I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 948 [Agent dispute! 】

That night.

He made a phone call to Zhang Yuanqi. The queen is recognized as the most popular person in the entertainment industry. Zhang Ye doesn't have many friends, so he only knows her, who is relatively well-connected. If he wants to find an agent as soon as possible, he must It is most convenient to contact Zhang Yuanqi.



"Hey, Sister Zhang, it's me!"


"What? Where is it?"




"Let me tell you something. I need your help with something."


"I want to find an agent, the sooner the better!"


"There are no big requirements. Both men and women are welcome, but it is best to be a lesbian. After all, it is easier to communicate. You must have work ability, but it doesn't matter whether you are strong or not. Even if you are a newcomer, you know that I am not very popular. , I don’t have any requirements for the agent’s popularity. Just as long as he is on the right path with me, and his values ​​are consistent with mine, that would be even better. It also saves a lot of communication trouble. Also, well, it’s best not to look too good. Poor, after all, he has to be my spokesperson. I am just average-looking, so my agent can’t do the same. He has to give me some good looks, and I don’t have much requirements for my figure, but, I can’t be too good. Once again, you have to look past it, after all, sometimes you have to show up as a public relations image..."

He rattled off a lot of requests.

As a result, Zhang Yuanqi directly summed up the selection requirements for him, "Beauty, big breasts, everything else doesn't matter?"

Zhang Ye sweated and said, "...Yes!"

Zhang Yuanqi said: "Let's wait for the news."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Ye could rest assured and leave it to Lao Zhang.

Agent, this is a very special position in the entertainment industry. It can be said to be the star's closest working partner, or the star's most loyal spokesperson. He can help the star handle anything, such as endorsements, advertising, and reporter interviews. , such as work arrangements,

The importance is self-evident. Almost every celebrity's agent is carefully selected, or they are the most trusted relatives. For example, many celebrities' agents are their mothers, sisters, and second aunts, or they are their abilities. Outstanding, Zhang Yuanqi's agent Fang Weihong is a well-known gold medal agent in the industry, and he was already famous before he served Zhang Yuanqi.

Zhang Ye could actually make this choice, but he found it inappropriate.

Looking for relatives?

Mom or aunt?

Cousin or cousin?

Neither works!

His family was just an ordinary family. They had never seen much of the world and it was impossible to deal with many things. In addition, Zhang Ye had such a bad reputation in the circle and was in so many troubles that he did not dare to ask his relatives to help him take care of things.

As for a gold medal manager who is too famous, he doesn't want to hire one, and has no way to hire one. Many managers have contracts with artists, and commissions are calculated from the artist's income. Zhang Ye has never accepted a commercial performance. Master, I guess I won’t take too many jobs in the future. Who dares to be a top agent like him? Not to mention not making much money, Zhang Ye has a temper that fights with people every day, and has to deal with a lot of troubles every day. He has little money, a lot of work, and is scolded. What a fool!

Therefore, his favorite thing is the newcomer, as long as he can help him with some chores, other big things? Zhang Ye can handle it himself.

the next day.

Early in the morning.

Zhang Yuanqi’s manager Fang Weihong sent the candidate email!

Although Lao Zhang has a bad temper in private, he is still very efficient in doing things. Zhang Ye will not worry about her forgetting the things assigned to her.

Hurrah la la more than a dozen resumes.

Li Han: Female, 27 years old, working in the industry for four years.

Han Fang: Female, 29 years old, working in the industry for six years, Huo Dongfang’s previous agent.

Zhao Minli: Female, 25 years old, newcomer, has been in the industry for one year, has strong ability, and has just resigned from media and entertainment.

Zhang Ye scanned them one by one and found that everyone was very satisfied. In fact, he didn't understand much about this. After all, it was the eldest girl's first time on the sedan chair, so he didn't think anyone had any faults, so he became even more confused. Later, he called his parents to come over and help him watch it together. As a professional manager, he also needs to deal with some things in the artist's life, so Zhang Ye also attaches great importance to the opinions of his parents, who will have to deal with them in the future.

