I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 841 [Zhang Ye 1 is angry (Part 1)! 】

The next day.

nine in the morning.

Zhang Ye went to Communication University again. Today was the second day of the art exam.

"Professor Zhang, are you here?"

"Hey, Teacher Xue."

"Professor Xiao Zhang, morning."

"Professor Wang, good morning."

"We will all be colleagues from now on."

"Okay, I have to ask you to take more care of me."

As soon as they arrived at the examination room, several examiners greeted Zhang Ye. Yesterday, everyone may have called Zhang Ye more casually. Some people called him Xiao Zhang, and some called him Teacher Xiao Zhang. But today, everyone called Zhang Ye mostly. Named professor, Zhang Ye's temporary appointment was officially confirmed and announced by Communication University last night. A person in charge of the school was interviewed by the media, so many people changed their minds.

Of course, when Su Hongyan came, she still called him Xiao Zhang. Even if Teacher Su called him Professor Zhang, Zhang Ye probably wouldn't dare to respond. That was his teacher.

Then, the interview begins.

Three full hours, another busy morning.


the job is done.

Su Hongyan didn't say hello and left the examination room early.

Zhang Ye sorted out the candidates' information. When he looked up again, he couldn't find anyone. He originally wanted to have dinner with Teacher Su, but Teacher Su moved so quickly, "Hey, where is Teacher Su?"

A female teacher said: "Are you out?"

Another examiner said: "I just saw her answer the phone and go downstairs."

Zhang Ye also got up and went downstairs. He looked around with strange eyes at the bottom of the building. He immediately saw Su Hongyan's figure not far away. There was another person opposite Teacher Su. He was quite a young man, about the same age as Zhang Ye. , although the details are vague, but from the outline, you can tell that he must look good, and... he looks familiar?

This is?

He walked over subconsciously.

Only the voices of Teacher Su and the other party were heard.

Teacher Su: "Okay, I'll ask for you."

The man: "Thank you, I've caused you trouble again."

Teacher Su: "Have you caused me enough trouble?"

The man laughed dryly.

Teacher Su: "But I can't guarantee whether it will work or not. Even though it's been a year, if they still hold on to you, it will be difficult for you to survive in the industry."

The man said: "I understand, just take it one step at a time. I came back this time just to resolve this matter first."

Teacher Su smiled and said: "Actually, your old classmate's reputation in the circle is much greater than mine. You should also ask him about this and communicate with him. After all, that kid has caused more trouble than you. He has offended many more people than you, and he is more experienced than you in this regard. In the past two years, he has been the real master of the sword."

The man shook his head and said, "Don't tell him."

Suddenly, Zhang Ye's laughter came over, "Don't tell anyone?"

Teacher Su and both of them were stunned.

Zhang Ye looked at the man, and the man looked at Zhang Ye and stared at each other for two seconds.

Zhang Ye smiled, "I just said it looks familiar. Isn't this classmate Wang He? What's wrong? You didn't say hello to me when you came to the capital? Not even a phone call? If Shanshan hadn't told me so much yesterday , I didn’t know you were back, what do you mean? Avoid me?"

Wang He also smiled, "Why should I avoid you? Is our relationship that good?"

Zhang Ye thought for a while and nodded happily, "That's right, I'm not very familiar with you."

Wang He looked at him and said, "You are still the same, you haven't changed."

"You have changed." Zhang Ye shouted: "I heard that you offended someone and ran back to your hometown?"

Wang He's eyebrows twitched, and he said with a smile on his face, "I'm not running away, I'm strategically retreating and defending."

Zhang Ye curled his lips and said: "Okay, sir, stop bragging. You just ran away, and you still defend strategically? You just want to say something nice!"

Wang He retorted: "Stop talking about me, didn't you also let the radio and television film it? No. 1 on the radio and television blacklist, last year's bad artist of the year!"

Zhang Ye rolled his eyes, "You didn't push me down even then! What about you?"

Wang He glanced at him and said, "Am I back now too?"

The two of them exchanged words with each other. The first meeting after two years of not seeing each other started with a quarrel. This scene seemed to go back to the college days a few years ago. At that time, they were also arguing like this and facing each other every day. Making a cough was a scene in the classroom at that time.

Su Hongyan didn't forget it. Listening to the two bickering, she seemed to have returned to the past, "You two!" she laughed.

