I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 965 [The press conference has begun! 】

A few days later.


On the day of the press conference.

In the morning, Department of Thoracic Surgery, Cancer Hospital.

"Dan Dan." Tong Fu said.

Huang Dandan shook his head, "Impossible!"

Xiao Wang looked sullen on the side, "Director Zhang really said that."

Huang Dandan didn't believe it and said, "Don't you know what kind of person Director Zhang is?"

"I know." Tong Fu gritted his teeth and said, "But this time, he is really not prepared to take care of it. He has told all of us not to touch this matter and not to mention it again. We even want to go to the leaders to discuss it again." We protested once, but he stopped us and wouldn’t let us go!”

Xiao Wang said angrily: "Our documentary will definitely not be broadcast. The source of the film has been deleted. Today is the day of the press conference. We will explain to reporters and the public why our film was removed from the shelves. It is now seven o'clock, and there are The press conference will begin in two hours!”

Huang Dandan shook his head.

Tong Fu said: "I actually understand Director Zhang. He is about to leave CCTV. If he gets into trouble at this time, it will have a great impact on him. Now that we know that our documentary this time may offend too many people, this kind of No one wants to take over this mess, not even Director Zhang..."

"Stop talking!" Huang Dandan interrupted him angrily, "Let's go!"

Xiao Wang said: "Dandan, why are you..."

Huang Dandan didn't listen, "Go back, everyone!"

"Well, let's go to work first. You take good care of yourself and listen to the doctor's instructions." Tong Fu had no choice but to leave the ward with Xiao Wang and another colleague who came to visit.

"what to do?"

"Leave Dandan alone."

"Oh, she definitely can't accept it."

"Director Zhang is really..."

"Stop talking, Director Zhang has done enough for everyone."

"Let's go back,

There is still a lot of stuff going on at the press conference. "

at the same time.

Radio and television.

Wu Zeqing walked into the office building.


"Bureau Wu!"

"Director Wu, morning."

"Ah, Director Wu!"

Many people were stunned for a moment. Today is Saturday, a holiday, and didn’t Bureau Wu go to Shanghai for a meeting yesterday? The original plan was to come back on Sunday? Why did Bureau Wu come to work today? Uh, did something happen to the unit? Why haven't you heard of it?

The members of the department were all talking about it.

Soon, Wu Zeqing's secretary Bai Li also hurried over.

In the office.

Bai Li was also a little surprised, "Bureau Wu, why are you back today? Didn't the meeting in Shanghai not end until Sunday?"

Wu Zeqing said casually: "Something may happen today, so I came back early."

Bai Li asked in shock: "What happened?"

Wu Zeqing did not answer her, but said: "If anything happens today, please notify me immediately. I will be at the unit all day."

Bai Li was frightened and said, "Uh, okay."

What happened?

Even Bureau Wu came back early?

What a big mess is going to happen! ?


Press conference scene.

"I'm from Beijing Times."

"Oh, please come in."

"I'm from a news channel, and this is my press pass."

"Okay, please come in."

"I'm from Tianjin TV Station."

"Welcome, please come inside."

Reporters and cameramen arrived one after another. Some were setting up equipment and adjusting cameras, while others were gathering in groups of twos and threes to communicate.

"Why is it such a big venue?"

"I heard that more than a hundred reporters are coming."

"so much?"

"Yes, CCTV Channel 14's new film has been banned, and many people are paying attention to it."

"Yeah, I don't even understand why."

"I'll probably find out soon."

"I heard that the entire Channel 14 was punished and given a warning!"

"Because of what?"

"Who knows, isn't it just air pollution? How big of a deal is this?"

"Haze seems to cause disease."

"Come on, it's all nonsense, right? It's just like pesticides on vegetables. No matter how you wash the pesticides, you can't wash them 100% clean. There will always be a little residue on the vegetables. But that pesticide is poisonous, but ingesting a small amount is not harmful at all. It won’t cause any physical reaction, so you’ll be fine. The haze is about 80%, and it doesn’t happen every day. I think the weather today is pretty good.”

"Yes, if the smog is really harmful, the station would have asked us to investigate and report it long ago, but who among you has received the notice in the past two years?"


