I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 822 [Enter the Dragon! 】

eight pm.

Many viewers turned on their televisions.

"I'm coming!"

"Here we go!"

"Haha, my "Tongue"!"

"'Dancing' is now on the air, I can't wait!"

"My Huo Dongfang! My Chen Ye!"

"Come on Zhang Ye! Torture them to death!"

"CCTV's set is awesome! It's a blast to watch "The Tip of the Tongue"!"

Some people broadcast it to CCTV, while others broadcast it to Channel 14. The second competition between the two TV programs, which are now tied for the first place in the industry's ratings, has begun!

CCTV set.

The opening was met with bursts of applause. Chen Ye came on stage, dressed in a gorgeous dress, opened his arms and said with a smile: "Welcome to this episode of "Dancing", I am your host - Chen Ye!" Turning around, he said He made a gesture of invitation, "We also invite our three mentors!"

"Teacher Huo Dongfang!"

"Teacher Fan Wenli!"

"Teacher Shen Lili!"

Huo Dongfang waved his hands and stepped onto the stage calmly.

Fan Wenli used kissing movements.

Shen Lili playfully used a set of dance steps to gracefully "jump" to the instructor's seat.

The audience screamed and applauded, and some even waved light sticks!

The stage of this kind of variety show has a great advantage in the impact of the picture. In fact, sometimes the audience is not really so enthusiastic and unrestrained. It is not true that when they come to the stage, they will applaud desperately and many audience members applaud. The cheering scenes were all recorded by the on-site director before the show started. If he said shouting, he would shout on the spot. If he said clap, he would clap on the spot. It was a bit fake, but it was later edited together with the main film of the show to create an atmosphere. It is undoubtedly very good. The audience sitting in front of the TV can seem to feel the heat of the scene and the popularity of the program at a glance, and it forcefully draws the audience into this atmosphere. This is the inherent advantage of a variety show!

Today's first contestant appears.

When this contestant became obvious, the program team deliberately placed it first, and the feeling was a little different from the first broadcast. It seemed that the duration of some contestants was increased, and some footage of the contestants' lives and work was even included. , there is a scene that was recorded in his unit. Yes, the director interviewed his colleagues one by one at the player's workplace.

asked the first person.

"Did you know that Li Qijie can dance?"

"Huh? Li Qijie? It's impossible, right?"

asked the second person.

"How about Li Qijie dancing?"

"He can dance? I didn't know!"

asked the third person.

"What kind of person is Li Qijie usually?"

"Xiao Li? He rarely talks and doesn't communicate much with everyone. He is a relatively silent person."

"He is coming to participate in our "Dancing" audition this time. Do you have any blessings for him?"

"Uh, I think there's something wrong? How can he dance?"

All my colleagues shook their heads in disbelief.

Just when the dance music accompanied by Yourou had not finished playing,

On the stage, the first contestant has appeared!

This is a man.

This is a soft modern dance.

The man floated over, his feet rising and his hands falling.

Just these few dance moves shocked several instructors.

Huo Dongfang said without bright eyes: "What a style!"

Fan Wenli said: "Is this professional?"

Shen Lili affirmed: "This is definitely professional!"

Even people who don't know how to do it can see that Li Qijie's dancing style is so distinctive!

Get involved!

Absolutely 100% committed!

As Li Qijie danced more and more selflessly, jumping more and more gracefully, the three instructors had already stood up. Huo Dongfang raised his hands in admiration and kept giving the player a thumbs up, "Awesome! This is simply too great. Bravo!"

The emotions of the audience were also aroused.

The applause continued, one after another!

Li Qijie seemed to be unable to hear the applause. This disturbance, which was supposed to be noise, could not disturb him at all. He danced alone in the center of the stage, dancing his own dance.


Many viewers watching the broadcast are also very excited.

"So beautiful!"

"You dance more gracefully than a woman!"

"I like him, I like him!"

"The second issue is a little better than the first!"

"Well, the team of "Dancing" has put their best efforts into it at first glance. The second episode has a better rhythm and the contestants are also awesome. It seems that in order to deal with "The Tip of the Tongue", Xu Yipeng, Chen Ye and the others have come up with their trump card!"

"Wow, look at "I Love to Remember Lyrics", another piece of content has been revised!"

"The "Singing Show" also changed its guests! This time we invited a second-tier star!"

"Here we go, are all the entertainment programs in the same period really good? Are they all done today? It seems like they have been discussed?"

"Why don't you try your best! Zhang Ye has made documentaries like this that few people would watch. He really wants "Bite of Tongue" to dominate the ratings. Who has a good-looking face? Zhang Ye has surpassed all entertainment programs Yijun, how can entertainment programs that have always dominated the ratings in the past stand it?"


Revised version.

Fine processing.

At this moment when all entertainment programs in the industry are competing in full swing, "A Bite of China" still maintains its unhurried pace and has not changed because of anyone.

Episode three.

"Inspiration for Transformation"

"Chinese people have never tied themselves to a boring food list. People have an understanding of food and seek inspiration for transformation through constant attempts."