Suddenly, Zhang Ye glanced at Wang He and opened his arms.

Wang He also laughed, opened his hands and walked over.

The two gave each other a bear hug!

Zhang Ye lamented: "I haven't seen you for two years, I really miss you!"

Wang He smiled and said: "Without you, no one has quarreled with me in the past two years. It's so boring!"

Zhang Ye said: "Just come back."

Wang He said: "Well, I'm back."

Su Hongyan smiled and said: "Have you finished talking about the past?"

Wang He smiled and said: "It's over."

"Let's go, find a restaurant, sit down and chat." Su Hongyan said.

There is a small restaurant outside the back door of Zhongchuan. It is relatively old and not crowded.

The three of them sat down and ordered a few dishes, then got down to business.

Zhang Ye took a sip of hot tea and said, "I heard a little bit when you were talking just now. Dong Shanshan also told me a little bit about it. Wang He, who did you offend?"

Wang He still didn't want to say, "Let's eat first."

Zhang Ye said, "It's okay if I don't know. I know everything I know. Stop hiding it. Tell me quickly and let's figure out a solution together."

Su Hongyan also said: "Tell me, Xiao Wang."

Wang He pondered for a moment and then said: "It all happened when I just graduated. At that time, many TV stations and radio stations came to grab students before they graduated. In our class of broadcasting and hosting majors, I My grades were pretty good. I was ranked first and second in our class. I was about the same as Dong Shanshan. So we had already decided on an employer before we even got our diplomas. I ended up going to Hebei TV Station. Of course, it was nothing. It’s a strong unit. Although my grades are pretty good, I’m not the best in the department. It doesn’t matter to us. It’s already good to be able to work as an intern host on a TV station after graduation. Many CCTV graduates don’t even have intern hosts. Most of them I started doing odd jobs and couldn't get on camera for a year or two, so I was quite proud at that time."

Zhang Ye groaned and said, "Let's get to the point. Stop bragging. I'm the graduate you say can't even do odd jobs."

Wang He said: "Well, the point is that after I went to work, I went to the Hebei TV headquarters for an internship for three months. The leader was very optimistic about me at the time and thought that I had good conditions in all aspects, so he sent me back to the capital. In the recording department, several programs with good ratings of Hebei TV are recorded at the branch in Beijing. Many TV stations have recording sites in Beijing. After all, it is more convenient and has more resources."

Zhang Ye asked, "Who did you offend?"

Wang He said: "The person in charge of the recording organization of Hebei TV station in Beijing, the top leader, is called Guan Yunhai. He is also a station leader of Hebei TV station. He is one level lower than the deputy director, but he gets the salary of deputy director. It can be said that he is one of the best figures in the circle.”

Zhang Ye frowned. He was at the level of deputy director?

Su Hongyan added: "I have met Guan Yunhai once before. He is very senior. He worked at CCTV and Anhui TV before, and then he came to Hebei TV and became the first person in charge of the department in Beijing. He is mentioned in the industry. , everyone should know.”

Zhang Ye nodded, he seemed to have heard it too.

Su Hongyan said: "I also asked someone to speak to Wang He, but in the end I didn't hand over the message and let it go."

Zhang Ye said, "What's the reason? Did you steal someone else's secret?" The latter sentence is in Beijing dialect, which probably means you stole someone else's woman?

Su Hongyan understood and rolled her eyes, "You're already an associate professor, what are you talking about?"

Wang He smiled bitterly, "Don't tell me, it does have something to do with this, but I didn't steal it. His sidekick (lover) is one of my leaders, and the person in charge of our department is also a former host. Although She has taken a back seat, but she is still pretty. When I first came to the company, I didn’t know anything. I didn’t know the way inside. I just thought about what the leader told me to do. After all, I am a I am an intern host, not a formal one, so I will definitely take note of anything the leader has to do. Later, as we have been in contact for a long time, the female leader also trusts me. Sometimes she takes me with her when we go out to eat or drink. I used to drive a car for her, but then she drank too much and gave me an address in a daze. It was not her home, but another place, and I sent her there. As a result, she has been to her since then. I also became more trusting. She asked me to pick her up many times, and then sent her to that address at night, and told me not to tell anyone else. In fact, I later found out that it was not Guan Yunhai’s place, but another one of hers. Ping Jiaer’s home.”