"Our station doesn't have one either."

"I did pick one up, but I didn't find out anything. What is the definition of smog? The official did not provide any information. There have been similar incidents abroad, but it is different from our domestic situation. PM2.5 , it was only proposed in the past two years.”

Even many reporters on the front line have only a partial understanding of this.

This is how this world recognizes and understands smog. Unlike Zhang Ye’s earth, people in this world are still at the stage of discovering smog. Not to mention how harmful it is, we don’t even know what effects smog has on the body. It's not certain that there is no harm.

not far away.

Haqi, Zhangzuo and the others are also busy.

However, it can be seen that everyone on Channel 14 is so listless. Their faces have lost the luster and anger before, and have become a little numb.

Zhang Zuodao: "How many people are left?"

Wu Yi said: "We are almost there, only one or two are missing."

"Get ready to start." Ha Qiqi said expressionlessly.

Next to them, several leaders from CCTV came over to inspect and looked at them, "Well, how are you preparing?"

Zhang Zuo looked unhappy and said, "That's it."

Deputy Director Zhou said: "When reporters ask questions later, don't mention words like being banned. It's too ugly. Today's press conference is mainly to give an explanation to the people who are paying attention to this matter. Don't talk nonsense about other things. Now you know?"

Another director criticized them: "In the future, don't make such principled mistakes again! Zhang Ye already knows the seriousness of this matter, why are you still doing it?"

After saying that, several station leaders walked around again without taking it seriously, so they all went back. The film has been deleted and cannot be broadcast even if it wants to be broadcast. They do not believe that these people can cause any trouble.

As soon as the station leader left, the faces of the people on Channel 14 became even more ugly!

A principled error?

What fundamental mistakes have we made?

Someone said, "Director Zhang seems to be still backstage, who can call me?"

No one answered.

Ha Qiqi said directly: "Whoever wants to go can go."

Zhang Zuo sighed, "Old ha."

Wu Yi looked at Ha Qiqi, "It's not easy for Director Zhang. This time Director Zhang is tired and doesn't want to fight with them. We have to understand."

Ha Qiqi turned around and left to give instructions on the other side.

Tong Fu came up and said, "He personally promised Dandan!"

Zhang Zuo patted Tong Fu on the shoulder and said, "Little Tong, I know you are in a bad mood, but this matter involves too much and is not something we can change. Director Zhang also has difficulties."

Tong Fu said angrily: "He can ignore it, but why does he stop us and not let us control it?"

Zhang Zuo: "Alas."

Suddenly, a figure stood outside the door!

Everyone on Channel 14 exclaimed!



"Why are you here?"

"Why don't you come here if you don't want to be hospitalized?"

"You should have surgery soon!"

Tong Fu was stunned!

Ha Qiqi also ran over in a hurry.

Huang Dandan said calmly: "I just came to take a look."

Ha Qiqi scolded: "The film has been cut, and Director Zhang doesn't even care. What are you looking for? Go back and rest!"

Tong Fu was also anxious, "Huang Dandan!"

Huang Dandan turned a deaf ear and still stood there stubbornly, motionless!

Time is up!

The press conference will begin soon!


There is only one person at this moment.

In the past few days, no one in the Fourteenth Road knew what Zhang Ye was doing. He was suspended from work and had not even shown up at work. No one had called Zhang Ye. It seemed that the entire team had become alienated from Zhang Ye overnight. Up, many people were angry with him.

Zhang Ye looked at his watch and took a breath. He straightened his shirt collar repeatedly in the mirror, then smiled and walked out with satisfaction, resolutely!

I am not a rigorous person, and I am not that lovable. I am not that exhaustive, and I am not that thoughtful. I don’t know how to do one thing to make everyone agree and satisfy me. My EQ is not that high, my IQ is not that high, I often make mistakes, and sometimes I am impulsive. I have many shortcomings, and I know all of them!

You can doubt me!

You can scold me!

You can humiliate me!

You can bite me!

I don't care about any of this!

But you won't let me speak?

this is not OK!

This... really doesn't work!

Do you think you can silence me by deleting the video source?

Do you think a documentary can only be made through video media?

Haha, I guess you have never seen the documentary released on the spot, right?

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