The next day.


Lao Wu and his family got up, only to find that Zhang Ye didn't know where he was.

Li Qinqin asked strangely: "Xiao Ye went back last night?"

Wu Zeqing said, "No, you live with me in the West Room."

Wu Changhe said: "Why is there no one here? Everything has been prepared earlier."

"What were you two talking about yesterday?" Li Qinqin asked, "I think we talked until midnight."

Wu Zeqing smiled and said, "Nothing, let's talk about the children."

At this time, the sound of parking came from outside.

Then Zhang Ye came in and started carrying big and small bags inside.

One pack.

Three packs.

Five packs.

There are also several large boxes.

Li Qinqin was startled, "Oh, what are you doing?"

Zhang Ye said with a smile: "Mom, I bought some diapers and clothes for the children. They are a few months old, one year old, and two years old. They look good to me, so I bought them all." He opened a pack and said, "Look at these diapers, how good they are. Don't believe in foreign stuff. Just buy domestic ones. By the way, Mom, don't go shopping in Lotte City in the future. That's If it’s driven by a Korean, there’s no guarantee.”

Wu Changhe said, "Didn't all the Lotte stores in Beijing close down? You can't go there even if you want to. Hey, why did you buy so many?"

Zhang Ye said excitedly: "Buy more and prepare."

Li Qinqin didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "It's too early, she hasn't given birth yet."

"It's late." Zhang Ye said, "You have to prepare in advance."

Wu Zeqing smiled and said, "Let him buy it. It's good to prepare it in advance."

Li Qinqin hurriedly greeted: "Okay, let's put it in this room."

A large cart of things was unloaded. Zhang Ye suddenly slapped his forehead and said, "Hey, look at my brain. I have forgotten about strollers and cribs. So, I will go to the specialty store to pick out some at night. If there are any good ones, I will pick them up." return."

Li Qinqin smiled bitterly, "It will be the same if I buy it in the future."

But Wu Zeqing said: "Buy a lighter stroller so it can be moved up and down."

"Okay, I understand." Zhang Ye said, "Then I'll go to work first. I've made an appointment."

Li Qinqin pulled him, "No, leave after eating."

Wu Zeqing said: "Let him go, he is busy with a lot of things."

Zhang Ye smiled and said: "Yes, I will come back to eat later in the evening."

Li Qinqin said: "Well, then you drive slower."

"I know, Mom." Zhang Ye hurried away.

Half past ten in the morning.


When Zhang Ye arrived, the person he had made an appointment with had already arrived.

It's Hu Fei from Beijing TV Station and Zhang Ye's old leader.

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Brother Hu is here?"

Hu Fei pointed at him and said, "How about you call me in the middle of the night and ask me to come over? You want me to wait for you?"

"Hey, I went to buy some things this morning, but I was delayed." Zhang Ye asked him to sit down, "I'm spoiled for choice with diapers and baby products."

Hu Fei smiled and looked at him intently, "Okay, this man who is going to be a father is different. I have known you for so many years, and I have never seen you go to the mall to buy anything for yourself." After a pause, he asked : "What on earth is going on? You didn't say anything on the phone, it was so mysterious."

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "There is an agreement."

Hu Fei was stunned, "An agreement?"

Zhang Ye looked not far away, "Xiao Wang, where are the things?"

"It's printed." Xiao Wang quickly took it over.

Zhang Ye picked it up and pushed it to Hu Fei, "Take a look."

Hu Fei put on his glasses and took a look at the agreement suspiciously. He was stunned and raised his head in surprise, "Zhang Er, what do you mean?"

Zhang Ye smiled and said: "Licensing agreement, The Masked Singer and I am a Singer, I will not be anonymous from now on. Calculating the time, it is almost time to produce the second season of The Masked Singer. The second season of I Am a Singer is even The same goes for the third season. From now on, I will authorize it to Beijing TV. After signing this agreement, you will not need my consent when producing the next season, you can just do it directly."