Dad pointed to someone and said, "This one is okay."

"You have it." My mother disagreed and pointed, "This is better. He looks more majestic and his ability to do things is obvious."

Zhang Ye asked: "Is there any?"

Mom hurriedly said: "Ask this!"

"Uh, okay." Zhang Ye didn't have any opinions of his own.

After picking up the phone, Zhang Ye called the people he liked one by one.

"Hello, Ms. Zhao Minli?"

"I am, who are you?"

"I'm Zhang Ye."

"Ah, Teacher Zhang, hello!" The woman opposite looked very excited, "Sister Fang told me before, asked me about my current working status, and then asked me what I thought of you. I didn't expect you to really give I called, so let me briefly introduce myself. I have just resigned from the company and am a free agent. I can accept individual agent appointments from celebrities, and there will be no problems with the contract."

"I rarely take commercial roles, can you accept that?"

"How much is this...rare?"

"Basically don't answer."

"Uh, that's okay. Can we meet and talk?"

"Okay, then make an appointment."

After chatting for a few words, Zhang Ye was quite satisfied.

Then he hit someone again.

"Hello, Ms. Han?"

"Haha, is it Teacher Zhang?"

"Did you hear it?"

"Your voice sounds familiar."

"I'm looking for an agent. Sister Fang recommended you to me. Before talking about other things, I want to get to know you first and what your requirements are."

"I don't have any other requirements. It's just that in the contract, I may take a larger commission, 30%."

"Is that so?"

"If you have a brokerage company, the company will assign you a broker, and the company will also take a commission. If I am your agent alone, I have to use my own relationships to operate many things, so the commission will definitely be higher. , we can discuss the details later.”


He was contacted by phone.

Little did he know that on the other side, the industry was already bustling!

A brokerage company.

"Hey, did you hear that? Zhang Ye is looking for an agent!"

"I just heard about it too!"

"This is a great opportunity!"

"Hey, I want to apply for the job too!"

"Then you have to resign first. They hire a personal agent!"

"It's okay to resign. The key is I'm afraid I don't have enough conditions."

"There's nothing good about being Zhang Ye's manager. You don't know who he is? He's never taken on a commercial performance, and he can't make any money at all!"

"Then I'm willing too! That's an A-list star!"

"Yes, I used to be plated with gold, and when it comes out in the future that I have been the agent of an A-list celebrity, who won't be able to compete for it? My qualifications will be much better!"

A private gathering of broker practitioners.

"Zhang Ye is looking for an agent?"

"Yes, I heard that Sister Fang Weihong helped organize it."

"What a great opportunity!"

"Well, among the current A-list stars, Zhang Ye is the only one without an agent. I don't know who can win this position! Alas, my contract is tied to the company, otherwise I would have applied for it too!"

Almost everyone in the industry knows it!

This circle is not small, but it is not big either. There is no secret. Especially for a star like Zhang Ye, many people are paying attention to every move he makes!

For a time, many people in the brokerage industry tried their best to contact Zhang Ye or Fang Weihong, each with lower demands than the other!

"I didn't ask for it!"

"I can take 10%!"

"I'll take seven percent!"

"I'm five percent!"

"I don't need to take a commission! I just get a salary!"

More and more people applied for the job, and in the end, the number of applicants was almost overwhelming. Everyone used their own methods to get this position!

Zhang Ye didn't expect that he was so popular. He originally thought that he would have more troubles if he didn't accept commercial roles. Generally, few people would be willing to be his agents, but he still underestimated his current fame. There are even a few who have become famous. All the well-known agents in the industry have contacted him through their connections, expressed their intention to be Zhang Ye's agent, and also expressed some of their requirements.

Zhang Ye is already spoiled for choice!

This is good!

This is not bad either!

Which one should I choose?

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