"The ancient city of Jianshui, located in the Red River area of ​​Yunnan, was called Lin'an in ancient times. It is a multi-ethnic settlement, and the mixture of various cultures has formed a unique atmosphere and pattern. Beside the most famous Dabajing in Jianshui, women rely solely on their fingers to By working together, we can build a tofu assembly line.”

The screen expands.

Food presentation.

"In the northeastern region of China, people only use soybeans to make sauce. Such singleness is also a kind of luxury. On the warm stove, six hands work together to pile up the mashed beans and shape them. The taste of the sauce can even be a measure of a housewife. Standards for passing or failing. Finally, they are wrapped in breathable yellow paper and tied into a strong sauce base. The sauce base is hung on the wall. In the next two months, they ferment quietly. Wait until next spring, and then start to go deeper The transformation. All these imaginative transformations, the flavor and nutritional sublimation they create are breathtaking; and they form a part called culture, which is passed down.”

There are no enthusiastic screams or lively applause. "Bite of the Tongue" abandons all the noise and only retains its core characteristics as a documentary itself.

Started quietly.

A light finish.

Leisurely and peaceful.

And after the third episode was aired, many people were surprised to find that today's episode of "Bite of the Tongue" was actually over, and there were not two episodes broadcast together like last week!

"what happened?"

"Just one episode?"

"Why isn't it the same as last week?"

"I'm dizzy. Is Zhang Ye too brave?"

"Yes, last week's two-episode syndication was so effective. It was only through the ratings of the second episode that we could tie it with "Dance." Just one episode this time? You guys finished it before nine o'clock , "Dancing" only ends in an hour, so why are you competing with others?"

"The next episode will be broadcast on Saturdays at 8pm from now on? Does this mean that it will be broadcast on Fridays and Saturdays separately? Isn't this a bit exaggerated? Isn't it too underestimated?"

“I don’t know what Channel 14 is thinking!”

"I'm still waiting to see, it's gone!"

"Oh, the fourth episode won't be until tomorrow night!"

Zhang Ye naturally decided on the broadcast time of "Bite of the Tongue". In fact, not only the viewers, but even the people on Channel 14 couldn't understand Zhang Ye's idea. They also thought that it would be just right to air the two episodes together like last week. Covering the entire broadcast time of "Dancing" to make it easier to compete with them, but Zhang Ye didn't say anything and just changed the broadcast time. The people in the "Tongue" column team had no choice but to I don’t think Zhang Ye is right. Be it "The Voice" or "Bite of the Tongue", Zhang Ye, the chief director, has always been the sole person in charge. The usual working pattern of the program team has always been to do whatever Zhang Ye tells them to do.

Not on Weibo.

"After analysis, there are only two possibilities for "Bite of Tongue" to do this. The first is that they gave up the competition with "Dance" on Friday, avoided it and opened up a new position on Saturday, "Dance" "Dominates Friday's prime time slot, while "Tongue" hopes to dominate Saturday."

"It's possible!"

"You're right, what about the second one?"

"Haha, the second possibility is that Zhang Ye is confident that "Bite of the Tongue" will surpass "Dancing" even if it only airs one episode on Friday, so he doesn't care about the two episodes being broadcast simultaneously and only follows his own broadcast rhythm. , broadcasting it two days apart will definitely have better long-term effects than releasing two episodes at the same time on one day!"

"Khan, can't you?"

"It can't be the second possibility, right?"

"It was a tie last week. Was it tied for first place? Or when two episodes of "Bite of the Tongue" aired, where did Zhang Ye get the confidence?"

"It's probably the first possibility!"

"Zhang Ye is still scared!"

"Nonsense, that is the variety show with the largest investment this year. The best choice is to avoid its edge. It is already good to have a tie!"

"This episode of "Dancing" has once again become more enjoyable to watch. Xu Yipeng and the others have worked hard and have done their best. Even Zhang Ye has not been able to compete with variety shows, which have always been the leader in ratings. You have to have a heart of awe!”

Many people are paying attention to "The Tip of the Tongue".

Xu Yipeng and Chen Ye were also watching. They were getting to know their opponents, but as they watched, they discovered that there would be no next episode, which also made them very surprised.

what happened?

Which show is this from?

Is Zhang Ye really afraid of them? To avoid?

This statement made them very excited and proud. However, they already knew Zhang Ye's temperament very well, but they felt that this seemed impossible!

Who is Zhang Ye?

That’s someone who dares to attack the leader!

That’s the guy who dares to challenge radio and television!

That’s the person who dares to take CCTV to court!

Choosing to air it at the same time as "Dance" is Zhang Ye's handiwork. How could he back down early? This makes no sense at all, and it's not Zhang Ye's character!

Could it be that they are no longer in Zhang Ye's eyes? Do you not regard them as opponents at all? Is that why you made such a loose and haphazard broadcast arrangement? ?

Xu Yipeng didn’t believe it!

Chen Ye also sneered!

Why are you so mysterious? Let’s talk about the ratings tomorrow!




[To be continued "This text is provided by the Qihang Update Team @情无知之causehj". If you like this work, please support the author. 】

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