I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 968 [Don’t forget your original intention! 】

light is on.

The door is open.

The press conference ended and Zhang Ye walked off the stage.

However, no one in the group of reporters left!

"Teacher Zhang!"

"Teacher Zhang, stay!"

"Please accept the interview!"

"Teacher Zhang!"

"Wait a minute! Wait a minute!"

Countless reporters rushed forward with excitement. Some male reporters sitting in the back rows even stepped on their chairs and rushed over from behind, rushing to the stage. They were all crazy!

However, Zhang Ye did not answer anyone's questions or accept any interview. He turned around and walked away from the backstage.

When the staff of Channel 14 saw this, they quickly stepped forward to stop the reporters outside and shouted: "Please go back, everyone, please go back first."

When several reporters saw this posture, they knew that they would not be able to interview Zhang Ye today. They were very sensitive and knew that something big was going to happen today. They immediately turned around to find their colleagues who were responsible for the camera, put on the camera and the camera. Run out as fast as you can!

A reporter came to his senses when he saw it!


"Hurry up!"

"Go back to Taili!"

"Contact the editor-in-chief quickly!"

"Go get the car over first!"

This press conference... no, to be precise, this documentary is too shocking. They need to go back immediately to seek the opinions of the leaders. There cannot be any exclusive news about this kind of big news. The only thing to watch is to see who will release it first. , whoever has the advantage!

But no matter how fast they are, they will definitely not be as fast as the people from CCTV News Channel, because they don't have to drive back to their work, they just go upstairs to their work!

This documentary was banned by the leadership of CCTV a few days ago. Of course, people from the news channel did not dare to make independent claims, so they hurriedly reported it to them.

This time,

The entire CCTV was shocked!

Deputy Director Zhou stood up, "What? What did you say?"

Deputy Director Li glared and said, "You, you say it again?"

The female reporter from the news channel said bitterly: "Zhang Ye used a live speech at the press conference to release the documentary! This, this is a live video."

They looked over hastily.

fast forward.

Fast forward again.

It only took them five minutes to finish reading!

The faces of several station leaders turned pale in an instant!

"Why is this Zhang Ye so crazy about smoking?"

"He is about to leave, so why should he meddle in other people's business?"

"I'm furious!"

"This is lawless!"

"With so many reporters here, he really dares to say that?"

"The source of the video has been deleted, and he, he actually gave a live speech?"

"We can't let this be broadcast!"

"This is a press conference held by CCTV! Once it's broadcast, it's over!"

"Go and inform the station director!"


"Tell the director! Something big happened!"


Everyone from Channel 14 stood in front of Zhang Ye.

Huang Dandan looked at him and said, "Director Zhang, thank you."

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Since I promised you something, I have to do it even if the sky falls. No need to say thank you. Your task now is to recover well and perform the surgery well. I will wait for you to help me in the future."

"Director Zhang! I..." Tong Fu's face turned red.

Ha Qiqi said: "We all thought you..."

Zhang Zuo said angrily: "Why didn't you tell us about such a big thing?"

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "You also said that it's just because it's such a big deal that others can't handle it."

"Let's all carry it together!"


"Let's carry it together!"

"Why are you going up alone?"

"You are looking down on us, Director Zhang!"

Everyone was talking about it, but in fact they were very moved in their hearts. Everyone had given up long before the press conference, and even thought about resigning. But when they saw Zhang Ye appear on the stage calmly and calmly, saying After that opening statement, each of them felt their blood boil!

Director Zhang is still Director Zhang!

?He never let them down!

Zhang Ye looked at the people surrounding him and said: "It's not that I look down on you, but there's no need to drag you with me to offend people. I've never been liked by people, and I've offended a lot of people. I don't care about this, but you are different." , you still have to hang out in the circle in the future, do you have to become as notorious as me? It’s not necessary, we are a team, and the division of labor is always clear, isn’t it? You are responsible for producing the program, and you will offend people. I'll take care of it!"

Ha Qiqi said: "Director Zhang, I'm sorry, I just..."

Zhang Ye interrupted her, "I'm sorry for you, and I didn't say anything to you. In fact, the other day I heard you say that you wanted to make this documentary public even if you had to bear the infamy. I was very touched and very proud. You didn't give me anything." I’m embarrassed.”

A certain newspaper company.

It’s already a busy time!

Many people were on the phone, and many newspaper leaders and employees gathered in front of a screen, playing back the live video of the Channel 14 press conference!

Finished reading.

A reporter who was at the scene said: "Chief Editor, can this be published?"

Another reporter said: "Zhang Ye clearly revealed the sources of smog, including steel plants, gas stations, exhaust emissions, polluting companies, and even residents burning coal for heating. If this were released, wouldn't it cause chaos?"

Everyone was not sure and were waiting for the leader to speak.

A deputy editor said: "Can't this be published?"

Another editor said: "Even if we know the source of the smog, what can we do? Can we still stop heating? Ban steel plants? Deindustrialize?"

Another newspaper leader had a different opinion, "Which one of Zhang Ye's sentences said that we should industrialize? Which sentence said that we should stop heating? Heating is polluting, so we can reduce the burning of coal and increase the proportion of natural gas heating! Steel plants pollute, so we can order Standardize environmental protection facilities, strengthen rectification efforts, and allow the public to supervise! Penalties for vehicle exhaust pollution can be increased, and those trucks that exceed the standard will be fined every time they are seen! How do you say that you can't do anything?"

The deputy editor said: "But the people won't think so! They will want to completely eradicate the steel plant! No big trucks will enter the city! The people are ignorant. If they see this documentary, then..."

"Okay, stop arguing." The editor-in-chief spoke.

Everyone looked at him.

The editor-in-chief laughed helplessly, "To be honest, I suddenly admire him a little. At least Zhang Ye dares to speak, dare to tell the truth, and dare to tell the whole truth!" After a moment of silence, the editor-in-chief gave an order. Next, "The newspaper, just send it out! Give the video to Lao Hu, and I will write the press release for the newspaper in the afternoon!"





The editor-in-chief suddenly looked at everyone, "Why not publish it? Why can't it be published? Zhang Ye, a host, a documentary director, he did what we media people failed to do. This kind of report should have been ours We were supposed to be the ones to write about it, but now, he, a documentary worker, has preempted it. Don’t you feel embarrassed? But I feel ashamed! I feel particularly embarrassed now! I know that such reports may I won’t criticize it, but as a journalist, sometimes you have to have some backbone!”

Everyone was silent.

The editor-in-chief said: "This matter should be made known to the people, and the people have the right to know!"

A female editor smiled, "The editor-in-chief is right. I suddenly understand why so many people like Zhang Ye. This person can always remind people of his past self at times. There is a popular word now - called ' "Don't forget your original intention", I guess Zhang Ye will never understand this word, because everything he has said and done over the years is his original intention. He has never forgotten it, but we may have almost forgotten it. .”

"Then send it!"

"Fuck, just do it!"

"Yes, it sounds like we are afraid of trouble!"

"I'll contact Lao Hu and ask the newspaper website to send out the original version of the video!"

"Editor-in-Chief, let me help you write the first draft!"

"Let's do it. If the sky falls, it will fall. Anyway, Zhang Ye is holding up!"

The whole newspaper office is busy!

At the same time, other newspapers and TV stations are also getting ready!

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