
Everyone is at their wits end!

"Why did it happen like this?"

"Are you really going to call your agent?"

"Oh my god! Call the police!"

"Yes, otherwise something big will happen soon!"

Jiang Hanwei sneered again and again.

Several martial arts instructors who were traveling with him were also very angry with Zhang Ye. The crash just now really scared them out of their wits and they were almost injured!

One person said: "Brother Jiang, what nonsense are you talking to him about?"

"Hit him!" said another.

The third person said: "Do you really think we are easy to bully?"

However, Jiang Hanwei glanced at them but said nothing.

In fact, many people don't quite understand why Jiang Hanwei didn't take action. It stands to reason that he started the dispute in the first place. In the eyes of others, Jiang Hanwei must have some grudge against Zhang Ye, and now Zhang Ye has crashed his car again. Regardless of Jiang Hanwei's previous temper, he must have taken action in the morning, so many people were quite scared and started fighting in the middle. But in the end, Jiang Hanwei actually didn't move and had no intention of taking action with Zhang Ye at all. This made many people have no intention of taking action. Very understandable. Some people think that Jiang Hanwei was concerned about Zhang Ye's status as an A-list celebrity and was afraid of having too much influence, so he deliberately controlled it.

In fact, only Jiang Hanwei himself knew that it was impossible for him to fight Zhang Ye in this situation, because he didn't know who would win and who would lose, and he couldn't predict it. Others didn't know Zhang Ye's skills, but how could he? Not sure? Therefore, Jiang Hanwei's purpose has always been clear. He wants to embarrass Zhang Ye and deal with Zhang Ye. There is no need to compete with him, he can just start with his manager!

Are you good at martial arts?

Are you the first person under the Grandmaster?

OK! Then I'll take action on your agent!

Kill the chicken to scare the monkey! When the time comes, it will be you, Zhang Ye, who gets slapped in the face!

Moreover, Jiang Hanwei also hated Zhang Ye's manager. Knowing that he had already spread rumors in the circle, would anyone dare to be Zhang Ye's manager? Is he a relative? Or his friend? You’ll find out soon! Today, I will take care of you! I also want you to see what importance I, Jiang Hanwei, hold in the entertainment industry.

I said I'll beat you every time, so I'll beat you every time!

Zhang Ye has already hung up the phone.

But not even half a minute later, a hotel staff member ran in from outside. She looked surprised when she came in and looked left and right. She had no idea who to look for!

Xiaodong asked: "What's wrong?"

The female staff member huffed and said, "Someone didn't have an invitation and asked to see Zhang Ye."

Zhang Ye looked over and said, "Who is it?"

The female staff member hesitated for a moment, "She, she said she was your agent!"

Everyone was shocked!


Already here?

Is this coming?

Xiaodong quickly said: "Don't let her in!"

Zhang Ye and Xiaodong spoke at the same time, "Let her in!"

Jiang Hanwei thought it was a good idea. He looked at Xiaodong and said, "Xiaodong, I told you, this matter is a personal grudge between Zhang Ye and I, please don't worry about it." Then he said to the others: "I made everyone laugh today, it's a bit small. Let’s deal with the conflict ourselves first, and then we can celebrate Xiaodong’s birthday well after we finish it! Later I will punish myself with three drinks and apologize to everyone for shocking all old and new friends!”

"Look at what you're talking about, Teacher Jiang."

"It's fine!"

"You handle yours."

"Teacher Zhang, you went too far today!"

"Yeah, I don't blame Brother Jiang for being angry. How could I hit Brother Jiang's car? What if something happens? What if someone gets hurt?"

Several people accused Zhang Ye in public.

Jiang Hanwei's prestige in the circle is evident. Many people present still support him. Unlike Zhang Ye, he doesn't have many friends in the entertainment industry!

Jiang Hanwei smiled and hugged his fists, "Thank you for your understanding!"

The female hotel staff wiped her sweat and said, "Should we let that eldest sister in?"

This statement stunned many people!


That eldest sister?

Is Zhang Ye’s manager still a woman?

Jiang Hanwei said coldly: "Let her in!"

Before anyone arrived, the sound came from far away.

"No need to give in, I'm already in!" It was a woman's loud voice!

The faces of the three members of Xiaodong's team all changed, and they rushed out to stop others. They all knew that today's matter could not be solved, but they still couldn't really let Zhang Ye's manager come in. Besides, she was a lesbian, so lethargic. Did she come in and get beaten? Zhang Ye dared, but they didn't dare!

Several other female celebrities who had a good relationship with Xiaodong also hurried over to help!


Several hotel security guards are crazy!

"What's wrong with you!"

"I told you I wouldn't let you in!"

"Yeah, why are you still pushing others!"

Several security guards were very angry and chased after a woman.

Only then did Xiaodong and others realize that the eldest sister had broken in by herself? What's going on? Doesn't she know that Jiang Hanwei is here today? Didn't she know that Jiang Hanwei had promised to beat her? Are you still trying to break in? Would you like to come in early? Who are these people?


so pretty?

The moment they saw that woman, Xiaodong, Amy and others were stunned!

This face!

Such a figure!

Such temperament!

Even in the entertainment industry where there are many beauties, there are not many women with this kind of appearance. This must not be a relative of Zhang Ye, right? Zhang Ye looks like an ordinary person, there is no way he has such beautiful relatives! So who is this person? Where did Zhang Ye find such a beautiful woman as his manager?

Xiaodong couldn't think too much and said immediately: "Are you Zhang Ye's manager? Don't go in, don't go in, there's going to be a fight inside!"

Unexpectedly, the woman narrowed her eyes and said, "A fight started? Is it intense?"

Xiaodong sweated, "Go back quickly!"

The woman looked at her, "Who are you?"

Xiaodong was stunned, "You don't know me?"

The woman shook her head, "Should I know you?"

Another female star was a little angry and said, "I'm letting you go back for your own good!"

The woman looked at her again, "Who are you?"

That female star is also quite popular in the entertainment industry, and she was a little dizzy after hearing this!

What kind of agent is this? You don’t even know the more famous stars in the industry? Which ravine did you come from? Can you still be the manager of an A-list celebrity?

Amy said loudly: "Someone is going to beat you up! Do you understand?"

Li Xiaoxian was really worried for her, "You hurry up and you won't be able to leave when Uncle Jiang comes out soon! Don't listen to Zhang Ye, don't go in, Zhang Ye will harm you!"

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, the woman was actually happy, "Then I have to go and take a look. I want to see how many people in the country dare to talk to me like this!"

This is a lunatic!

This person is not normal!

Several celebrities who tried to break up the fight all had dark eyes. Sure enough, someone was looking for someone. How could this woman have the same moral character as Zhang Ye?

Are there any normal people here? ?

【There will be more in a moment! 】

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