This is Zhou Qi's Aura recovery plan!

As for the physical rules of the universe, it can no longer stop this mad alchemist!

Zhou Qi glanced at Hikigaya Hachiman on the top of Mount Fuji, and turned back to his residence.

The Skynet Lord God appeared mysterious light in his palm, and immediately lifted into the sky, colliding with dozens of incarnations in the sky, scattered all over the earth.

"Skynet, inform the world that the second game will open at 0:00 three days later."


Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Shinomiya Residence.

"...The second time the world will open at 0:00 three days later, we must seize this opportunity."

"The future is a world of great competition. Only by mastering force can we master the future."

"And...about blood nerves..."

In the study, the Fourth Palace Patriarch is discussing with his staff.

Shinomiya Kaguya stood at the door with a somewhat frightened expression.

The sound inside finally stopped, the study door was slowly pushed open, the staff came out, saw the eldest lady at the door, stunned for a moment, and saluted respectfully.

In the room, the Fourth Palace Patriarch leaned on the chair solemnly.

"Kaguya, what are you doing here?"

He said in a low voice.

Shinomiya Kaguya looked at his father, who was obviously much younger, and even more terrifying in his temperament, and some of the guesses in his heart had been confirmed.

She raised her head and said, "Father, have you practiced blood magic!"

The Four Palace Patriarch was expressionless: "Where did you hear that?"

Chapter 219 Chapter 64 The Action of Kaguya Shinomiya The Action of Rie Imamura

The Four Palace Patriarch did not deny it.

Kaguya Shinomiya knew his father's character very well. Since he didn't deny it, he confirmed it.

Her little face turned pale, and she said earnestly, "Father, the real spiritual world is about to open up, please don't practice this kind of evil art!"

The Fourth Palace Patriarch frowned slightly, feeling a little annoyed by his daughter's innocence.

He clearly accepted the traditional education of my Si Gong family, why is it still this pure and innocent character?

"Recite the family motto of the Si Gong family for me."

Si Gong Patriarch leaned on the chair, his eyes were gloomy and his tone was indifferent.

Shinomiya Kaguya froze and lowered her head.

"Don't rely on others, use others; don't accept others, rob others; don't fall in love with others, don't do anything."

This family motto is the foundation of the Shinomiya family's development to the present day.

It is by relying on this capitalist mentality of exploiting others and robbing others that the Sinomiya chaebol has grown enough to overwhelm the old conglomerates such as Mitsubishi, Miwa, and Fuji. Identity, become the first consortium in Japan!

In the past, Kaguya Shinomiya grew up in such a family culture.

Absolute excellence, absolute rationality, and absolute solipsism!

The Patriarch of the Fourth Palace picked up the book on the table and said indifferently, "You should know why I want to practice blood magic?"

Shigong Kaguya's voice was dry, "Yes, my father is too old and missed the best time to learn martial arts, and the blood nerve does not look at aptitude, and robs others of the essence and blood to enter the Dao, which is the most suitable for my father to practice."


But this sentence was stuck in his throat, unable to come out.

"Since that's the case, don't go out yet." The Fourth Palace Patriarch lowered his eyes, "Prepare well. In a few days, the real spirit world will open, and I will find a way to let you join the famous sects."

Shinomiya Kaguya stumbled back, returned to his room, fell headfirst on the soft bed, and hugged the standing pillow.

"Hayasaka, what should I do?"

Shinomiya Kaguya looked up at the ceiling in confusion.

She has seen the **** sacrifices of the Blood God Sect, and she also knows the cultivation method of blood nerves. She is disgusted with this cruel cultivation from the bottom of her heart.

But now, it's not just the Shinomiya chaebol, the blood nerves have spread throughout the upper classes of Japan.

This kind of evil art, which progresses very quickly and does not require hard work, naturally suits the tastes of many people.

And the demise of the Blood God Sect has sounded the alarm for these upper-class people. They will never be as stupid as Qing Shan Xun. They will choose their own food after detailed investigation.

Thinking of this, Kaguya Shinomiya felt chills from the bottom of her heart.

With what she knows about the chaebols, these sanctimonious guys can do anything dirty!

If they are allowed to develop, the whole of Japan will become their hunting ground, and they will even breed humans specifically to practice evil arts!

"I want to stop them!"

Shinomiya Kaguya rolled over and sat up and said seriously.

Ai Hayasaka shook her head and said, "Miss, how do you want to stop this?"

"The chaebols control everything in this country and control the mouthpieces of public opinion, and if you betray your class, it will lead to very dire consequences."

"You have the Sinomiya family as the backstage, so naturally you don't need it, but you have received excessive counterattacks, but as for the president, you can't protect the president."

Shinomiya Kaguya's face turned pale, and she leaned against the wall weakly.

Hayasaka Ai's eyes showed concern, but she exposed the cruel reality.

Shinomiya Kaguya revealed the matter of blood nerves, and it would not have much impact on the above. The chaebols and councillors would throw out a bunch of ghosts at most, and then hide it even deeper.

It is absolutely impossible for them to give up cultivating such a fast-growing evil art!

And Kaguya Shinomiya, who betrayed the class, was punished by the family at most.

