I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1511 [The youngest academician in the history of the Chinese Academy of Sciences! 】

A bunch of people were confused.

Zhang Ye walked over slowly, "Who is looking for me?"

Dean Fu looked at Academician Chi, "Lao Chi, what's going on?"

Academician Chi said: "The project you are talking about was developed by Professor Zhang Ye."

"What?" General Li was stunned.

Dean Fu and the others behind him were also dumbfounded.

Zhang Ye?

Did he do it?

how could it be possible!

This, these eight poles can't be hit!

Many people here know that Lao Chi's research institute lent Zhang Ye out of prison because he wanted to conquer a mathematical formula. They also know that Zhang Ye's level in the field of mathematics should not be exceeded in the entire domestic field of mathematics. There is someone with a higher level of mathematics than Zhang Ye, and everyone agrees on this. But motivation research is another matter entirely. They are basically two concepts.


Mechanical Engineering.

Even materials science.

None of it has anything to do with mathematics!

Dean Fu said in surprise: "Professor Xiao Zhang, do you still understand this?"

Zhang Ye smiled slightly and said, "It's not bad, it's not bad."

ten minutes later.

A large conference room in the institute.

Zhang Ye stood on the stage and talked eloquently, "What are the difficulties in domestically produced engines? One of them is the main bearing. The main bearing is one of the key components of the aviation engine. Military aircraft aviation engines require more than 3,000 hours, and civil aircraft aviation engines The requirements are even higher, reaching tens of thousands of hours. Not only do they have to run at tens of thousands of revolutions per minute for a long time, but they also have to withstand various forms of stress, extrusion, friction and high temperature. In addition, for general structural components It is said that even if mild cracks occur, safe use can be guaranteed - this is professionally called damage tolerance. However, key transmission components such as aerospace engine main bearings do not have damage tolerance, and they are never allowed to occur during use. Cracks and other forms of damage, so our first difficulty is stuck here. We also have the finished aviation engine, but there is a question mark on this finished product because the accident rate is too high, several times or even higher than others. More than ten times, this is obviously impossible to apply in actual combat."

Dean Fu said below: "Yes, we have been overcoming this technical difficulty."

Zhang Ye said: "In fact, there is no need to conquer it. I can tell you that we have this technology and our current technological level can completely achieve it."

On the blackboard, he writes and draws.

Zhang Ye was speaking on the stage, and a group of experts and professors specializing in power and machinery were listening below.

Let a mathematician teach them in their professional field. Everyone felt a little strange in their hearts, but they were also shocked.

A full two hours.

Everyone asked questions, and Zhang Ye answered them one by one.

When the meeting ended, everyone's faces showed excitement.

Dean Fu took Zhang Ye's hand and said, "Professor Zhang, you are a great talent! You are really a great talent! It is a blessing for the country to have scientists like you!"

Zhang Ye smiled and said: "Dean Fu, please stop giving me a high hat. Will this project be completed or not?"

"Let's do it, of course we have to do it!" Dean Fu said: "I came with the instructions from above this time. I will ask for instructions from above immediately. You will be responsible for this project. All design, research, You are the first person in charge of the test, and all the authority is given to you, and you also have to hold the title for the design of the latest generation of fighter jets. After all, the aircraft design and motivation design must be unified."

General Li immediately said: "Professor Zhang, what do you need?"

Zhang Ye said: "Money, people, equipment."

Dean Fu said without thinking: "Okay, this is no problem. We will give you as many people as you need. We will grant you as much funding as you need. As long as you tell us what equipment you need, As long as we have it, I will find it for you!" After a pause, he said seriously: "We only have one request. After so many years, it is time for the Chinese people's motivational dream to come true. The country has waited for too long, and the people It’s been too long!”

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Leave it to me, don't worry.


Dean Fu turned around and said, "Lao Chi, Lao Zhou, you must cooperate well with Professor Zhang. This project must be taken down even if you die!"

Academician Zhou smiled and said, "Okay, let's help Professor Zhang."

Chi Xuele said: "Okay, this time Professor Zhang becomes our leader."

Zhang Ye said in a fake tone: "Hey, leaders, they all serve the people."

Dean Fu suddenly asked, "Lao Chi, what is Professor Zhang's title in your institute?"

Academician Chi shook his head, "How can there be any titles? We borrow people here secretly. How can we dare to assign them positions?"

Dean Fu said: "That won't work. Since Professor Zhang wants to be in charge of the project and is the first person in charge, he must have a title. He can't be in charge as a social worker?"

Zhang Ye corrected him: "I am not even a member of society now, I am a prisoner."

Everyone rolled their eyes.

Dean Fu looked at him and said, "Professor Zhang, are you interested in taking a position at the Chinese Academy of Sciences?"

Zhang Ye smiled and said: "What kind of job is it?"

Dean Fu said with a smile: "A small position, academician."

Everyone broke into a sweat.

Small job?

Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is also called a minor position?

This is the highest title for a scientist!

Zhang Ye asked, "Are there any benefits?"

Dean Fu was happy, "What benefits do you want?"

Zhang Ye said: "How about one or two months of family leave every year?"

Dean Fu said with a smile: "That's not the case. You have a special status now, and the project establishment matters must be kept confidential, let alone letting you go home. This is definitely not possible, but there are many benefits. If you are elected as an academician, then you You are the youngest academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the youngest scientific star in history since the establishment of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Once your sentence is over, we can also promote it to you. I know that your mind is not on scientific research. You are still thinking about your entertainment industry. Well, that’s why you want to join our family of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Stars in the entertainment industry have many titles, such as Best Actor, Best Actress, and King of Singers. But no matter how many titles they have, they will never be able to hold the title of Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in their lifetime. Just you. The only one.”

Dean Fu really knows how to read people's orders, because the Chinese Academy of Sciences has actually invited Zhang Ye before, and more than once, but Zhang Ye pushed him back every time, showing no interest at all, so this time, Dean Fu The director also put it another way, saying that the Chinese Academy of Sciences really needs Zhang Ye as an academician. Whether it is his achievements in mathematics or his knowledge in physics, no one can replace him.

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "When you say that, I really can't refuse."

Dean Fu said: "Okay, then you can fill out an application form later and we will have a meeting to approve it."

Zhang Ye said: "Yes."

A group of scientists around him sighed.

A world-leading mathematician!

An expert who even knows the dynamics of physics!

The youngest top scientist in China and even the world!

Your mind is not on scientific research? Isn’t this a waste of natural resources? Anyone with your abilities would definitely end up in trouble on the road of scientific research. What an achievement and honor this is, but what about you? Why are you so focused on the entertainment industry?

Two days later.

The appointment came down.

Zhang Ye officially became an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Department of Mathematical Physics).

Zhang Ye officially leads multiple positions including the general person in charge of China's aviation engine project and the deputy chief designer of China's latest generation fighter jet (unnamed).

People have arrived.

The money is coming.

The device is ready.

This is a tough battle!

And it is a tough battle that must be won!

Zhang Ye is already eager to give it a try. He will fight this battle successfully with all his energy!

Lao Wu.


Wait for me, my brother can go back after finishing this job!


Old friends.

Wait for me, wait for my brother to go out, and fight with you again!

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