I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 900 [Ah, my account has been hacked! ...

Tieba management party.

The company's technical department is in chaos!

"The softball bar can't be saved!"

"Ban the account!"

"Quick, quick!"

"It's closed, there are too many people!"

"It's over, the softball bar is also exploded!"

"God, how come there are so many people!"

"Hurry up and call again and ask the technicians to come over!"

"Boss, today is the first day of the Lunar New Year. Many people have returned to their hometowns to celebrate the New Year!"

"Zhang Ye's fans are so fierce!"

"There are a lot of helpers out there! Zhang Ye is fighting with the sports world, how come the cosmetics forum got involved? What does it have to do with you guys?"

"It's chaos, it's all chaos!"

"Everyone who celebrates the New Year is going crazy!"

At this moment, the few remaining sports forums have basically given up resistance.

"Open the permissions! Ban the trumpet account from speaking!"

"It can't be opened."


"The other party has a hacker!"


"None of our seven administrator accounts can log in!"

"Then, what should we do?"

"...Nothing can be done."

They just handed over their guns!

This battle is impossible to fight!

on Weibo.

Zhang Ye counted down again,

@Sports, "There are ten minutes left, I'm waiting!"

Celebrities are funny in the group.

Many celebrities are paying attention!

Ning Lan: "Xiao Zhang's domineering spirit is really deep in his bones!"

Xiaodong: "Yes, most people can't learn it even if they want to!"

Fan Wenli smiled bitterly: "Director Zhang is competing with the sports world today! I'm afraid no one can stop him now!"


People in the sports world were also shocked by Zhang Ye's momentum, and they could only @radio and television.

Li Qi from the table tennis team: “ @Radio and Television! Look, haven’t the punishment results been announced yet?”

Chu Yifeng, head coach of the national table tennis team: "Bringing fans to cause trouble, isn't this considered a violation? Has anyone taken charge of it? Has anyone taken charge of it?"

Han Li shouted in Weibo: "I call for a complete ban on Zhang Ye!"

Tang Hechang, a defender of a national football team, also shouted: "Boycott such bad artists!"

As a result, as soon as they finished shouting, their posts were exploded one after another! Some athletes are not very popular and do not have personal forums at all. Some athletes with better results, such as Han Li and Li Qi, have forums, but the number of people is small and not many people pay attention to them. But no matter what, no one is spared!

Hanliba was exploded!

Li Qi's bar was exploded!

Tanghechang Bar was exploded!

Tang... Da Zhang Tieba was exploded!

Crosstalk actor Tang Dazhang's post forum was originally calm. Everyone was still laughing and chatting about Zhang Ye's battle in the sports world. They were still posting live broadcasts. Although their relationship with Zhang Ye had always been on the same level, although Tang Dazhang and crosstalk actor The relationship between Jie and Zhang Ye has always been sworn enemies, and they often exchanged insults, but today it was nothing to do and they did not participate in the war.

But suddenly, without any warning, the navy troops appeared, and in the blink of an eye they exploded Tang Dazhang's bar!




"Why did you blast us?"

"You are fighting against the sports world! We didn't scold you today!"

"your sister!"

Tang Dazhang’s fans are all confused!

As a result, the leader of the team, Da Dao brother, posted a post just before Tang Dazhang's bar was exposed, which made all the onlookers faint with laughter - "I'm sorry, the pronunciation of the names of Tang Dazhang and Tang Hechang is too similar. It's wrong!" 》

Wrong mistake?


Fans of Tang Dazhang fainted!

The onlookers laughed!

Tang Dazhang lay down his guns and became the most innocent victim of this explosive war that will be recorded in history!

At this time, Zhang Ye's meager words spoke again, "I want to say that today's incident is not directed at each Tieba or Tieba friends. If there are accidental injuries, I am here to explain it to you, but things still have to happen. Come on, I can’t hold back my breath! Well, there are still three minutes left!”

"Back you!"

"Support Teacher Zhang!"

"Yes, you can't swallow this breath!"

"First you scold us and then you want us to apologize? Damn!"

"Teacher Zhang!"

"The clay figurine is still angry!"

Everyone in the sports world is blushing!

What about radio and television?

What about the serious treatment I just mentioned?

What about the processing results that will be given soon?

With everything going on like this, why hasn’t anyone come out yet? ?

The half hour before the money bureau threatened Zhang Ye, there are still two minutes left!

One minute left!

Thirty seconds...

Ten seconds...

Five seconds...

The banging movement also stopped.

Everyone is staring at the time, everyone is waiting for the sound of radio and television!

Then, and then no more!

Countless people in the sports world were shocked and @contacted the relevant radio and television departments several times, but there was no response at all. All reports came to nothing!

Liu Yifeng was stunned, "Why?"

Han Li said: "How could this happen?"

Li Qi said: "They, didn't they accept it?"

No one knows why!

The final time of the threat has passed, and Zhang Ye is still fine!

The famous movie star Ning Lan exclaimed.

Chen Guang and Fan Wenli looked suspicious.

Chang Xiaoliang, the chief director of the Beijing Spring Festival Gala, was stunned.

