I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 970 [Clicks exceeded 100 million! 】

The call came.

It's Hu Fei, the old leader of Beijing Satellite TV.

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "It's not bad."

Hu Fei also laughed and said: "You have broken the sky this time!"

"That's what you want." Zhang Ye said.

Hu Fei said: "I am calling just to tell you that no matter what happens, our old colleagues from the Beijing Literature and Art Channel are all proud of you!"

Zhang Ye was startled: "Thank you everyone."

Hu Fei said: "This time, it is people who should thank you."

Online, the shouting is still there!

"It's so scary!"

"Is there anyone who hasn't seen it? Turn around quickly!"


"Gone again! Gone again!"

"Damn, why was it deleted again?"

"What's going on? Didn't you recover just now?"

"Why has it been taken off the shelves again?"

"What are these people doing?"

"Ah, it's out again!"

"There it is again! There it is again!"

"Ah, no more!"

"Ah, there it is again!"

A certain video website.

The general manager's office is responsible for interface-related matters.

The phone keeps thinking, ring ring, ring ring.

Mr. Yan answered the phone with a smile on his face.

He said enthusiastically: "Hey, Director Wang...yes, yes...okay, okay...you are so right, we will take it off the shelves immediately...ok...ok...no problem at all...what do the leaders say? Let’s just do it.”

hang up the phone.

Mr. Yan immediately called his secretary, “Quickly, take the smog documentary off the shelves!”

The secretary nodded and went to do it.

A few minutes later, the phone rang again.

As soon as Mr. Yan looked at the caller ID, he hurriedly picked up the answer with a smile on his face, "Hey, Director Sun...yes, yes, yes...good, good...you are absolutely right...we will restore the source of the film right away...ok... It’s necessary…we must give the greatest support to public welfare documentaries!”

hang up the phone.

Mr. Yan immediately called his secretary back, "Hurry up and put the record on the shelf!"

The secretary said, "Okay."

Ten minutes later, another call came from another leader!

On the shelves!

Taken off the shelves!

On the shelves again!

Take it off the shelves again!

Finally, Mr. Yan was angry!

I rely on your third uncle-grandma! When you gods fight, who will I provoke? ?

Similar situations have happened on countless video websites and media and newspaper offices. Some people turned off their phones and hid out. Some people did not offend anyone and were duplicitous. Some people were so frightened when they saw the posture above that they simply decided to do it. I just pretended to be sick and went to the hospital!

The industry was quite shocked at this time!

The fight started! The leaders above also started fighting!

The entire country was turned upside down by a documentary!

same day.

Many voices seemed to have been discussed and suddenly appeared!

A medical professor publicly condemned: "Don't be fooled by Zhang Ye. He is simply misleading the audience. Is there a relationship between smog and lung cancer? Can smog cause lung cancer? There is no such statement in science. What are you talking about! This Aren’t you deceiving the people?”

"Get out of here, uncle!"

"How much evidence is there that smog is related to lung diseases? How many institutions have studied that smog is a possible cause of lung cancer? There is no such thing scientifically? Yes! Indeed, no institution has studied what exactly causes smog. It causes lung cancer, but we have been misled by people like you! You have not scientifically shown that smog is related to lung cancer. What signal are you giving to the public? The first impression everyone has after seeing it is that smog The smog is okay! The smog will definitely not cause lung cancer! You are trying to trick people!"

"Still cheating? You guys are cheating!"

"Ignore you and you still stand up?"


The people are angry!

the other side.

A scientist from the Chinese Academy of Sciences openly criticized Zhang Ye, "It's alarmist and nonsense. What's the point of shouting this? What's the purpose? Have you thought about the consequences? Smog is an inevitable product of human development and is for the development of society. The price must be paid, and this must be managed, but how? Are all the steel plants really shut down? Residents no longer have access to heat? All cars are destroyed? Do you want to regress back to primitive society?"

Another scientist from the Institute of Air Pollution also said: " @Zhang Ye, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand. Controlling smog is not as simple as you think. All aspects involved are very complicated. Now I doubt Zhang Ye's actions." That’s what this documentary is about!”

The boss of a certain steel company mocked slightly: "Zhang Ye still drives a BMW x5, right? Throw away the car first, and then tell me about other things!"

Netizens were all outraged!

Countless people suddenly surrounded him!

"Throwing away a car? Why should someone throw away a car?"

"What the hell is your logic?"

"According to your statement, those who call for charity activities must donate their houses? Do they have to sell their homes? Only then can they devote themselves to charity? Damn!"

"How come there are idiots like you in society?"

"Let me tell you! Teacher Zhang Ye is not a scientist. He is a documentary director and a host. He must find a way to solve the smog on his own? He must also find a method that everyone accepts? The most correct method? Only then can he speak? Only then can he announce this fact? Damn you! Isn’t that what you experts and scientists have to consider? Zhang Ye presented the real smog to everyone. His abilities are limited, but But he has used all his methods to declare war on the smog, and what about you? Let me ask you, what are you doing? You can't control the smog, and your research can't produce results. Instead, you scold others for this and that? I'll fuck you. of!"

Thousands of curses were overwhelming!

Several experts and scientists were stunned by the scolding!

For a time, many experts and scholars came forward to question this documentary, whether it was falsified data, fabricated, or alarmist, pointing the finger at Zhang Ye!

But the next moment, they were drowned out by the curses!

It’s the curse that fills the screen!

It was like a thousand curses at once!

When someone comes out, one scolds and the other runs away!

When someone comes out, one scolds and the other runs away!

Zhang Ye's fans and even almost all the people sided with Zhang Ye overwhelmingly!

Zhang Ye is not the Chai Jing of his world. There is no dispute about his nationality. There is no foreign agency involved in his films. Moreover, with Zhang Ye’s deeds of professionally slandering Korea for twenty years and scolding foreign guests from Japan and Japan, he is Spokesperson or vanguard of foreign forces trying to undermine the development of the Republic? They probably don’t even believe this! Zhang Ye's background is so clean that there is no controversy at all! And the most important point is that compared to Chai Jing in his world, Zhang Ye is much more popular and has much greater influence. In addition, the people on this earth are pale about the smog. Cognition, so perhaps even Zhang Ye himself did not expect that the people would support him unreservedly!

The documentary has been taken down again.

Then after a while, it was listed again!

The number of clicks keeps soaring!

Just five hours have passed!

The total number of clicks on "Zhang Ye's Smog Investigation" has exceeded the 100 million mark in the eyes of industry insiders with horror and horror!


All fucking crazy!

"Strictly investigate polluting enterprises!"

"Hand over the murderer!"

“Who is making money with our lives?”

"We can't be silent any longer!"

"Hand over the murderer!"

"Give me back Baiyun!"

"Give me back the blue sky!"

On this day, seven of the top ten hot topics of the day were about Zhang Ye, about smog, and about Channel 14 documentaries!

On this day, environmental protection departments across the country received a total of 110,000 calls, and more than a thousand companies with illegal emissions were reported and complained by the public!

On this day, environmentalists and the public surrounded the agency that was exposed by the documentary for illegally affixing fake emission clearance labels to large trucks. After surrounding them for three hours, they watched with their own eyes the person in charge of the agency and a series of people involved in the case. Taken away in a police car!

On this day, the people woke up.

A lot happened on this day.

On this day, Zhang Ye raised his head while standing on the street and felt that the sky today... seemed a little bluer!

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