But her friend will get cruel revenge from the chaebol!

Kaguya Shinomiya has few friends, Chika Fujiwara is the great-granddaughter of the former prime minister, and Yuu Ishiyama is the second son of a large Japanese toy manufacturer, so they are not affected much.

But only one person.

Miyuki Shirogin, the president of the Shuchi Academy Student Union, is also a favorite of Kaguya Shinomiya.

Only he can't resist the chaebol's revenge!

It is conceivable, when Shinomiya Kaguya takes this step, what kind of treatment will Shirogane Yuxing encounter!

It was such a cruel choice that was placed in front of Kaguya Shinomiya.

"But there is still a way."

Hayasaka Ai couldn't bear to see the helpless and painful expression on the young lady who had been with her since childhood. Her expression changed and she took out her phone.

Shinomiya Kaguya's eyes glowed with hope, and she looked up at her.

Hayasaka Ai: "We can ask others to protect the president, or we can ask others to help us stop this."

Shinomiya Kaguya turned her head and left her family training behind.

"Who are you asking for?"

Hayasaka Ai turned the phone over, and there was a name written on it.

Rie Imamura.


In the current extraordinary era, Imamura Rie no longer has the original privilege.

Nor does it need to be researched from time to time.

Although her hatred for Baoshan Fuyu is difficult to reduce, she also knows the gap between herself and the other party. Only by practicing hard and practicing hard can she avenge the ghost girl!

The nano-robot Zhou Qi once put on her body has also been changed by the current Skynet master.

Imamura Rie did not realize that she was forcibly changed from the scientific side to the martial arts side. In order not to be exposed, Skynet spent a lot of mental energy, embodied various elixir, and used the nano-robots in her body to help her. She washes the marrow and cuts the bones, and builds a route for exercise.

In the depths of her memory, she was given the core technique of the Impermanence Sect.

Rie Imamura's change from the scientific side to the martial arts side is considered to fill Zhou Qi's last loophole.

And she is also in the real spirit world, with her own adventures and paths, and her martial arts has also entered the rank.

He even became the real-power section head of Section 5 of the Public Security Department, helping Satoru Uehara deal with extraordinary incidents, and made several great contributions!

Rie Imamura and Kaguya Shinomiya still maintain a good friendship. Although the two have not been in contact for a while, she received a call from Kaguya Shinomiya and was very happy.

"Why is Miss Kaguya free?"

In the newly bought villa, Imamura Rie watched her mother happily cooking in the kitchen, and went into her bedroom with her mobile phone in hand.

Opposite the call, Kaguya Shinomiya's breathing was a little short.

"Rie, can I ask you one thing?"

Rie Imamura frowned slightly. She had never seen Kaguya Shinomiya use such a low-pitched tone to ask for help, and she had learned about the family motto of the Shinomiya family through past exchanges.

Don't ask for anyone.

Even she came to beg me, something must have happened!

Imamura Rie sat up straight and said seriously, "Is there anything I can help you with?"

After hearing Shinomiya Kaguya's request, she rubbed her brows, still a little shocked.

The blood **** art has already spread in the upper layers?

As the head of the fifth lesson, of course she has the right to transfer the materials, and immediately used the computer to log in to the private website, and used the permission to view the relevant files of the Blood God Sect, which also included the sacrificial ceremonies for the cultivation of the Blood God Art.

Cruel and bloody.

Rie Imamura could not find a second adjective to describe it.

At this time, she is no longer a high school girl who didn't know anything in the past. She can imagine how much fluctuation and resistance this incident will cause.

After temporarily appeasing Kaguya Shinomiya, Rie Imamura paced the room and pushed the door open.

"Mom, I'm going out!"

Imamura Nana asked curiously, "Don't you have dinner at home?"

Imamura Rie put on her coat, shook her head gently, and walked into the deep night.

It is not difficult to protect Baiyin Yuxing, but it is difficult to prevent the blood nerves from spreading in the upper layers. If the future chaebols practice this kind of evil art, human beings will become their food and survive!

Don't underestimate the greed in this scumbag's heart.

Shinomiya Kaguya entrusted this matter to her because she trusted her, but she couldn't reveal it at will, otherwise she would be the target of public criticism!

To find a trustworthy and strong enough partner!

Imamura Rie Xiu's face suddenly flushed with a faint blush. After exhaling lightly, she made a phone call.

"Tonggu-kun, where are you now?"

"...Practice swordsmanship at Isanuma Park."

Imamura Rie: "Wait for me, I'll be there soon!"

A blind tone came from the phone, and Tonggu Kazuo looked stunned.

He looked at the quiet park in front of him and estimated the distance between Tokyo's Arakawa District and Kawagoe City.

almost there?

Forget it, let's practice sword for a few more hours!

Imamura Rie arrived at the park in the middle of the night and was still a little uneasy. Will Kiritani and Ren wait for her for so long? Why is it a bit like being late for a date?

However, seeing the silver sword light dancing in the open space, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Kiritani Kazuto also put down his sword, let out a breath of condensed white air, and looked at the girl who came in a hurry.

"What's so urgent?"

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