I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 887 [Zhang Ye accepts the sketch! 】

inside the house.

A bunch of people stared directly at Zhang Ye.

Chang Xiaoliang said solemnly: "Teacher Xiao Zhang, I can only rely on you now!"

Zhang Ye felt like vomiting blood, "Director Chang, I really can't do it!"

"Xiao Zhang!" Hu Fei also helped: "We all know what you are capable of!"

Zhang Ye smiled bitterly and said: "If you ask me to talk about a cross talk, it won't matter. Lao Yao and I can tell you now on stage. But this is a skit. I have never been here! I really can't do it, otherwise you guys Ask others? Are there any other skits that have been prepared?"

Hu Fei said: "If you can't do it, no one else can do it either!"

Zhang Ye quickly waved his hand, "This is too disrespectful of me, don't say that!"

After Yao Jiancheng finished listening, he also helped Zhang Ye by saying, "We crosstalk actors and sketch actors all look like comedy workers. They look like similar language programs that amuse the audience, but in fact they are very different. Ah, to put it bluntly, they are not in the same industry at all, they are completely two different things!"

The deputy director said anxiously: "The key is now that there is no one else!"

Zhang Ye said: "There is not enough time." Looking at his watch, "There is still a little more than an hour!"

A person from the Beijing Spring Festival Gala directing team immediately said: "Isn't that "Everything is Alright" just overturned and remade in an hour? The music was also made and the baggage was rearranged!"

Zhang Ye: "...But my sketch hasn't been finished yet. It's just a rough idea, not even a manuscript!"

Another female staff member immediately said: "When you first talked about "Zhang Ye's Talk Show", you did all the live broadcasts, and you didn't even use scripts during the live broadcasts. Also, when you were on the Beijing Radio Station, you were on the Beijing Literature and Art Channel. When talking about "Appreciating the Three Kingdoms", when did you use a manuscript? When did you prepare an outline in advance? Don't you always talk about it right away! Who in the circle doesn't know about this? Many people in the room are you now Where are your old colleagues? We all worked together. Let me ask you, who has ever seen you take a manuscript on stage?"

Brother Hou: "That's right!"

Da Fei said: "Yes, yes!"

Zhang Ye: "...but there are no props!"

Chang Xiaoliang immediately said: "As long as it is a simple prop, you can come out and do it.

From now on, everyone in the Beijing Spring Festival Gala program group will listen to your command! "

Zhang Ye: "...But Dong Shanshan is also hosting the party. I don't have enough manpower!"

The deputy director made a quick decision, "We have a backup host here who can step in at any time. If I call now, Dong Shanshan can come back and help you with the finale sketch!"

Zhang Ye almost went crazy!

your sister!

You all can tell me what I said!

Have you guys blocked all my words?

Chang Xiaoliang said earnestly: "Teacher Xiao Zhang, this is the first time in history that our Beijing Spring Festival Gala has a vague hope of winning the Spring Festival Gala ratings championship. It is the closest we have come to being the first in the ratings. Now we are almost inseparable. But something went wrong at the last minute, who can be willing to do it? Anyway, I can’t!"

The assistant director said: "I can't either!"

Hu Fei said: "I can't swallow this breath!"

The other female director sighed, "Yeah, it's so frustrating!"

Xiao Lu said: "It's just one step away! Teacher Zhang!"

Hou Di said expectantly: "Teacher Zhang!"

Da Fei also said loudly: "Teacher Zhang, come on!"

A female assistant director said: "Yes, Teacher Zhang, it's up to you!"

"Teacher Zhang!"

"Teacher Zhang! Come on!"

"Come on you!"

A group of people were calling his name!

Zhang Ye's eardrums hurt, and he smiled bitterly, "You are bullying the few when there are many people." He looked at Yao Jiancai.

Yao Jiancai didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He spread his hands to indicate that there was nothing he could do.

The door opened again, and another group of people came in!

"Director Chang, what are you going to do?"

"The station director was also urging me just now!"

"Yeah, how do you prepare the props?"

"There's no time, Director Chang, the director team is in chaos!"

Chang Xiaoliang didn't say anything, but looked at Zhang Ye without blinking, waiting for him to speak.

Zhang Ye is also two heads and two older. He is a native of the capital. He has grown up watching several channels of the capital TV station since he was a child. He has worked here, fought, and made himself famous, but even though After so many things happened, he still had a special feeling for this place. Seeing such a big incident happening in the Spring Festival Gala in Beijing, he couldn't bear it, so he was very confused at the moment!

"Director Zhang!"

"Teacher Zhang, there is no time!"

The people on the directing team are getting more and more impatient.

Zhang Ye suddenly let out a breath, looked at them and said, "Is there really no one else?"

A female assistant director almost burst into tears, "It's really gone!"

Zhang Ye paused and said, "I have never done a sketch before. I can't guarantee what it will look like after it's finished. Are you sure you want me to take the lead even so?"

Chang Xiaoliang said happily: "Whatever you do is what you do!"

The deputy director also said: "As long as we can catch up with the live broadcast and save the place, any program will do!"

Zhang Ye shrugged his shoulders at Yao Jiancai, then looked at everyone, "Okay, I agree!"

