happen!

the next day.

The second episode of Qin Shi Mingyue has been aired.


"Continuous broadcast?"

"One episode a day? It's so enjoyable!"

"It's great! The second episode is also great!"

"Hahahaha! Yao Jiancai's dubbing is out!"

"Lao Yao's voice is so funny!"

"I heard it too, and it was him!"


On the same day, the number of hits for the second episode was released!

One hundred and forty million!

The number of views was actually higher than that of the first episode on that day!

The third day.

Qin Shi Mingyue has been updated again!

"Another episode!"

"Niu Niu Niu!"

"This dubbing cast is so ruthless!"

"Yes, who in the entire industry can afford to hire so many first-tier and above-tier big names!"

"It's so beautiful. The more I watch it, the more addictive it becomes!"

"The plot continuity is too strong!"

"Yes, the picture is still so beautiful, I will never tire of it!"

"I've watched it three times!"

"Proud of domestic animation!"

"Well done to Zhang Ye! Well done to Miracle Company!"

Today, the click count for the third episode has been calculated!

It’s 150 million!

The number of views for the first episode of Qin Shi Mingyue has exceeded 200 million!

King Wu knelt down!

Angel Slash is on his knees!

All Japanese animations who come to the Chinese market to grab money and land are on their knees!

Several Japanese animation companies also collapsed after seeing this result!


"What else are you playing with?"

"More than 100 million stable? This guy surnamed Zhang is crazy!"

"How can it be so high!"

"This is obviously Ye's first time doing animation!"

"Qin Shi Mingyue? Is this already a national-level animation?"

“How can China’s animation industry, which is so backward, produce national-level works?”


There is really a feeling of despair!

If the opponent has tens of millions of clicks, they may still be able to chase it, maybe they can take some remedial measures, and maybe they can have a bloody battle with the opponent, but it's more than 100 million! Two hundred million! How the hell do you fight this? They try hard to suck milk but they can't catch up!


What a miserable loss!

This time I entered the Chinese animation market with great excitement, but then I was slapped back!

At this time, some people missed One Piece, Naruto, and Conan. If those animations were still there, how could they end up in this situation? Why don't you compete with the other party? Maybe you can win? But they suddenly remembered that those animations were also drawn by Zhang Ye. For a moment, they became even more desperate. In just a few months, eight phenomenal animations were released in Asia and seven in Japan. , a Chinese one, and these anime are actually made by the same fucking person?

What a terrible thing this is! Chapter 1470 [China’s local phenomenal animation! 】Personal works are hand-typed and first published by members of [无*Error*xiao-shuo.net]. For more chapters, please visit the website:

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