I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1636 [Zhang Ye, the king of pretending to be X! 】

this day.


on weibo.

"I heard it's over."

"Yeah, Hollywood moves so fast."

"Hollywood commercial films have their own set of shooting mechanisms, which have formed an assembly line, and it is the second one. It must be shot quickly. Unlike our domestic films, sometimes a film can be shot for one or two years, and the final box office results No way, alas, it’s incomparable.”

"It's coming soon."

"I call on everyone to resolutely boycott."

"Yes, as for Wilson's words, we must resist!"

"Let him have zero box office in China!"

"There are gossip that Zhang Ye's movie has also been wrapped!"

"What? So fast?"

"Did you slap your face?"

"Isn't it more than half a month later than the start-up?"

"Zhang Ye is really fucking fast when he shoots things!"

"Hahaha, that's pretty slow. Remember back then? It was filmed in ten days. That's a TV series with more than forty episodes!"

"Is he really going to do it with Hollywood?"

"It's Zhang Ye! Damn it!"

"Khan, did you really do it?"

"It doesn't matter if we can win or not, we will fight first!"

"I look forward to the debut of Teacher Zhang's movie Virgo!"




The reception banquet was ready early.

The whole family is here today, and Sisi has been lying on the window on the first floor of the villa, looking out eagerly, listening to the movement of the car!

A car is coming.

Sisi cried out in surprise, "Dad! It's Dad!"

The door was opened, and Sisi ran out clumsily!

As soon as Zhang Ye got out of the car, he saw his daughter running towards him. At that moment, his heart melted. He hurriedly ran forward and bent down to pick up her daughter. While laughing, he hugged her and spun around in mid-air. After a few circles, he bowed his head and kissed Sisi more than a dozen times!


"My dear daughter, you miss me so much!"

"Daddy, I miss you too!"

"So cute, so cute!"

Behind, the family came out.

Wu Zeqing looked at him and said with a smile, "It's a bit dark."

My mother stared and said, "It's a bit dark here! It's all tanned! If it weren't for the license plate number, I wouldn't even recognize you!"

Zhang Ye rolled his eyes, "The African sun is big."

Li Qinqin said: "Why did you come home today?"

Dad also said: "Yeah, I think Yao Jiancai and Shanshan have already returned."

Zhang Ye exclaimed, "I've been out of town. I'll be with the people from the special effects company after the filming is finished, supervising their special effects and editing work. Others can't come, so I have to take care of it all by myself. It's over, haha, Zeqing, I have already sent the film to the radio and television in the morning, please get someone to approve it for me quickly, after that there will be publicity, distribution and screening work, and I can meet you all soon."

Li Qinqin asked concerned: "How was the filming?"

Zhang Ye followed them into the house while hugging his daughter and said, "When I first started the machine, I didn't know what to do, and I felt a little vain. After all, it's the first time I'm making a movie, and I don't know what it will be like after it's done. But after the finalization, when the special effects are done, and the film is cut, haha, don’t talk about it now, even if Hollywood will release a few more popular movies this year, I’d fucking dare to do it with them!”

Wu Changhe pouted.

The family members are also skeptical.

After dinner, the family sat down to eat.

Li Qinqin smiled and said, "I haven't been home for two months, should I have a drink with your dad?"

Zhang Ye waved his hand, "I won't drink today, there is a press conference tonight."

"Did you suffer this time?" Wu Zeqing asked.

Zhang Ye said, "Hey, little meaning, little meaning.


My mother muttered: "Go to Africa, it's so chaotic over there."

"Oh, it's okay." Zhang Ye said perfunctorily.

Dad said: "Your mother is afraid that you will suffer."

Hearing this, Wu Changhe rolled his eyes.

Li Qinqin also smiled.

Pity the hearts of parents all over the world. From the day Zhang Ye made his debut, Zhang Ye's parents were afraid that their son would lose money every day. They were afraid that he would suffer losses when they were on the radio, they were afraid that he would suffer losses when they were on CCTV, and they were afraid that he would suffer losses when they were blocked by radio and television. When fighting with Japan and South Korea, I am afraid that he will suffer!

However, which time has this product suffered a loss!

Have you ever seen him suffer? ?

Afraid that Zhang Ye will suffer - this joke can make people laugh for a year!


that night.

The scene of the press conference.

The live broadcast equipment has been set up, and reporters from all walks of life have been on the scene early. Reporters from newspapers, Internet media, TV stations, and domestic reporters from all walks of life have rushed here in a swarm, because there are too many people. There was no preparation, many reporters didn't even have seats, and adding more than 20 chairs temporarily was not enough. In the end, some reporters could only stand in the aisle and the last row.

That scene was just crazy.

There has never been such a battle in any film conference in China!

This is the current attention of Zhang Ye as an international star, and it further reflects the public's enthusiasm for Zhang Ye's movie debut!


Ha Qiqi reminded: "There are still two minutes."