Zhang Ye was speechless, "Why is it so chaotic?"

Wang He said: "Isn't it? One day by chance, Guan Yunhai was caught. Me, the woman, the second pang's son, and Guan Yunhai all got together and started fighting. , that’s when I realized that Guan Yunhai was also her son-in-law. Wasn’t it my unlucky fault? What does it have to do with me? In the end, Guan Yunhai hated me, because I was the one who sent him the gift every time. The house my female leader went to, and it involved such a relatively private matter, Guan Yunhai didn't make any publicity, and directly fired me, and even put down words in the industry, saying that my character and ability were not good, who If he dares to hire me, I will have trouble with him!"

Su Hongyan shook her head, "It's full of smoke and smoke."

Wang He smiled helplessly, "Teacher Su, you have always been a teacher with Zhongchuan. The atmosphere here must be different, but it is really like this in other places. It is too chaotic and the relationship is too complicated."

Zhang Ye was speechless: "And then you did this?"

"Yes." Wang He spread his hands, "Later, I tried recruiting at several TV stations, but without exception, they all called me back."

Su Hongyan said: "When a host with previous work experience changes jobs, the new owner will usually ask the leader of the other party's previous workplace to inquire about this person's situation. Guan Yunhai's side is stuck and there is no one." I dare to ask Wang He, he is not a famous host, and no one else wants to take this risk."

After listening for a long time, I probably understood the matter.

Zhang Ye said: "You are so unjust about this matter."

"No." Wang He kept shaking his head, "But where can I go to reason with you?"

Suddenly, the call came.

Wang He took a look and said, "Shanshan's."


Dong Shanshan's voice floated out, "Wang He, I asked you."

Wang He said: "Thank you, how about it?"

Dong Shanshan sighed, "I told Brother Hu, and I also told the head of a department I know at Beijing Satellite TV. They agreed to give you an interview opportunity at first, but then they told me 'forget it', If you say your resume is not good, Hebei TV will not think well of you."

Wang He was silent for a moment, "Okay, I understand. Thanks, Shanshan. I'll treat you to dinner another day."

Dong Shanshan said: "No need, I can't help you much."

"Then you have to ask." Wang He said, "I accept your love."

Dong Shanshan said: "I think you should tell Zhang Ye. He is more respectable than me. You ask him to help you think of a solution. If it doesn't work, I will help you and tell him. I talked to Zhang Ye on the phone yesterday. Well, Zhang Ye is also very concerned about your matter. He doesn’t say anything about it, but he is thinking about it in his heart."

Zhang Ye heard this and smiled, "Shanshan, are you arranging me again?"

Dong Shanshan was startled, "Hey, where's one piece?"

Wang He smiled and said: "I was passing the ball in the middle and met him."

Dong Shanshan smiled and said: "Okay, then I'm relieved. You can ask him. I'm done."

Put down the phone.

Su Hongyan asked: "Can't Beijing Satellite TV work?"

Wang Hen said: "Shanshan asked for me, no."

"It's been more than a year, and you're still holding on to me?" Su Hongyan frowned.

Wang He smiled helplessly, "This is going to beat me to death with a stick. It's okay. I've actually been prepared for this situation."

After hearing this, Zhang Ye said: "Okay, that's all. I'll help you solve it."

Wang He looked at him, "Are you okay?"

"Hey, what's your tone? I really can't listen to this. See if I can do it." Zhang Ye rolled his eyes, took out his mobile phone, and called Yan Tianfei, the director of Channel 14.


The call went through.

Yan Tianfei: "Hello? Xiao Zhang, haha, I just saw your news. What's up? Are you working as an associate professor at Communication University again? Remember to treat us when you come back in the New Year."

"That's necessary." Zhang Ye said.

Yan Tianfei asked: "Is something wrong?"

Zhang Ye said humbly: "An old classmate of mine, who is also from Communication University, is looking for a job as a host recently. Can you help him contact one? He is definitely not capable, I guarantee it."

Yan Tianfei did not hesitate, "This is not difficult to handle. Okay, you can send me his information. Our record channel does not have the configuration of a host. I will help you ask several other CCTV channels."

Zhang Ye said: "Okay, thank you very much."

Zhang Ye also thought that the matter should be solved, but the actual situation was beyond his expectation!

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