For this question, Immortal Kalin was also concerned, leaning on a wooden staff, his beard trembling slightly.

"Your master also asked me this question."

"Master also asked?" The golden special effect flowing behind Wu Tian suddenly retracted his head, and his face became solemn. There are still masters in this world who don't know and need to ask others.

Wu Taidou's whereabouts may not be as simple as imagined.

Immortal Kalin glanced at him: "When you were still on Mount Taidou, the gods and I paid attention to you, and when Wu Taidou left the mountain, it was me who kept an eye on his whereabouts."

"He left in a different direction from you. You started from Mount Taidou and headed west."

"Taidou Wu is heading east, he seems to be able to feel my sight, but he didn't threaten me as brutally as your master, but let me observe until the second month, when he was planning to cross the ocean and go to When heading to the East Continent."

Speaking of this, Immortal Kalin paused for a while, as if he didn't know how to organize language.

"Wu Taidou disappeared." In the end, it directly stated the result.

Wu Tiandao: "Disappeared?"

"Yes!" Immortal Kalin nodded heavily and said, "It didn't block my observation, but suddenly disappeared. After drilling into a cave on a cliff by the sea, it disappeared completely."

Wu Tian couldn't accept it.

Immortal Kalin snorted: "Believe it or not, I have also been to that cave to observe, it is just an ordinary cave, there is no secret room and secret passage. By the way, I also told you the location of the cave, master. "

As he spoke, he wrote down the direction of the cave on the ground.

Immortal Kalin seemed to be very sensitive to distrust, and pointed to the coordinates on the ground: "I told you the location, go and see for yourself!"

After speaking, he jumped on the magic weapon proudly and left without looking back.

For this arrogant big white cat, Wu Tian smiled bitterly for a while, then focused on the coordinates of the cave.

This location is thousands of miles away from Leiyin Temple, but for him, it can be reached in the blink of an eye, Wu Tian stretched out his hand, and a picture appeared in the sky, and the spiritual sense spanned thousands of miles, projecting the picture over.

He found the cave easily.

Sure enough, as Immortal Kalin said, this is a small cave that can only accommodate one person.

There is also wood that has been completely carbonized on the ground.

"This is just an ordinary cave." Wu Tian looked at the projection of the cave and whispered to himself.

He could imagine that Mr. Wu Taidou was going to cross the ocean to the Eastern Continent, and planned to rest for a night in such a cave.

Then it disappeared....

It is impossible to encounter danger, Wu Taidou's strength is unfathomable.

Then what's the reason?

Wu Tian Divine Sense circled around the cave, suddenly stopped, and a familiar font appeared on the wall, which was the master's handwriting.

"A hundred years of appointment, see you or leave."

Wu Tian withdrew his spiritual thoughts and floated cross-legged in the void. The master should know what was going on. After leaving such words, Mr. Wu Taidou should also be safe.

After his thoughts turned around, Wu Tian knew that he could not get the answer.

He shook his head, and his eyes turned to the sky, as if looking at Piccolo from the heavens through this heavy space.


"Help, help!"


"Let me go, let me go!"

The mournful wailing sounded against the successive explosions. The original demon world was covered by a scarlet river of blood, and the sky, the earth, and the river were all shrouded in a dark blood light.

In the demon world, there is no vacuum universe, no galaxies, only the boundless earth.

The Blood River is centered on the Earth Demon Realm, and it expands to the limit around it, and now it has covered the area near the solar system.

Tsurumi stood on the high hill with an indifferent expression.

Behind him, countless demons crawled out of the river of blood and became monsters that devoured everything, exponentially infecting life in the demon world.

In the past two years, how many demons has he devoured?

One billion, five billion, or ten billion?

I can't remember!

Tsurumi only knows that he is getting stronger and stronger, and the speed of devouring the demon world is getting faster and faster. One day, he will realize his ideal!


Before that, he still needs to clear some small obstacles.

Tsurumi raised his head slightly, and when he sensed, a majestic energy to the extreme, propped up the sky, carried the fury of thunder, and ripped apart the blood river that covered the sky and the earth, and the pure white light to the limit fell with a bang.

The earth is like being bombarded with hydrogen bombs.

The huge force made the ground sink like a deep depression, and the cracks and cracks spread like a spider web.

The demons above the earth fell into a cracked abyss without even a word of exclamation.

"It's you who did this in my demon world!?"

Bai Guang was restrained into his body, and the tall Demon King walked out with a face full of anger. Underneath his strong body was a terrifying power. With just a wave of his hand, he swayed the resurrected Demon Race from the river of blood into the most basic particles.

Tsurumi found out the name of this demon from his memory.

"The king of the demon world." He said indifferently: "Dapra?"

This is the first real powerhouse he has encountered. Unlike those wastes who are infected and swallowed by the demons, Dapra is the king of the demon world, and he is also a powerhouse with enough power to destroy the planet.

Dapra glanced at these unclean demons with disgust.

He put his eyes on the blood-robed boy again, and his brows were deeply wrinkled. Is this the person who caused disaster in the demon world?

Can't feel the breath?

Dapra, as the king of the demon world, lives in the center of this boundless land. Compared with the demon world, the earth demon world is a desolate and remote place. What should have happened here should not be solved by him.

The undead demons born in the Demon World of Earth expanded in all directions like a plague.

After Dapra received the news, he dispatched a lot of henchmen, but one less than one, this area is like an abyss that can only be entered, and those elite demons have fallen here one after another.

Now Dapra couldn't sit still.

If it goes on like this, do I still need the face of the king of the devil world?

He left his castle and used the teleportation array to teleport himself to the front line... The scene he saw in front of him could be regarded as a nightmare for the Demon King.

