I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,490 [Good night, Beijing! 】

ten minutes later.

The door is closed.

The big boss was pissed off. The elite team that their network supervisors were most proud of, from the leaders to the clerks, never spoke a word of truth. Let's check, let's check each of the sixteen people one by one. In fact, everyone knows that it is only a matter of time before the person is found. The most dangerous hacker in the world must be among these sixteen people.

"Who is it?"

"If we can't find anyone, we can't go back?"

"No, Mr. Zhang's concert is about to start."

"Yeah, I bought all the tickets."

"It sounds like you spent money? Didn't you ask for it from Teacher Zhang?"

"Didn't you also ask for it from Teacher Zhang?"

"Oh, don't even think about the concert. None of us can watch it."

"Why do I always feel that their investigation is in the wrong direction?"

"Well, I actually think so too. How many years have we all worked together? Who among us has a few brushes, and who has a few pounds? We all know it. If you say who among the sixteen of us is the best? I believe that everyone has this technology, but if you want to say that there is actually a hacker among us who is ranked No. 1 in the world and the most dangerous hacker in the past century, I really don’t believe it. Look at each other, who is it? He has the face of a legendary hacker, who does it look like? It doesn’t look like anyone else! So—is it a mistake?”

Everyone looked at each other.

You look at me, I look at you.

Then they all nodded in unison, that's right.

But who is that?

Are there other suspects?

But there are no more, there are only sixteen of them?

Until this moment, they didn't even think about Zhang Ye. Over the years, many people in the Network Supervision Division had forgotten that during the hacker war between China and South Korea, there were more than just people in their office in their office. There was another person among them.

the next day.

Shanghai News:

"The public security department is actively investigating and has identified the suspects."

The third day.

Beijing Satellite TV:

"The world is focused on the identity of Hacker 2 and we will keep you updated on the latest developments."

The fourth day.

CCTV set:

"Zhang Ye's last concert will be held at the Olympic Stadium tomorrow evening. Since the first suspect of Hacker 2 was once targeted at Fan Yingyun, the current leader of Zhang Ye's fan club, Zhang Ye's last concert has been attracting a lot of attention. It continues to surge.”


"The concert is coming!"

“I’m looking forward to it!”

"Haha, I already bought the tickets!"

"You're showing off upstairs! I didn't even buy any!"

"It's too hard to buy."

"Already on the train, going from Xining to Beijing to watch the concert. I am a true fan!"

"The last concert, this name is so catchy."

"Yeah, those who don't know really think that Zhang Ye is going to say goodbye to the entertainment industry."

"What are you saying goodbye to? You just go home and wait for your wife to give birth to the baby. You just disappear for a few days. This guy will come out to cause trouble after a while!"

"Pfft, everyone knows Teacher Zhang so well?"

"That's right, this guy has this image."

"Hurry up tomorrow, I can't wait!"

"Have you not found out about Hacker 2 yet?"

"It's probably impossible to find out. For such an awesome legendary hacker, I guess no one will be able to catch him unless he comes forward on his own."


Letters were received in many places.

——This is Zhang Ye's resignation letter.

The people at Peking University were stunned when they saw the resignation letter.

what happened?

what's the situation?


Dean Pan of the School of Mathematical Sciences immediately called Zhang Ye's mobile phone, "Professor Zhang, what are you doing? Are you resigning?"

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Did you receive the letter?"

Dean Pan said speechlessly: "Don't make trouble."

"No trouble." Zhang Ye said: "I have to rest for a while.

So I'm going to give up all the jobs I have. "

Dean Pan said: "You didn't come to Peking University to take a few classes when you didn't take a break before. You, you take a break, and your job is still suspended."

Zhang Ye said: "That won't work. I can't just occupy the manhole and not shit."

Soon, a vice president of Communication University also called.

"Professor Zhang, what happened?"

"Principal Sun, this is my personal problem."

"No, I don't agree."

"I have decided, just let me rest."

"You can rest. Why are you resigning? Are you really going to go home and take care of your children for the rest of your life? Isn't it just a matter of a few months? A year and a half at most?"

"Principal Sun, thank you to my alma mater for trusting me, but I have really decided. I have been tired for so many years. Please wake up and let me have a few days of leisure."

"You, this is too sudden!"

Then came the call from Charity Asia.




Today, Zhang Ye resigned from all his positions.

Not a single one was left, and all submitted their resignations.

In fact, he is quite reluctant to give up. Mathematics professor, Chinese professor, and Asian Charity Ambassador. Every position is a very unforgettable memory for Zhang Ye. But he has to make this decision, and he has already considered it. The most reluctant to let go of it. Now, what else is there that you can’t let go of? Zhang Ye had to bear the responsibility of this matter alone, and he could not involve others with his own affairs. Tomorrow is the last concert. After putting this aside, Zhang Ye can do what he should do with peace of mind and no longer have any worries.

News breaks.

Word got out.

The people were also shocked.


"Zhang Ye resigned?"

"Both Peking University and the media have resigned?"

"What is this for?"

"Is this really going home to take care of the kids?"

"I'm also confused. I'm just taking care of the kids. Why don't I have to resign from my job? By the way, this guy hasn't taken a few classes at Peking University or media before."

"Who knows what Zhang Ye thinks."

"This guy's brain is cramping again."

"Haha, ignore him. He has convulsions often and is used to it."

One more day.

There are still the last twenty-four hours.




Everything that could be done was done.

Everything that needs to be arranged has been arranged.

Having relieved all the burdens on his body, Zhang Ye suddenly felt relaxed at this moment. He did not go back to his parents' house, nor to Old Wu's house. The closer he got to parting, the less he knew how to face them. Zhang Ye walked onto the On the street, he didn't know where to go, so he just walked along the alley.

Go very slowly.


The streets in ordinary places in Beijing are actually not very beautiful. There are garbage, old buildings, and random parking, but Zhang Ye feels very peaceful and calm in his heart.

Gently I leave, just as gently I came;

I waved gently, saying goodbye to the clouds in the western sky.

Quietly I left, just as quietly I came;

I wave my sleeves and don't take away a single cloud.

Good night.


Goodbye tomorrow, see you tomorrow.

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