Hu Fei immediately returned the agreement, "It's not necessary.


Zhang Ye said, "If necessary, I have to make arrangements first."

Hu Fei said speechlessly: "It's not like you're gone. You're just leaving the entertainment industry for the time being. You're taking care of your children at home. Can I still find you? Let's talk about it then."

Zhang Ye said: "Having done this first, I feel at ease."

Hu Fei felt it was inappropriate, "But"

"It's nothing." After Zhang Ye finished speaking, he took out another thing. It was a thick stack, with as many as twenty pages. "This is what I compiled about the subsequent seasons of The Masked Singer and I Am a Singer. Take a look at the outline and draft, and use them if they are suitable. It doesn’t matter if they are not suitable.”

Hu Fei read page after page and sighed: "Actually, you are more suitable than anyone else to be the chief director."

Zhang Ye didn't speak and didn't know what to say.

He also wanted to make these programs a success, but he didn't have time.

Zhang Ye said: "Brother Hu, I just have one request."

Hu Fei said: "You say."

Zhang Ye said: "As long as Dong Shanshan is willing, the host can still find her."

Hu Fei looked at him and said seriously: "I promise you, as long as I am still alive, no matter whether I am the King of Masked Singer or I am a singer, there will be no other choice for the host besides Dong Shanshan. You I will make people strictly implement the outline given, and these two palace-level variety shows will never be destroyed in our hands."

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Okay."


Another group of people came.

It was a deputy director of CCTV who personally led the team.

Zhang Ye was also surprised, "Why did Director Zhou come in person?"

Deputy Director Zhou said with a serious expression: "Of course, I have to come in person for this kind of thing."

"Please sit down." Zhang Ye greeted.

Deputy Director Zhou and the group were very solemn.

The relationship between Zhang Ye and CCTV is very complicated. There was a honeymoon period before, and he worked at CCTV. Later, he had a fight and was forced to leave. Later, CCTV changed coaches and Zhang Ye directed the Spring Festival Gala. The relationship between the two parties has eased. , the complexity of it really cannot be explained clearly in one or two sentences.

Zhang Ye called someone, "Old Ha."

Haqiqi came over, "I'm here."

"Agreement." Zhang Ye said.

Ha Qiqi smiled bitterly, but still took it out.

Zhang Ye pushed it to Deputy Director Zhou, "You guys take a look first."

Deputy Director Zhou and several other legal staff looked at each other and saw that the agreement was clearly written. They looked at each other and nodded lightly.

The production rights of Good Voice!

The right to make the tip of your tongue!

They were looking forward to the production authorization from CCTV, but no one expected that Zhang Ye would just give it to them!

Deputy Director Zhou looked at him, "What do you want?"

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "I just have one request."

"Say." Deputy Director Zhou asked.

Zhang Ye said: "Don't mess up."

Deputy Director Zhou pondered for a moment, "Okay, I promise you."

Zhang Ye smiled and stretched out his hand, "Then sign it."

Signed by both parties.

The agreement is established.

Deputy Director Zhou was very emotional and excited. He knew the value of this authorization. The production rights for these two programs were really what they needed most right now. What kind of new voice was just passing the ball? The last CCTV leadership team had no choice but to come up with it. The value of a hundred new voices is not as valuable as the name The Voice. Now, they can finally produce the second season of The Voice openly and honestly!

Deputy Director Zhou held Zhang Ye's hand and said, "No more words, Teacher Zhang. If CCTV is needed in the future, just speak. On behalf of CCTV, thank you for your generosity."


Zhang Ye shook his head slightly. He was really not a generous person.

These classic programs on his earth were originally produced by Zhang Ye, and he was the leader. He could not let these programs end in his own hands. The previous grievances and conflicts had no impact on Zhang Ye today. It's no longer important. If you want to leave, you can't take these programs with you. You have to leave something to this world.

This was the last thing Zhang Ye could do.

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