I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1532 [The team returns! 】


In the villa, there are too many people.

Uncle, aunt, grandma, grandpa, all came.

Zhang Ye pushed the door open and went in, "Grandma, grandpa!"

Grandma quickly turned her head, "Xiaoye! Show grandma quickly!"

Zhang Ye rushed to meet him, and said distressedly, "Oh, why is your hair all white?"

"How old are you? It's already gray." Grandma touched his face, "Have you suffered a lot?"

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "No."

Grandpa said: "Can you not suffer, it's all dark."

Zhang Ye said guiltily, "I'll go back to Beijing in a few days to visit your elders. You two are so old, why did you come here by plane?"

Grandma took it for granted: "My grandson is back, can I not come?"

Grandpa smiled and said, "You don't know your grandma's temper? No one can persuade you."

The whole family was very excited to see Zhang Ye.

The same goes for Zhang Ye, "I've been relying on me for the past few years, and I haven't been around. There are more restrictions over there, and I'm not even allowed to make a phone call. I've always been worried about your health. Are you okay at home?"

Grandma smiled and said, "It's okay, it's okay, everything is fine, Zeqing always comes to see us when you're not around."

Grandpa was also relieved: "Yes, the body is fine, and the children have grown up."

Grandma said: "Your eldest sister has become a big star."

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "I just heard about this too."

The eldest sister said embarrassedly: "Grandma, what a big star, what kind of star am I called in front of my brother?"

"That's not true." Zhang Ye chuckled, "You are more popular than your brother now."

Mom said happily: "Yes, much taller than him."

The eldest sister blushed, "No."

My aunt got excited when she mentioned this, "Xiaoye, your sister is today because of the way you showed her back then, and the video materials you wrote, which Dandan has used in the past few years. The response has been particularly good, and now I have my own team and bought my own house.”

Zhang Ye smiled, "It's pretty amazing. I think many people in the Chinese Chess Academy are her fans, but why don't they know that you are my sister?"

The uncle said: "Dandan hasn't used your banner these years, so most people don't know."

Zhang Ye nodded slightly, "Our girl has really grown up."

The second younger sister laughed and said: "Brother, the main reason is that your banner is too stinky. When such a big incident happened back then, the public did not dare to mention your name. Who would use your banner?"

Zhang Ye smiled and raised his hand to scare her.

The second sister subdued, "Brother, I was wrong."

The whole family laughed.

Zhang Ye joked, "Looks like I'll have to rely on my sister to support me in the future."

The eldest sister said, "Brother, don't embarrass me."

Zhang Ye asked, "How much do you rank on the domestic star list?"

The eldest sister smiled, "The second-tier one is at the bottom."

Zhang Ye was surprised, "So tall? Then you are ahead of Jiang Hanwei?"

Mom smiled and said, "Your eldest sister is not an ordinary person now. She is more popular in the entertainment industry than you. She is really a big star."

The third sister asked: "Is there anyone in the entertainment industry who is not as popular as my brother?"

Mom said happily, "That's right."

Zhang Ye: "..."

The eldest sister asked: "Are you going back to the entertainment circle?"

Zhang Ye: "Yes."

The eldest sister said: "That's great, I can fight side by side with my brother."

Zhang Ye said with a smile, "I'm alone now. If I want money but no money, and no one, what kind of battle can I fight? I don't know what I will do when I come back. When I was popular before, I had a breath of air and a habit. Everything will be smoother, but not now, everything has to start from the beginning, now is the era of Xiao Xianrou leading the popularity, your brother and I will climb up, I am afraid that I will not be able to catch up with others."

The eldest sister said: "Little fresh meat, I can't compare, they are indeed too popular."

Zhang Ye said: "After I go back, I'll get the team together first and then discuss it. I just don't know if my former friends are willing to join me in this troubled water."

At this time,

Cao Dan's cell phone rang.

As soon as she answered, she said a few words in a low voice. After hanging up the phone, she looked at Zhang Ye, "Brother, I have a surprise."

Zhang Ye blinked, "What surprise?"

The eldest sister smiled mysteriously, "Come out with me."

The door of the villa was pushed open by the elder sister.

There were more than a dozen people standing densely in the courtyard.

Zhang Ye was stunned!

After seeing him, more than a dozen people were also so excited that they shed tears!

"Director Zhang!"



"Are you really back?"

They rushed up one by one!

Someone is screaming!

Someone wept with joy!

Looking at those familiar faces, Zhang Ye was also excited!

Ha Qiqi!

Zhang Zuo!

Wu Yi!

Tong Fu!

Xiao Wang!