Netizens were also surprised.


"Is everything okay?"

"never mind?"

"Radio and TV...don't care?"


"It's okay in the first place, we're just scaring ourselves!"

"Yes, the lines created in Teacher Zhang's sketch were intended to satirize the phenomenon of flattery. This is a program with profound meaning and positive energy. How can there be a problem?"

"Very good!"

"Teacher Zhang is fine!"

"A false alarm, a false alarm!"

"What about the leaders of the sports committee?"

"Yes, where is the person? Why is he gone?"

"When he came out, he was quite arrogant and pretended to be very big. I thought how awesome he was!"

"Didn't you say let Teacher Zhang try not to apologize if he has the ability? Teacher Zhang has already tried it! Now I want to ask, what happens next?"

The battle has come to this point, the winner has been decided!

The sports world vigorously denounced it, and then suffered a disastrous defeat. At this time, many athletes in the sports world had already gone offline in despair.

It's too awful!

They failed miserably!

The netizens who were watching were also applauded today!

"It's so enjoyable!"

"Yeah, what a classic battle!"

“‘Black Junior High School’ will definitely go down in history!”

"My gossip fire is burning brightly! If I could see such wonderful scolding battles every day, I would die without regrets!"

"Today, Zhang Ye once again proved the cohesion of his fans!"

"Zhang Ye is so domineering today! He overwhelmed his opponents in terms of momentum!"


"It was a good fight!"

The battle is over.

Tieba is cleaning up the messy battlefield.

Weibo administrators have also begun deleting comments containing curse words on a large scale.

However, the members and coaches of the national table tennis team who were responsible for the incident could not accept the result at all. When they arrived, they could not understand why there was suddenly no movement from the radio and television!


We can't just let it go!

They can't afford to lose this person!

Han Li became angry and said: "Radio and television don't care? Report it to the Internet police!"

Li Qi's eyes lit up, "Yes, he incited netizens to gather and cause trouble, and exploded so many forums. This is a vicious incident on the Internet, and the Internet supervisors must take care of it!"


“ @Go to the network supervisor!”

The people from the table tennis team came up again and reported with their real names!

However, they may never know that Wu Zeqing, the deputy director in charge of the censorship violation department who they reported to Radio and Television before - is Zhang Ye's girlfriend. And now, they are complaining and reporting that the most powerful person in the past Internet surveillance department, Internet police officer Fan Yingyun, who was once a world-famous hacker, is the current leader of Zhang Ye's fan group! The scolding battle just now and the bar busting operation just now were all led by this female Internet police officer from the Internet surveillance department! Fortunately, the table tennis team and everyone in the sports world didn't know, otherwise they would have vomited blood for three days and three nights!

When netizens saw it, they were angry again!

"It's not over yet?"

"You still want to report it?"

"Aren't you embarrassed enough?"

"Depend on!"

"Teacher Zhang, be careful!"

"This matter is really big or small! In the past, there were scolding wars and explosions, but most of them were organized voluntarily by netizens. This time, Teacher Zhang personally stepped forward to direct. If someone catches him, he will be criticized. It’s also a big deal!”


"what is it now?"

"Teacher Zhang, please delete Weibo first!"

"Yes, delete all the previous ones first, and then we'll see if it works!"

"It's useless to delete it! It's all recorded!"

Many fans suddenly became worried again.

After reading it, Zhang Ye operated the computer for a while, using the network technology that he had learned from the skill book, he was busy for a while, changed some things, added some things, then nodded, and called Yao Jiancai.

"Old Yao, I have something to ask you."

Soon, Yao Jiancai's Weibo suddenly spoke up, "Hello everyone, I'm Zhang Ye. Ah, my Weibo account has been hacked. What just happened? @Weibo, please help me find my password. I have sent it to you." The complaint was retrieved.”

Then, a work account on Weibo also replied below, "Hello, Teacher Zhang Ye, we just checked and found that the login location of the account just now is in the United States. The password has indeed been changed. We need to verify it in the private message. Please check your ID card and mobile phone number to reset your password."

Zhang Ye borrowed Weibo: "Thank you, it's great, I can finally get my Weibo account back! By the way, I would like to despise the account thieves, they are so shameless!"

Account hacking?

Your account has been hacked?

Ninglan: "..."

Chen Guang was stunned!

Liu Yifeng was stupid!

Han Li spurted blood!

Chang Xiaoliang fainted!

Everyone on the Internet who saw this almost fell to the ground, as if ten thousand grass-mud horses were galloping past in their hearts! Everyone couldn't help shouting in their hearts: Do you still despise account thieves? It's shameless for me to fuck you, okay? There is no one more shameless than you in the whole world! !

What a familiar scene!

What an intimate sense of sight!

A celebrity's exclusive ultimate move - stolen account! !

No one in the sports world expected that Zhang Ye would actually perform this classic trick at this time! Your account has been hacked? Who else in the world but you could have written those damn remarks and insulting jokes you just made? Now that the scolding is over and the matter is over, you actually said innocently, "My account has been hacked"? Still "ahhh"?

My ah, your sister! !

They were all stunned by Zhang Ye's shamelessness!

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