I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1,639 [Premiere Battle! 】

??number 1. Huo Ranwen`

Premiere day.

Global focus.

Today, there are a total of three Hollywood movies to be released, all of which are large-scale productions. Among them, the one that attracts the most attention is. Global voting statistics have shown that this is the most anticipated Hollywood movie by movie fans around the world this year. .

Pre-sale results.

Point to word of mouth.

Movie fans pay attention.

All of them are in an explosive situation.


There were already people queuing up at the entrance of the theater.

"Isn't it time yet?"

"I can't wait either."

"I heard the movie was pretty good."

"Well, the media reviews during the screening were okay."

"Yes, the most authoritative movie rating website has given it a score of 7.1. As a Hollywood commercial action film, this score is not low."


"Did you buy a ticket?"

"I didn't buy a ticket for today!"

"I've made a reservation for tomorrow."

"I bought it, haha."

"Japanese stars also star in it, it's a must-see."

South Korea.

"The pre-sale box office has already been sold out?"

"Wilson's appeal is so powerful."

"It looks like the box office is going to be a blast."

"Well, it may be the global box office champion this year."

"Yes, no one can compete with it at the same time."



"Is it showing first?"

"The time difference between countries is probably different, it hasn't happened yet."

"I just went to the cinema, most of the shows."

"Alas, Zhang Ye's new movie is said to be a world premiere, but in fact it is only in China."

"There's nothing we can do about it. Who made our domestic films not get international attention?"


"Haha, we've already entered the venue."

"Advertising is playing, starting soon!"

"look forward to."

"The theaters are almost full. This is the appeal of Hollywood."

"After today, Zhang Ye will become a joke."


All major theaters.

Movie fans from all over the world are coming to the theater one after another.

In this warm movie-watching atmosphere, it was released!


Bang bang!


As soon as the movie starts, it’s a battlefield!



"Retreat quickly!"

"damn it!"

The audience wore 3D glasses and couldn't help but feel excited when they saw the familiar protagonists appearing on the big screen. This is the advantage of sequels. When the first movie has already gained popularity and reputation, the second and third parts are easy to make.


The protagonists go into hiding.

The team regrouped.

The two-hour film is full of typical Hollywood style.

When the first round of global large-scale viewing ended, the audience walked out of the theater with unsatisfied expectations.

on the world network.

Netizens from all over the world are discussing it.

"I just finished watching it!"

"how do you feel?"


"Yeah, it's really enjoyable."

"Wilson's commercial films are becoming more and more mature."

"Hahaha, today's tickets are worth buying. I recommend everyone to watch it."

"I think it's average. The plot is a bit cliche. I don't recommend it."

“Actually, it’s not bad, but it’s really similar to the model of , so it’s a little less fresh in terms of viewing experience, but the special effects are very good.


"Well, the special effects are really good."

"Although it is far from what I expected, it is undeniable that it is still a good film. I am afraid it will be swept up in the global box office rankings this month."

Some applauded it, while others thought it was average. Everyone's understanding of the movie is different and their opinions are definitely different. Although the reviews are mixed, few people say it is a bad movie. For a Hollywood commercial blockbuster, this is enough.

Movie rating website.

Ratings also changed.





Finally, it dropped to about 6.5 before it was considered stable.

Although the fan score is slightly lower than before, it is not too much, and it is considered a normal phenomenon. Due to the limitation and scale of the number of moviegoers, the reputation during the screening roadshow will definitely be higher than after the official release. However, the score of 6.5 is also above the standard.

Global daily box office real-time rankings.

With the popularity of several Hollywood movies, the list is constantly being refreshed.

Real-time statistics:


The box office was US$4.2577 million.


The box office was US$2.1844 million.


The box office was US$1.9812 million.

There were a total of 100 movies on the global box office list that day, and the list only showed up to 100. These movies are all movies that are currently in theaters in various countries around the world. Most of them are Hollywood movies, and there are also British movies. , French, and Japanese, and two of the top three films were world premieres on the first day today, and the other was released last week. The previous global box office champion of the day has always been his. , but after the debut, the championship position also changed hands.

Of course, today is not over yet.

The list may also change at any time.

Wilson Company.

Everyone in the crew is here at this moment, and everyone is in joy.

"First place!"

“The reputation is pretty good!”

"The weekend box office champion can no longer win!"

"Hahahaha, great!"

"Director Wilson, congratulations!"

"You're going to release another movie with a box office of over $500 million!"

"It's hard to say 500 million."

"The box office has now exceeded 4 million US dollars. Today, North America should be able to get 20 or even 30 million US dollars in box office. Including other regions around the world, it is estimated to be close to 40 million US dollars." , this is just the first day, just the premiere!”

"Yes, five hundred million is definitely no problem!"

"It's time to celebrate in advance!"

"It's a pity that it's the Chinese market, alas, otherwise it could be even higher."

"That's not much higher. China seems to have a lot of people and a big market, but in fact it doesn't have much box office, so don't worry about it."

"By the way, where's the Chinese movie?"

"Really? He is a joke!"

"Haha, do you really care about a Chinese movie?"

"It's not that I don't care, but isn't he going to premiere on the same day as us? Our box office has almost come out, and I just want to see what Zhang Ye's face looks like now!"

"He probably regrets it to death now!"

"We made more than 4 million US dollars at the box office within two hours of our premiere. It would be strange if he doesn't regret it!"


The box office keeps soaring!

Movie reviews one after another!

It became a hit all over the world as soon as it was released!

The limelight of "The Movie" was so great that it overshadowed all the movies of the same period, so that many people around the world have forgotten it!

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