I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 862 [Annual meeting lottery, winning 20 in a row...

Everyone enters.

Soft music played on the sound system.

The annual meeting venue is very spacious, just like a serious party venue. However, all the seats under the stage have been changed and replaced with round tables and chairs. A rough count shows that there must be nearly thirty people. Even if there are eight people sitting at each table, there are still more than two hundred people. The scene is not small. There were also special cameras on both sides, recording the entire process of CCTV’s most solemn employee annual meeting.

"Where shall we sit?"

"this way please."

"Where are our three sets?"

"Director Zhou, the three sets are in the second row."

The on-site staff took everyone to their seats.

When Yan Tianfei and Zhang Ye came with their people, someone hurried up and led them to the side, "The seats for Channel 14 are over here, follow me."

As a result, they didn't go far, and the staff led everyone to a lonely round table in the far right corner of the venue. This location can no longer be said to be remote. It is too far from the main stage. Even if you have good eyesight, People can't see clearly the face on the main stage from here. At most, there is a vague shadow, which can only be seen through the big screen next to it. There was no sign on the table. After a while, a person came up quickly from behind and placed the seat sign with Channel 14 on the two tables here. It was obviously a temporary replacement table for them.

Ha Qiqi held his breath and said, "This is where we are?"

"Yes." The staff member coughed.

"Are there no other seats?" Yan Tianfei's secretary asked with a dark face.

The staff member said, "Well, everything has been arranged. There are no more tables for the wealthy." Then he turned and left.

Yan Tianfei raised his hand and said, "Sit down."

Everyone sat down one after another, looking to the left and behind, all with extremely dissatisfied expressions.

Their table was next to the wall on both sides. One wall was dead, and the other wall was a small door for the emergency passage. The air leaked in through the cracks in the door. It was quite cold.

Xiao Wang said angrily: "What kind of treatment is this?"

Huang Dandan also said: "This location is too far away!"

"I just realized that we are so indifferent to seeing each other on stage!" Wu Yi said angrily.

Zhang Ye said: "It's not that you don't want to meet me, it's mainly because I don't want to meet you."

They understood that Zhang Ye was telling the truth. People in the stage did not want to see him, so they banned him from participating in the annual meeting. Even if Zhang Ye was forced to attend now under pressure, it would not make him feel comfortable. This is not , in the blink of an eye, the table of Channel 14 was moved to a corner within a corner, and they were almost placed outside the safe passage, as if this was the only way to stay out of sight and out of mind.

Yan Tianfei said: "Teacher Xiao Zhang, don't worry about the bonus. I will help you solve it after the annual meeting. Let's see who dares to deduct your bonus!"

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "It's okay, Mr. Yan."

Yan Tianfei said: "Your year-end bonus is hundreds of thousands, why is it okay!"

Yan Tianfei’s secretary also said: “This punishment itself is unreasonable!”

"It's really okay." Zhang Ye said: "Mr. Yan, as long as you say this, don't worry about it. Just deduct the year-end bonus. But my money is not that easy to get."

Yan Tianfei was stunned, "Oh?"

Zhang Ye suddenly asked: "By the way,

How to draw a lottery later? "

Ha Qiqi said in surprise: "Director Zhang, are you worried about winning the prize?"

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "I'll just ask."

"The odds are too small, especially those big prizes." Zhang Zuo shook his head repeatedly.

Yan Tianfei’s secretary has participated in many annual meetings of all employees and knows a lot about it. “It’s the same as a normal lottery. Everyone has a chance. Usually after a performance is completed, a prize will be drawn, and the computer will draw the prize. Whoever gets it counts."

Zhang Ye nodded and understood.

Others thought Zhang Ye just asked casually and didn't take it seriously.

After a while, someone sat down at the table next to them.

One table is for the foreign language channel, and the other is for the agricultural channel. However, although the people on these two channels are also sitting in the back row, they are at least better than the tables on Channel 14, at least closer to the middle. Seeing Yan Tianfei, Zhang Ye and the others, these people's expressions were a little weird and complicated. With the excellent results of Channel 14 this year, it was normal to sit in the first two rows, but in the end they were thrown into the corner, so in CCTV and For many state-owned enterprises, sometimes achieving results is not the most important thing. The most important thing is to follow the leadership's footsteps.

"Huh? Who is that?"

"People from CCTV 5?"