"Great!" Xiao Lu screamed!

Da Fei cheered: "Teacher Zhang is so handsome!"

Hu Fei suddenly felt confident, "With you taking action, there will definitely be no problem!"

When it comes to Zhang Ye's character, no one can rest assured, because this guy has such a bad temper. He causes trouble and curses people all day long. Many people have to avoid him when they see him. He is a famous bachelor in the entertainment industry! But when it comes to Zhang Ye's attainments and abilities in the art field, they are so reliable and reassuring! Although Zhang Ye had never done a sketch or acted in a sketch before, everyone still breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously knowing that he was going to come to the rescue!

Chang Xiaoliang also held Zhang Ye's hand sincerely, "Thank you!"

Zhang Ye said with a smile: "I'm just trying to catch up and put it on the shelves temporarily. Don't thank me. When everything is settled and the show really catches up, you can thank me again."

Chang Xiaoliang asked: "What do you need now?"

"I need some time to think about the sketch book first," Zhang Ye said.

Chang Xiaoliang: "Okay!"

Zhang Ye said: "By the way, I also have to bump heads with Shanshan."

Chang Xiaoliang “No problem!”

The Spring Festival Gala is still going on!

Various satellite TV Spring Festival Galas are still competing!

The industry is also paying attention all the time. Everyone wants to know who will win this year's Satellite TV Spring Festival Gala and who will be the final winner. Last year, the Hunan Spring Festival Gala had the highest overall ratings. The year before that, the Liaoning Spring Festival Gala won the championship. The year before that, Dragon TV took the lead!

Who will it be this year?

Will it be Beijing Satellite TV?

Some people in the industry are also talking about this topic.

"I had originally watched the Liaoning Spring Festival Gala."

"Yeah, the momentum was really strong at the beginning!"

"But that's not necessarily the case now. Only Zhang Ye and Yao Jian can turn the tide in the Beijing Spring Festival Gala! The cross talk between these old partners is really enjoyable to listen to!"

"One cross talk saved an entire show!"

"But I still have to watch the next show, and I can't say yet."

"If the Beijing Spring Festival Gala wins, tonight will really be a miracle night!"

"But no matter what, after tonight, Zhang Ye and Yao Jiancai's popularity will definitely explode again with this cross talk! After all, this is the local TV Spring Festival Gala, so many pairs of eyes are watching! Just played the table tennis The incident involving the national team should not have much impact on Zhang Ye!"

"After holding it in for so many years, Beijing TV Station became a blockbuster!"

"They did the right thing by hiring Zhang Ye and Yao Jiancai! With the reputation of this Spring Festival Gala, the overall ratings of Beijing TV Station should be improved this year. Why would the satellite TV channel be willing to go all out for the Spring Festival Gala on the first day of the new year? They all have long-term plans! This is a key step in the development of the TV station!"

But at this moment, some shocking news broke!

Entertainment report: "A major crisis in the Spring Festival Gala in Beijing!" 》

Internet tracking: "Qu Haiying suffered a heart attack and was rushed to Fuwai Hospital!" 》

Jinghua Daily Online Edition: "There is no opening for the finale skit of the Beijing Spring Festival Gala!" A major live broadcast accident is about to happen! 》

Qu Haiying's matter is too big, and it comes at a critical moment during the Spring Festival Gala live broadcast. It is obviously impossible to hide it!

For a moment, everyone was stunned!

"Oh my God!"

"how so!"

"How's Teacher Qu? How's it going?"

"I heard it's not life-threatening!"

"That's good! That's good! But what about the Spring Festival Gala in Beijing?"

"The Beijing TV station is in trouble again! This is a live broadcast, or a Spring Festival Gala live broadcast. If there is no program to top it by then, what will happen? This has never happened before!"

"What bad luck!"

"Yes, I was originally very optimistic about Beijing Satellite TV this year!"

"Oh my god, this is so bad!"

"Something big happened again on Jingcheng Terrace!"

"It's over, they can't take first place anymore! They fell behind in the end!"

"Why are you still fighting for the top spot in the ratings? That's secondary. Let's pass the current level first. It's still an hour before we get to Qu Haiying's original sketch, right? How can we fill this hole?"

"The advantages that Zhang Ye and Teacher Yao Jiancai worked so hard to gain are all in vain!"

Netizens are abuzz!

Many netizens who were commenting on Han Li and the national table tennis team just now have their attention returned after receiving such amazing news! There was only one hour before the sketch was broadcast live, but the sketch actor had a heart attack. They were all worried about the ill-fated Beijing TV Station!

There is also a lot of discussion in the industry!


"Oh, that's it!"

"Yes, even with the help of Zhang Ye and Yao Jiancai's cross talk, Beijing TV station is powerless this time. How about the ratings? Whether they can successfully perform the Spring Festival Gala this time is a question!"

"Look who's on top!"

"There's no one left? They don't seem to have a backup program!"

"No one can go up to me. What time is it?"

"Yeah, the key is there's no time!"

"If there is a live broadcast accident, the punishment for Beijing TV Station will definitely not be small!"

"Let's see what happens at the Spring Festival Gala in Beijing!"

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