I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,498 [Game Ring Upgrade! 】

One month later.


A certain prison.

This is a single room. The facilities are very old, but the hygiene is relatively clean. There are no other outsiders in it, only Zhang Ye. This was Zhang Ye's third day here. There was no one to disturb him, no TV, no Internet. It was so damn clean. The only drawback was that the days were a bit monotonous. He had only slept in the past few days. There was nothing to do. He didn't know what it was like for other people, but for a master like Zhang Ye who felt uncomfortable if he didn't scold people or fight for a day, it was indeed a bit boring.




Everything outside is isolated behind bars.

Zhang Ye would also find something to do for himself, and when he had nothing to do, he would sing.

No, this guy is singing again.

"Iron doors, iron windows, iron chains."

"Hold on to the iron window and look outside."

"How wonderful life is out there."

"When will I return to my homeland?"

"When can I return to my homeland?"

"Lock me up with chains."

"Friend, listen to me sing a song——"

Outside, a young prison guard came over, dumbfounded, "Teacher Zhang, why are you singing this song again? Can you change the line? You have sung it more than 20 times these days."

Zhang Ye's popular song "Tears Behind Bars" in the 1980s was tortured by a group of prison guards every day.

Zhang Ye spread his hands in boredom, "Why should I go if I don't sing?"

The young prison guard said excitedly: "How about you write a novel? Write a TV series or something? Anyway, I have nothing to do. I really like what you write."

Zhang Ye said, "TV series can be considered."

The young prison guard said excitedly: "What do you want to write?"

Zhang Ye asked: "Hey, has anyone written about the subject of prison escape?"

The young prison guard almost fell to the ground and said hurriedly: "You should sing "Tears Behind Bars"!"

"Haha, just kidding." Zhang Ye laughed.

The young prison guard opened the cell door and said, "Don't scare me. If someone comes to visit you, be prepared."

"Who is it?" Zhang Ye perked up as soon as he heard this.

The young prison guard smiled and said, "It's your parents and your father-in-law."

Zhang Ye waved his hand as soon as he heard this, "Then I won't go."

Young prison guard: "Uh."

He said that, but Zhang Ye still stood up and came out, "Oh, how can they do anything good if they come? I'll make a bet to you, believe it or not, it will definitely be a denunciation conference!"

The young prison guard just laughed there, "Teacher Zhang, to be honest, I have seen so many prisoners over the years, and you have the best mentality I have ever seen. Many people come to our place, and their personalities have changed a lot. I have never seen You sing to entertain yourself every day, otherwise you would be my idol."

Zhang Ye rolled his eyes, "I've already sung "Tears Behind Bars", why am I still in a good mood? Let's go."


After a lot of twists and turns, we arrived at the visiting room.

Far away, Zhang Ye saw his family.

No yelling.

I didn’t hold my head and cry.

It's been a month since the incident happened, and everyone has calmed down long ago.

Before her son could sit down, the mother grunted: "Trying, keep doing it. Let me see how you can fight with others now. You fight one and I'll see."

Zhang Ye strolled over and sat down, "What else am I going to fight for? You have to wait until I get out."

"Ah?" Wu Changhe said angrily: "Are you still thinking about fighting?"

Zhang Ye asked: "Dad, where is my wife? Why are you the only ones here?"

Wu Changhe said angrily: "Co-author, you don't want us to come, right?"

of course.

Of course, Zhang Ye didn't dare to say this.

Li Qinqin said: "Ze Qing said he would come."

Dad glared at him, "Zeqing is about to give birth. Who dares to let her move at this time? We stopped her life and death."

"Is she okay?" Zhang Ye asked with concern.

Mom hummed, "Everyone is fine except you, kid."

Zhang Ye smiled and said: "Then I'll be relieved.


Li Qinqin criticized: "You have worried us so much this time, so you are too arrogant and are not anxious about anything. Do you know how anxious your parents and I are? There was a media before the court announced the verdict. What you wrote might get you a life sentence, which scared us so much that we couldn't sleep well for two days."

Zhang Ye chuckled and said, "Mom, which media wrote this? Tell me, wait until I go out to find them. What's the end of the world? I didn't kill anyone or set fire to it. I was acting chivalrous and righteous, fighting for the country and the people. You guys I have to think about it better, if it hadn't been for this, would I have been able to reach the top of the Asian entertainment industry? Even if I could, it might take a year or two, maybe three or five years. We call this advance consumption. What about these few years? , I will rest inside and recharge my batteries, and when I get out, I will help you climb to the top of an international entertainment circle!"

Mom curled her lips and said, "Just stop bragging."

Li Qinqin looked at her watch, "Is the visiting time coming soon?"

"Mom, feel free to talk about your business." Zhang Ye waved his hand, "I'm familiar with this place. I can chat with you for hours and no one will care. But if you don't have anything to do, don't come. Lao Wu's place is at a critical time. You all are here. Leave it to Lao Wu to stay at home alone? Go back early, I'm fine, don't worry."

The old couple took a look at him and saw that he was indeed doing well, and he was more energetic than when he was outside. They were quite worried before coming here, fearing that they would see an unkempt and depressed Zhang Ye. It seemed that they were overthinking it. This kid had never experienced any big storms. There were not many things that could knock him down. Look, they have only been here for three days, and they have become familiar with the prison guards and have a good relationship with the warden. When they first came in, the warden personally received them.


Well, pretty good.


After Zhang Ye came back after meeting his parents, his thoughts started to change.

He can't hang around like this anymore. He really needs to find something serious to do. Otherwise, he will really be unable to keep up with the times when he gets out. He has to accumulate and recharge his batteries. The goal is to reach the top of the world entertainment industry. Zhang Ye has never forgotten it since the first day of his debut.

Can't get online?

Can’t produce a work?

But he could use more skills.

Like unlocking?

Like jumping over the wall?

This will be used after going out - well, it seems to work here.

Forget it, let’s draw a lottery!

While he couldn't do anything else, there was still no problem in drawing the lottery. Moreover, with the total reputation points in the gaming rings that Zhang Ye had accumulated so far, he couldn't draw them all in three days and three nights!

Come, come, come!

Pump, pump, pump!

However, when Zhang Ye just opened the game ring, he found that a system message appeared on it. The total reputation value was reached, and the game ring was upgraded again. At the beginning, the game ring only had a first-class lottery, and what came out was a treasure box ( Small), then upgraded, and the second type of lottery appeared, and the treasure box (middle) was drawn. This time, the game ring was upgraded again, and the third type of large treasure box came out!

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