"There's a new talent coming to the sports channel? She's a beauty!"

"I haven't seen her either."

"I heard about it. It seems her name is Yu Yingyi. She is a sports commentator and host recently hired by CCTV 5. She is quite famous on the Internet."


People from CCTV’s fifth set entered the venue one after another.

Yu Yingyi was one of them. As soon as she came in, she looked left and right. Suddenly, her eyes fell on the table in the corner. She was slightly startled and asked the person next to her: "Why are the people from Channel 14 sitting there?"

The colleague smiled bitterly and said: "You came in late to put on your makeup just now. I didn't see you. There was almost a fight at the door. It would be great if you can let people from Channel 14 in. You don't care where you sit."

Yu Yingyi immediately said: "What happened?"

"It's still Zhang Ye." The colleague told her again.

After listening, Zhang Ye's old classmate was speechless for a long time. In the past, Yu Yingyi often heard from newspapers and news that Zhang Ye had a bad relationship with CCTV. Zhang Ye also said it himself, but after all, he had not seen it with his own eyes. Yu Yingyi had not yet had a Now I finally have a solid understanding of the concept. Everyone at CCTV really has a lot of opinions on Zhang Ye. Hey, so does my old classmate. How did this happen? The same goes for CCTV. Why are you always competing with a host and chief director who has given you two top-rated programs in the country? Zhang Ye is so unpopular. He is not allowed to attend the year-end party during the Chinese New Year? ?

On the other side, Zhang Ye also saw her. The bright red dress she was wearing today was quite gorgeous and stood out among the crowd. After a moment of surprise, Zhang Ye realized that Yu Yingyi had joined the CCTV Sports Channel, so he took out his mobile phone. She sent a text message.

Zhang Ye: I see you, turn around, you are in the last row.

Soon, Yu Yingyi replied: I have seen you a long time ago.

Zhang Ye: Then you didn’t call me?

Yu Yingyi: Didn’t you tell me to pretend I don’t know you?

Zhang Ye: Khan, are you really pretending not to know me?

Yu Yingyi: It’s necessary!

Zhang Ye:......

Yu Yingyi: Hahaha.

While he was smiling and chatting with his old classmates, Zhang Ye suddenly felt eyes on his face. This was a kind of sixth sense. So he raised his head and looked around, and he actually saw a few unkind glances!

Jiang Wuyuan from CCTV was looking at him coldly.

And Xu Yipeng.

There were seven or eight people at his table, half of whom looked at Zhang Ye with disgust, and were talking about something that seemed to be about Zhang Ye. There was nothing good to say about that expression. There is another table of people in the first row, and some people frequently frown and look in the direction of Zhang Ye and Channel 14 - most of these two tables are people from the CCTV Spring Festival Gala program team!

Jiang Jianyuan said: "Why did you really let him in?"

Xu Yipeng said: "Who knows what the higher-ups are thinking!"

"This Zhang Ye, we are not done with him!" A planner from the Spring Festival Gala program team said: "No one talks like this! Why are you scolding us for the Spring Festival Gala?"

A female producer from the Spring Festival Gala program said: "That cross talk was too much. I believe that not many people want to see him today."

One person said: "Didn't the Spring Festival Gala director team already complain to the stage leaders about Zhang Ye? Anyway, his bonus for this year is gone. Although the money doesn't hurt him, it still makes him angry."

Another person said: "What's wrong with this? He should be fired!"

"Stop talking about him, it affects your mood!"

"Yeah, let's not mention this bastard!"

In fact, they were not the only ones. There was such a big commotion at the door just now. Who among the people at the scene was not allowed to have a few words? Some people who came late were not present at the time, and after coming over, they quickly found someone to inquire about the situation.

A table in the front row.

This is the desk of the Taiwan leader.

A staff member came over to report on the work, "Leader."

Deputy Director Zhou asked, "How's it going?"

The man said hurriedly: "It has been arranged and we have secured the last row of corners for Zhang Ye."

Several station leaders looked back.

The deputy director hummed, "The director will be here soon. The director has also seen the cross talk at the Spring Festival Gala in Beijing and is said to be very angry, so don't let us see Zhang Ye today."

The man assured: "Definitely not."

"Hey, the director is here."

"Let's go and greet you."

The Taiwan leaders all stood up.



The director pressed his hands and said with a smile: "Hurry up and sit down."

The protagonist is here, the venue is full, and the annual meeting officially begins!