"Okay." Zhang Ye was arranging his clothes.

Zhang Zuo said with a smile: "This is the first publicity, you have to give some material, whether the popularity can go up to a higher level, it depends on you."



Zhang Ye smiled, "I see."

Ha Qiqi looked at his watch, "It's time."

Zhang Ye greeted people, "Let's go."

Yao Jian didn't come.

Dong Shanshan didn't come.

Jiang Hanwei and the others didn't come either.

There are no actors today, just a press conference with Zhang Ye and the creative team.

As soon as Zhang Ye and his people appeared, the media on the scene were blown away!

"Director Zhang!"

"What was it like doing your first film?"

"Why is it called Wolf Warrior 2? When will 1 be filmed?"

"How much did you invest in this movie?"

Reporters, one after another, one question after another!

Zhang Ye smiled and answered one by one.

On the webcast, countless people watched eagerly.

From the amount of investment, to the filming process, to the actors, Zhang Ye introduced everything, and boasted about the excellence of his new movie in front of the media. What does a film's first press conference entail? It is nothing more than self-confidence, nothing more than pretending to be coercive, so that everyone can feel how good your movie is, so that everyone can look forward to it, so that they can go to the cinema. Zhang Ye is familiar with this routine, and he is even more familiar with pretending to be coercive. Zhang Ye pretended to be forceful. He never pretended to be good. It was amazing!

Reporters kept asking questions.

The problem gradually shifted from the movie to Zhang Ye.

A female reporter from Xinhua News Agency asked: "You should be the most expensive star in China now, but everyone knows that you never accept commercial performances. How do you make money? Can you share the secret of making money with us ordinary people?"

The reporters laughed.

They thought Zhang Ye would not answer.

Who knows, Zhang Ye said indifferently: "How to make money? I can talk about it. Many young people now have their own goals. For example, it is right to want to be the richest man. This is the direction of struggle, but it is best to set a goal first. Small goals." He held out a finger, and the next sentence made all the reporters present vomit blood, and the people all over the country who watched the live broadcast also spurted blood, "For example, I will earn 100 million for it first. See how much it can be used. Earn 100 million a year. Do you plan for five years or three years? After that, the next goal, I will go to 1 billion, 10 billion."

Small goals?

100 million?

One billion?

Ten billion?

My fucking little target is your sister!

Another three years? Another five years?

My mother won't be able to earn 100 million in my whole life, me!

Even Ha Qiqi, Zhang Zuo and the others next to him swayed and almost sprayed!

Another reporter said dumbfoundedly: "But for people in our ordinary families——"

Zhang Ye replied, "Actually, I don't think I'm particularly rich. I'm also an ordinary family. Our family's living habits haven't changed much over the years, except that the house is bigger."

Reporters spit blood!

Netizens spurt blood!

Bigger house?

You are a fucking villa!

Are you older!

Ordinary family?

Your wife is the deputy director of the Central Propaganda Department!

Ordinary family you - grandpa!

A group of reporters were stunned and stayed there, not knowing how to answer the conversation.

A reporter from the People's Daily came to the rescue and said, "Mr. Zhang, can you tell me about the biggest mistake you've ever made?"

Zhang Ye thought for a while and said, "The biggest mistake in my life was the creation of Zhang Ye's studio. I originally planned it to be a small company. I didn't expect to have so many responsibilities and so many problems every day. I spend almost all of my time." Looking at the stunned reporters in the audience, he said with emotion: "In the next life, if there is another life, I will never be a star again, let alone step onto the international stage. own business, and enjoy life."

Reporters are crazy!


Why don't you die, you!

Zhang left lip trembling!

Ha Qiqi couldn't stand listening anymore, so he quickly kicked him with his shoe.

Xiao Wang was holding back a smile in his heart, and tears were about to come out!

At the end, a CCTV reporter stood up again to make a rescue, "Mr. Zhang, can you tell me the most correct thing you did in your life? Or the thing that made you most proud and proud? Uh, for example, there is a good Daughter? Or like having a beautiful wife?"

This question is very formal.

The reporters said in their hearts, you can't pretend to be forceful now, can you?

But they never expected that they still underestimated Zhang Ye!

I saw Zhang Ye shook his head with a serious face, "Actually, I am face-blind, and I don't know who is beautiful or not. To be honest, when I pursued my wife back then, it was mainly because of her personality that attracted me, because I have no I don't know if she is pretty or not."

That's it.

All the reporters went crazy!

Netizens across the country sprayed!

Blood spurting can no longer express their mood at the moment!

Can you die if you don't pretend? can die! ?

You don't know if Minister Wu is pretty?

I'm going to your second-grandmother-grandmother-ah!

I'm going to your three-big-grandpa-ah!

You beat Zhang Ye!

You fucking win!

On this day, people all over the country kneel down!

On this day, Zhang Ye got another nickname!

--Pack! force! Of! king!

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