I’m Really a Villain

Chapter 2281 Reincarnated person, deception

Receive the power of the rules of heaven and earth and use it for yourself.

But when the Dao Fruit is strong, the power can be obtained.

But no matter how strong this power is, it ultimately belongs to heaven.

It has nothing to do with myself.

This is also the limitation of power.

But the rules that appear in the picture scrolls used by the white-clothed scholars are not borrowed from the rules of heaven and earth.

But really make your own rules.

The two sound similar, but they are worlds apart.

One is to borrow the power of others, and the other is to make your own rules.

But not everyone is qualified to make rules.

It must be recognized by heaven and earth.

The recognition of heaven and earth is the recognition of the essence of the world and has nothing to do with the great road.

In this regard, even if the avenue favors the scholar in white, it cannot be allowed to make rules at will.

Therefore, the rules set by the white-clothed scholars today came about by borrowing some kind of power.

Even the Lord of the Undead cannot break this kind of rule.

Hearing the words of the scholar in white, the Lord of the Dead looked ugly.

No wonder the person behind the scenes used false news to lure these people into the Netherworld.

It turned out that he wanted to catch living people and arrange rules in this extremely gloomy place.

I was really tricked by others.

The Lord of the Dead asked calmly: "Then what is your purpose?"

"Don't say it, don't say it," the scholar in white shook his head slightly.

At this moment, he is not afraid of death, nor is he afraid that the Lord of the Dead will kill him.

After all, he is not a living creature himself.

His existence was originally created to trap the Lord of the Dead.

Now that the mission has been completed, life or death actually doesn't matter anymore.

As for the rest, leave it to others and it has nothing to do with him.

The Lord of the Dead snorted coldly.

"Luring a snake out of its hole is the stupidest way, but it is also the smartest way."

"By trapping me here, I'm afraid you have already sent people to search for my secrets in the depths."

"But the Netherworld is my home court. If other strangers come in, I will definitely feel it."

"But there is nothing strange now. I'm afraid your traitors have been planted around me."

After hearing a few words from the Lord of the Dead, the analysis was almost complete.

The scholar in white remained silent.

The Lord of the Dead said directly: "Since I know that you will send people to explore my secrets, how do you know that I have no back-up plan?"

"What back-up plan?" The scholar in white frowned slightly and asked.

"There is an even more terrifying existence waiting for you there," the Lord of the Undead sneered.

"This is impossible," the scholar in white immediately denied.

"If there is such an existence in the Nether Realm, it is impossible for us not to know about it."

"As expected, you have an undercover agent beside me," the Lord of the Dead said calmly.

"Let's do this. You guys tell me about the undercover agents I've arranged, and I'll use your back-ups as well."

"Don't worry, we are trapped here now, and I can't get out. It's okay to say some things now."

The scholar in white was silent for a moment.

Finally, he said: "Your adopted son."

Hearing the words of the scholar in white, the Lord of the Dead immediately shook his head and said: "This is impossible..."

"You deliberately wanted to disturb me."

"Minglong is the one I watched growing up..."

"Lord of the Undead, it is in vain that you are still the Lord of a domain, but you are so ignorant."

The scholar in white smiled.

"Having watched it since you were young, you must be able to believe it."

"What if someone could be reincarnated?"

As if he was happy to see the Lord of the Dead defeated, the scholar in white started talking more.

"The method of reincarnation is the top secret of my Holy Court."

"And there is currently only one person who can practice it. There are more than 30,000 other people who have practiced this method, but they have all failed."

"So this method is very secret and few people know about it, so you are even less likely to know."

"Reincarnation..." The Lord of the Dead murmured.

In fact, the Holy Court is not the only one who is studying the method of reincarnation.

Many powerful people and many forces have studied it.

Because of longevity.

If you cannot live forever in one life, what about reincarnation?

With every reincarnation, life, body and soul will be completely new.

This is a vision of longevity.

Use continuous reincarnation to allow yourself to enter the state of immortality.

But reincarnation is just an idea after all.

There's no way anyone could do it.

But now after hearing the words of the scholar in white, it seems that the Holy Court has succeeded.

Although only one person succeeded, he successfully deceived him, the Lord of the Undead.

The meaning behind this is significant.

Minglong, that was the adopted son he adopted a hundred thousand years ago.

At that time, Minglong was born in the Nether Realm, and was the first surviving fusion of the Yin fetus.

This is of great significance to the Nether Realm, including the Lord of the Dead himself.

In fact, no matter who wants to continue, reproduction is an inseparable issue.

The Lord of the Undead at that time also made a similar idea after using the Yin Realm Stone to absorb the souls of the Nine Worlds.

If souls can breed with each other, then the Lord of the Dead has undoubtedly entered a new level.

So after countless years of cultivation.

Failed countless times.

Now it's finally successful.

After the first vaginal fetus was born, not only did he live a very healthy life, but he also had unique talents and qualifications for cultivation.

The Lord of the Dead was so happy that he named the baby Minglong and adopted him as his adopted son.

It was enough to feel his love for Ming Long.

As the adopted son of the Lord of the Undead, Minglong has performed very well since he was a child.

He was never proud of his status and behaved in a moderate and polite manner.

It's like knowing it from birth.

The Lord of the Undead didn't feel it before, but now that he thinks about it, his expression changes drastically.

Yes, you are born knowing it.

With the memories of his past life, Minglong naturally understands it better than anyone else.

"Can reincarnation lead to eternal life?"

After saying this, the Lord of the Dead was not angry at the deception, but more concerned about being able to live forever.

After all, nothing else is worth mentioning in front of eternal life.

After hearing the words of the Lord of the Dead, the scholar in white fell silent again.

Then he shook his head.

Said: "Reincarnation can indeed extend life, but it cannot live forever."

"After each successful reincarnation, a mark will appear in Minglong's mind."

"That's the scale of time."

"Nine is the ultimate number in the world. When the scale reaches nine, you will definitely die no matter how you are reincarnated."

"Both the Holy Ancestor and the Immortal Lord have tried every means to eliminate the scale, but nothing works."

Hearing this, the Lord of the Dead suddenly laughed.

"As the lackeys of Heaven, you can't live forever, so what's the point of this?"

"What do you know," the scholar in white said coldly.

"The world of nine realms is the world of nine realms, and the way of heaven is the way of heaven. These are two different concepts."

"Human life and death are the rules of heaven and earth."

"No one can change the rules, not even Heaven."

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