There are three hosts hosting the annual meeting tonight, two men and one woman. One of the men is Chen Ye from CCTV.

Chen Ye smiled: "Dear leaders and colleagues, good afternoon everyone!"

The female host smiled and said: "Welcome to this year's CCTV annual meeting. I am the host Jia Jia."

The male host said: "I am Hao Dong!"

Chen Ye: "I am Chen Ye."

Then they said together: "Best wishes to all of you!"

There was applause below!

Jia Jia said: “Now, let’s invite the stage director to give a speech!”

The station director smiled and walked up slowly with the speech in hand, "Hello everyone, I am very happy to see you so energetic and energetic. This year is the year when CCTV returns to glory. This year, we We have trained many excellent employees, produced many excellent TV programs, and achieved gratifying results that are obvious to all..."

Hearing this, people on Channel 14 couldn't help but murmur.

Huang Dandan hummed: "Most of those excellent programs were produced by Director Zhang!"

"Yes." Xiao Wang said bitterly: "What's the result? Director Zhang's year-end bonus was deducted, he was almost not allowed to attend the annual meeting, and he assigned us to the last row?"

Tong Fu said: "This treatment makes me drunk!"

Chen Ye inadvertently glanced at Zhang Ye on the main stage, and felt quite relieved. "Dancing" originally had a good momentum, but the reason why its ratings have dropped to "dog" now is because of "Bite of the Tongue" The reason is that Zhang Ye's show stole their ratings. Who in the entire "Dancing" team doesn't hate it? Now seeing that Zhang Ye, who was supposed to be the biggest hero and protagonist, was thrown on the table in the corner, Chen Ye understood the attitude of the people on the stage, and many people also saw it clearly - no matter how capable Zhang Ye was, he would not be able to do it. May be reused in CCTV! Zhang Ye creates trouble for CCTV people every day, and now even the station leaders don’t want to see him!

Offended Taiwan leaders.

Offended CCTV.

Offended the Spring Festival Gala program team.

How are you still fooling around? How can you stand up!

On the main stage, the director finished his speech. From beginning to end, he was praising and commending. He mentioned many teams and many outstanding employees, but did not mention Zhang Ye's name at all. . Then, another station leader came to the stage to speak, but again, Zhang Ye was not mentioned. It seemed that everyone deliberately avoided this name and did not want to mention anything related to him.

The annual meeting performance officially begins.

Chen Ye announced, "The first show, "Tap Dance", the performance team: CCTV One!"

Thunderous applause!

The opening dance is here!

"Wow, not bad!"

"Haha, why is Lao Sun here too?"

"You can dance!"


The people below were laughing and applauding!

The annual meeting is like this. Many of the programs may not be very professional, and may even be full of loopholes, but they are all colleagues around you. They are very interesting to watch and have a strong sense of participation.

The dance ended with warm applause.

The leaders on the stage also smiled and applauded, nodding frequently.

CCTV 1st Director Jiang Jinxiong smiled and said: "It's okay for us?"

A channel director next to him said: "Not bad, not bad."

"These kids have been rehearsing for a month." Deputy Director Jiang Xinyuan said.

At this time, the host returned to the stage.

The female host Jia Jia announced with a smile: "Okay, now is the lottery that everyone is most concerned about. After every program, we will conduct a lottery with limited prizes. Let's see who is lucky."

"Yes." The male host smiled: "Then let me take a look at the prizes for the first round of draws. Please look at the big screen."

Images of a batch of shopping cards appeared on the big screen.

The female host exclaimed: "It's a gift card from a shopping website."

The male host said: "Each gift card has a limit of 500 yuan. There are twenty cards in total. You can draw them all at once. Let's see who is so lucky, old Chen?"

Chen Ye smiled and said, "Okay, leave it to me."

Chen Ye was already standing in front of a computer next to the main stage. This was today's lottery tool, and the winning results were randomly drawn by the computer.

The large screen also jumped to the computer interface.

The emotions of the people below were aroused!

"It's finally here!"

"My, mine, everything is mine!"

"Five hundred quota is a lot!"

"Yes, this year's minimum prize is so high? Then it must be even higher!"

"look forward to!"

"Won one for me! I didn't win anything last year!"

The table at Channel 14.

Ha Qiqi said: "The time has come to fight for character."