All are here!

All the people from Zhang Ye's studio came!

Zhang Ye didn't dare to answer the question: "What's your situation?"

The eldest sister smiled and said, "Director Ha asked me where you were, and I told her. I don't know anything else."

Zhang Ye looked at Ha Qiqi who was almost unrecognizable, "Sister Ha, when did you wear short hair?"

Ha Qiqi laughed and said, "You cut it the year you left, and you got used to short hair afterwards, so you didn't keep it."

Zhang Ye looked at Zhang Zuo, "Brother Zuo, why did you grow a beard?"

Zhang Zuo wiped away the tears that were still in the corner of his eyes, and said with a smile, "Yes, change your style."

"Xiaotong, how is your girlfriend?" Zhang Ye asked.

Tong Fu scratched his head, "Returning to the leader, she is no longer a girlfriend. She is already a daughter-in-law from the wine held last summer, and her body has recovered very well."

Zhang Ye said happily, "Okay, I'll make up for you later on."

The eldest sister said at this time: "My brother just talked about you all."

Ha Qiqi asked, "What are you talking about about us?"

Zhang Ye said: "I don't know if you are still willing to take my troubled waters. After so many years, everyone must have found another job. The development is estimated to be good. I am poor and have nothing on my side. To be honest, I wanted to call everyone back, but I couldn’t open my mouth.”

Ha Qiqi smiled and said, "Where is the development going well? I have been doing very poorly in the past few years, and I am worried about changing jobs. You just came back."

But Xiao Wang broke it down and said: "Director Zhang, don't believe it. Sister Ha is a famous director now, and she has been able to take on films independently. She has directed documentaries and variety shows. This year's Spring Festival Gala, CCTV also wants to invite Sister Ha to be the executive vice president." As for the director, but Sister Ha didn’t go. Knowing you came back yesterday, Sister Ha handed in the resignation report at that time, and then called us one by one, asking if we would like to come back and continue working with you.”

Ha Qiqi glanced at her, "You're the only girl who talks too much!"

Xiao Wang stuck out his tongue, "I'm telling the truth."

Hearing this, Zhang Ye was very moved, "Old Ha, what are you doing?"

Ha Qiqi was about to speak.

Xiao Wang took over the conversation again, "Sister Ha said, you just came back, no one has a gun, now is the time when we are most needed, if the king of heaven returns, if the original team of the king of heaven is not in place, the story will always feel less Be exciting."

Ha Qiqi opened his mouth to speak.

Xiao Wang said: "Sister Ha also said—"

Ha Qiqi was amused, "Did you say it or me?"

Xiao Wang said: "Ah, you say it, you say it."

In fact, there is no need to say anything.

The moment Zhang Ye saw them appear, he understood everything.

Zhang Ye asked, "Have you resigned?"

Zhang Zuo smiled, "Resign."

Tong Fu said with high spirits: "We will follow you!"

Wu Yi laughed and said: "The entertainment industry would not be lively without us!"

Ha Qiqi smiled, "It's time to make trouble for them."

Zhang Ye smiled, "You guys, you are so brave. Haven't you been torturing you all those years? How many troubles have we caused? How many scolds have we received? How many people have we offended? Years have passed, how dare you Follow me? Well, you are not afraid of death, so I am not afraid, let's start all over again!"

Zhang Ye's family members looked at each other in blank dismay.

Mom was surprised.

Grandma is pleased.

Uncle sighed.

My sister applauded.

Collective resignation!

Collective return!

Not a lot for one person!

Looking at the country and the world, there is absolutely no star team that can do this! How much trust is this? Everyone knows it well!

Ha Qiqi smiled and said, "Director Zhang, you haven't lost your skills, have you?"

Zhang Zuo also smiled and said: "Can you still direct? Can you still play? Can you still sing?"

Zhang Ye smiled slightly, "What do you think?"

He turned around, walked slowly into the living room, and sat down in front of the piano.

Everyone came in.

Zhang Ye lightly stroked the keys, and a melodious melody floated out.

He closed his eyes and opened them again, with a smile and a sigh in his eyes.

He sang:

"All the honors yesterday."

"Will become a distant memory."

"Half my life has been hard work."

"It's raining again tonight."

"I can't go with the waves."

"For my loved ones."

"No matter how hard it is, you must be strong."

"Just for those expecting eyes."

"If the heart is in the dream, it is there!"

"There is true love between heaven and earth!"

"Look at success or failure, life is heroic!"

"It's just starting all over again!"

A few years ago, Zhang Ye sang this song.

After a few years of singing again, the mood is completely different.

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