The same clan cannibalize, fight, and eat.

As long as you get hurt, you will become one of the monsters!

Among these monsters, Dapura saw his confidant generals, these elite demons, led the undead and indestructible monsters, and launched an attack on Dapura.

What terrified Dapra most was that these demons did not lose their sanity.

In the confrontation with the most proud subordinates, they were even able to communicate, but these subordinates no longer had any reverence for him. They only had the desire to kill and swallow their brains, but they retained their own strength and skills.

No matter how many times Dapra bombarded these monsters, they would climb out of the river of blood that covered the sky and the earth.

Immortal, immortal.

"You are the devil in the mouths of these monsters!" Dapra stared at Tsurumi's eyes, and asked suddenly, with a majestic and high momentum, he appeared three feet in front of Tsurumi in the blink of an eye.

As expected of the king of the demon world.... Tsurumi was a little emotional, and he has seen many other demon masters, but no one can match the power and momentum in front of Dapra, and Tsurumi knows it even more , This Demon King came all the way from millions of miles away.

Not only is the momentum not disordered, but even the breathing is not disordered.

The infinitely resurrected Demon Race can't even consume a part of his physical strength.

"It's me." Tsurumi had a rare respect for such a master.

Dapra's face was gloomy, and an incomparable energy surged out of his palm, and he slapped Tsurumi suddenly.


This palm hit unexpectedly. The energy beam grew in the wind, engulfing Tsurumi and the hills under his feet, and even the aftermath swallowed thousands of kilometers backward. .

"No one dares to be called the devil in front of me, Dapra!" Dapra said coldly, "No one!"

"Is it?"

Tsurumi's voice appeared in the back of his head.

Dapra's eyes widened suddenly, and the distance was opened in an instant. After flying to the sky, he continuously exhaled qigong bullets with both hands, violently bombarding the blood-red ground, only to hit the ground deep and the soil flying.

"What is a demon?"

Tsurumi's voice still appeared in his ears.

Kappa didn't see any life, and couldn't find the source of the sound.

"Get out of here!"

This bizarre scene made Dapra suddenly burst into his anger, and the manic energy propped up all things, leaving only the pure and extreme white light between heaven and earth, but Tsurumi's voice was like a ghost, sticking to his ear.

"What is the devil?"

Dapra paused in mid-air, numb from his scalp, and a chill down his spine.

What kind of monster is it?

He felt fear after a long absence. This fear does not come from the strength of the other party, but from the unknown.

"Damn, don't hide, come out and fight with me!"

"Fight with me, monster!"

The dignity of the king of the demon world could not allow him to escape, Da Platon roared, but it was more like incompetent rage, Tsurumi's laughter sounded in all directions, and then a huge and heart-pounding momentum came from below.

"I have been here all the time."

Dapra's expression was horrified. The ground under his feet rose up to his feet. This time, he finally heard the direction of the sound.

in the sky.

The King of Demons looked up to the sky.

What a sturdy and tall figure that occupies the entire line of sight, Dapra thought about all this clearly, but his legs were unnaturally weak and fell to the ground... No, on the palm of his hand.

Tsurumi raised his palm lightly and looked directly at the king of the demon world in his palm, a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Tell me, what is a demon?"

"Monster!" Dapra looked at this evil **** who made him completely unable to resist his mind, his face became ruthless, and the violent power exploded into a qigong wave, but it disappeared in the distorted space in the palm of his hand.

"I am the devil!" Dapra spit in Tsurumi's palm, and laughed wildly: "The fierce, cruel, and desperate thing is the devil, and I am the king of devils!"

"No." Tsurumi shook his head and said, "The real demons are desires. You demons have the desire to kill, and mortals have emotions and desires. Those are demons, and you are just poor creatures controlled by demons!"

"It's like you use petrified spittle to make me petrify. This is the desire that arises in your heart."

Tsurumi flipped the palm of his hand and saw the petrified part, which returned to its original state in the blink of an eye. This time, Dapra felt desperate, and his only skill was seen through.

Dapra just blinked, and the sky-high giant disappeared.

He was still standing three feet in front of Tsurumi, as if it was just a dream.

The blood mist rolled around, and countless demons stepped out slowly, but Dapra couldn't think of resisting at all. He knelt down on one knee towards Tsurumi, lowered his head, and signaled submission.

"Master, I can help you unify the demon world!" Dapra's voice trembled with fear.

"I don't need it." Tsurumi said indifferently: "You still don't understand what a real demon is. The desire to dominate, possess the desire, and become stronger. These are the demons, and you are just a body driven by demons."

He didn't even look at the king of the demon world, and left with a flick of his sleeves.

"No!" Dapra made his final resistance. The endless blood mist and the undead demons covered his body. The undead demons devoured his body, and the blood mist devoured his energy.

Shortly after.

Beside Tsurumi, Dapra stepped out slowly, with an excited bloodthirsty smile, and slowly knelt down.

"I'm a little tired." He Jian's thoughts moved slightly, and the blood mist condensed into a chair behind him, allowing him to sit down comfortably, "Dapra, you are the devil who slaughtered life, and the killing intent in the hearts of living beings is up to you. Controlled by me, the Asura family!"

Dapra kowtowed excitedly, but felt that everything he thought and wanted in the past was all false, and his heart only had one thought - kill!

He waved his hand to let Dapra lead the crowd to devour the demon world, Tsurumi leaned back on the chair, suddenly felt something, closed his eyes for a moment, and sighed in a low voice.

"Senior brother, after you attain the Tao, you will definitely be incompatible with my demonic Tao. I'm sorry, I can't let you attain the Tao."

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