Xiao Wang and a few others were still immersed in the sulkiness just now, and didn't pay much attention to this award.

Zhang Zuo curled his lips and said: "Today is too unlucky, I guess I won't win."

Yan Tianfei didn't care either. He was still thinking about how to get Zhang Ye's deducted bonus back. He knew that Zhang Ye couldn't bear this tone, and neither did he!

However, Zhang Ye didn't say a word. Instead, he lit something in the air with his hand, and he didn't know what he was doing.

Ha Qiqi and others looked at Director Zhang strangely, and then they all looked away and focused on the main stage.

Game Ring:

——Mall interface.

Lucky Halo (upgraded version) is on!

Zhang Ye performed a series of operations without hesitation. He looked at the reputation points that were gradually being consumed without blinking. Since the last time the total reputation points were almost used up, Zhang Ye has not used the game ring much. , has been reserving resources and accumulating reputation points. After a long period of continuous growth in popularity, his reputation value is now a terrifying number. It is very rich and can meet all Zhang Ye's expenses!



Every second is a terrifying consumption of 100,000 reputation points!

Over there, Chen Ye had already slapped the lottery button with a smile, "Okay, let's start!"

Twenty windows moved at the same time, each window representing a final lottery result. At this moment, some photos and people's names were flashing on the screen. For example, for a moment, Ha Qiqi's face flashed on the third winning window. Your name, channel, and one-inch photo on your work ID. The twenty lottery windows are all conducted independently, so the name and order of flashing in each window are also different, and they are all randomly disrupted!

Everyone's eyes are focused on the big screen.

Chen Ye took the microphone and said, "Should the leader say stop?"

The female host smiled and said: "For the first award this year, the station director must shout first."

The director smiled, took a microphone and said: "Let's take turns shouting, haha, I'll go first." He looked at the big screen and said softly: "Okay, stop."

Chen Ye immediately took a shot!

The first voucher card lottery results are out!

But when they saw the photo that came out, many people were slightly stunned!


Why is it him! ?

Yu Yingyi was so happy that she covered her mouth and laughed!

Ha Qiqi and Xiao Wang also let out a puff.

Yan Tianfei burst into laughter!

Everyone on Channel 14 laughed!

The photo and name that appeared in the first window on the screen were Zhang Ye!

Zhang Zuo laughed, "Director Zhang, congratulations!"

"Good start, good start!" Yan Tianfei's secretary also congratulated him.

Chen Ye's brows darkened, and he thought to himself: Why is my grass so clever? The less I want to see him, why does this guy appear more often!

Most of the other CCTV employees also think so. What a coincidence, but think about it. Although the chance of winning is not high, it is much higher than the chance of winning in the sports lottery. There are only a few hundred people, and everyone has a chance of winning. There were still some, but they just happened to catch up with Zhang Ye.

Jiang Binxiong shook his head, this is such bad luck.

The people in the Spring Festival Gala program group also frowned and were speechless.

The director looked at the screen, said nothing, and handed the microphone to the deputy director next to him.

The deputy director said directly: "Stop!"

Chen Ye was a little slow to react and quickly took the photo!

The second gift card also had an owner immediately. As soon as they saw the photo of the second window on the screen, everyone was stunned again!

Holy shit!

Why is it still Zhang Ye?

Is there such a coincidence? ?

The deputy director who finally stopped was also stunned, and subconsciously handed the microphone to the other deputy director.

Deputy Director Zhou took it and said, "Stop."

Chen Ye took a picture of the third lottery window.

It’s still Zhang Ye’s photo!

Another station leader said: "It can be stopped."

The results of the fourth lottery window also appeared!

Zhang Ye's photo appeared there alive again!


——Zhang Ye.

"Stop it."

——Zhang Ye.

"Well, stop."

——It’s still Zhang Ye!

The leaders of the station shouted twenty times in turn, and Chen Ye took twenty shots in succession. Under everyone's stunned gaze, the winners of the first batch of twenty voucher cards were all Zhang Ye! !

This time, everyone couldn't laugh anymore!

Even the people at the table at Channel 14 were looking at Zhang Ye with dumbfounded eyes!

I'm confused!

What's going on?

You are so lucky, right? ?

The faces of the station leaders are getting worse and worse. The faces of the Spring Festival Gala program crew are also a little green. Mahler Gobi, all twenty awards are yours? You go out and give me some chicken blood! ?

〖To be continued〗【】

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