I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,494 [Let me be wild on this stage! 】

Concert scene.




"I'm really ugly."

"But I'm gentle."

"Indifferent on the outside, fanatical on the inside."

"This is me!"

"Today, I watched the snow drift by in the cold night."

"Floating far away with a cooled heart."

"Chasing in the wind and rain."

"It's hard to tell the traces in the fog."

"The sky is brighter for you and me."

"Can it change?"

“I plant a seed.”

"Finally the fruit has grown."

"Today is a great day."

The concert is already halfway through.

Zhang Ye has sung more than ten songs, some new songs and some old songs. Because he was too focused and there were no guests to replace him in the middle, Zhang Ye had to complete the performance on stage alone from beginning to end. His voice and vocal cords had begun to feel hoarse under the continuous high-intensity work.

Another song was sung.

The stage under Zhang Ye's feet lowered.

Costumers and makeup artists immediately gathered around.

Xiao Wang quickly opened the mineral water and said, "Take a sip!"

Zhang Ye took it and drank it.

Ha Qiqi said worriedly: "You should take a rest."

Zhang Ye shook his head.

"This is too tiring." Zhang Zuoye said.

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "I can hold on."

The costume guy suddenly said, "Where's the hat? Where's the hat?"

Xiao Zhou: "Ah? He was there just now."

The makeup artist held something to touch up her makeup, "Let's put on makeup first!"

There was some lack of coordination here, and it took half a minute to get the costume ready.

Shouts from the scene kept coming.

"Zhang Ye!"

"Zhang Ye!"

"Zhang Ye!"

Zhang Ye looked at Ha Qiqi and others, "I'm going up."

Ha Qiqi was stunned, "No, my clothes and makeup are not even ready!"

Zhang Ye smiled and said: "No, that's it."

Zhang Zuo said anxiously: "But——"

Before he finished speaking, Zhang Ye interrupted: "Sheng!"

Everyone hurriedly followed suit.

Xiao Wang asked in a low voice: "What is Director Zhang so anxious about?"

Ha Qiqi said: "I don't know."

Zhang Zuo pondered for a moment and recalled, "Have you noticed? Director Zhang seems to be anxious about everything these days, as if something is chasing him from behind."

Wu Yi said: "I feel it too."

The makeup artist was anxious, "You can't even finish your makeup. Teacher Zhang is an Asian superstar. For stars, image is the most important thing. Where can anyone have a concert like this?"

make up?

dress up?

Zhang Ye no longer needs it because he has no time. The current network supervisor should have received his scheduled email, right? The people over there should have guessed 2’s true identity, right? Zhang Ye knew that his concert could be interrupted at any time, and he couldn't stop it from happening. What should come will eventually come, so he has to sing. He has to sing as much as he can in the last time. He would sing until the last minute, the last second.

The lift went up.

Zhang Ye returned to the center of the stage.

The fans outside the field immediately screamed, and then everyone realized something was wrong, and everyone before the live broadcast also saw it.


"Why are you still wearing the same clothes?"

"Didn't you change it?"

"The makeup on your face hasn't changed either?"

"What's wrong? Are you back in such a hurry?"

The music started.

Zhang Ye also smiled.

bring it on!

just sing!

As long as you want to hear it, I will sing it for you!

Suddenly, Zhang Ye made a move that made everyone scream. Under the accompaniment of strong rock music, he actually pushed off his shirt and threw his hand out!

He doesn’t need makeup!

He doesn’t need a costume either!

He just wants to sing!

He wants to be a little wild on the final stage!

Zhang Ye raised the microphone and shouted hoarsely:

"I'm shirtless and I'm facing the wind and snow!"

"Run on the road out of the hospital!"

"Don't stop me,

I don’t want any clothes either! "

"Because my disease is that I can't feel anything!"

At this moment, everyone's blood surged and the shouts suddenly broke out!

Zhang Ye yelled:

"Give me some meat! Give me some blood!"

"Replace my will like steel and perseverance like iron!"

"Make me cry, make me laugh!"

"Let me be a little wild on this stage!!!"

Fans in the audience roared:

"It's rock and roll!"

"Zhang Ye!"

"Zhang Ye!"

"That's awesome!"

"It's so enjoyable!"

"This is a fucking concert!"


"It's so cool!"

Everyone stood up!

Everyone yelled along!

Zhang Ye loudly said:

"I'm not wearing any clothes or shoes!"

"But I can't feel the strength of the northwest wind!"

"I don't know if I'm walking or running!"

"Because my disease is that I can't feel anything!"

He pointed diagonally upward:

"Give me a little kick, sir!"

Audience: "Ouch!"

"Give me some love, my nurse sister!"

Audience: "Ouch!"

"Make me cry! Make me laugh!"

"Let me be a little wild on this stage!"

"yiye! yiye!"

“Because my disease is that I can’t feel anything!!”

"yiye! yiye!"

"Let me be a little wild on this stage!!!"

The people backstage were delighted!

The people at the scene were delighted!

People in front of the live broadcast also got excited!

They haven't seen Zhang Ye singing like this for a long time, and they haven't seen Zhang Ye acting so wild for a long time, but it's so enjoyable, and the whole body is really surging!

Zhang Ye shouted to the audience: "Have you heard enough?"

Everyone shouted together: "No! Yes!"

Zhang Ye laughed and said, "Then do it again!"

Audience: "Okay!!!"

Zhang Ye said: "Everyone come together!"

"yiye! yiye!"

“Because my disease is that I can’t feel anything!!”

"yiye! yiye!"

"Let me be a little wild on this stage!!!"

"yiye! yiye!"

“Because my disease is that I can’t feel anything!!”

"yiye! yiye!"

"Let me be a little wild on this stage!!!"


Five times!

Ten times!

Zhang Ye's voice became hoarse!

The audience's voices were also hoarse!

This is the Olympic venue for 100,000 people. The whole audience was singing and shouting along with Zhang Ye. The scene was really spectacular. The entire concert venue seemed to be exploded. Every sound was like a thunderous explosion. No one had ever seen such a scene!

This is a song by Cui Jian.

"Let me show some wildness on this snow"!

The lyrics were changed by Zhang Ye and sung in this world. He had never sung a song like this before. Those regrets, those reluctances, and those negative emotions seemed to be gone all of a sudden. He took the microphone and said: " I have prepared fifty songs today. I will sing for you as many as you want to hear. I will sing for you whatever you want to hear! Do you want to hear "The Internationale"?"

The audience roared: "Think!!!"

Zhang Ye laughed and said, "Come together!"

"Arise, you hungry and cold slave!"

“Arise, you wretches of the world!”

At this time, the concert really entered its climax!

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