Connor was very nervous.

Anuo said: "Because the secret realm chose you, I followed the instructions of the secret realm and came here to find you!"

Connor said, "Then why didn't you tell me where the secret realm is?"

Arno sneered: "Even if I tell you now, you can't go anywhere. The secret realm just chooses you as the inheritor, but if you are useless and someone else has acquired the inheritance in the secret realm, then don't blame me!"

Connor became nervous: "Anyone else is fighting for the secret realm?" Listening to Arnold's words, he already regarded the secret realm as his wealth.

When I think that my treasure will be obtained by others, my heart is raised.

Anuo said: "This is the reason why I am looking for you. If you continue to live as you used to, you will have to find someone else in the secret realm. I will give you this opportunity to fight for the inheritance of the secret realm!"

"Now..." Arnold's face became serious, he slapped Connor on the ground with a slap, and said coldly: "I will teach you the most basic technique of breathing, if you don't get started within seven days, I will give up on you. , to find the next inheritor!"

"Spit, the technique of breathing?"

"The inheritance of the secret realm is the secret record of the two magnetic elements, and it is the ancient mechanical immortal practice method. It was originally a technique practiced by silicon-based creatures. Later, it was modified by experts. Carbon-based beings can also practice. Cultivation of this immortal method, not practice. Cultivating the primordial spirit in the flesh, first changes the nature from the soul, and finally achieves the mechanical primordial spirit, detaches from the body, uploads the network, and at that time, you can control the mechanical metal in the world and achieve the supreme immortal path!"

"The first step is to start by exhaling the electric magnetic field!"

Chapter 294 Chapter 51 You are different from them

The next day.

Zhou Qi of the capital star was received by the leader of the Platon civilization.

This civilization has blurred the relationship between capital and political power. Any government affairs and management can be handed over to machines. The ancient human politics has long been abandoned, and the end-owner has naturally become the leader of mankind.

The leader is also a legend.

Zhou Qi has learned a lot through 3D images. He started as an underwear dealer and has now become an absolute giant who controls 99.9% of civilization's assets. The hardships and sufferings involved are naturally clear.

What makes Zhou Qi interesting is that this end-of-life leader is over 400 years old.

The average life expectancy of the Platon is about 80 years old, and the life expectancy of the rich is about 150 years old, but he is more than 400 years old and has ruled civilization for more than 200 years. How many resources are consumed?

At the other end of the rich star, Zhou Qi met the leader.

This is a small island of 300,000 square kilometers, with forests, snow-capped mountains, lakes and oceans, and all kinds of rare animals. It is rare to see robots on the island, but there are many servants.

This man is playing a sport similar to golf on the grassland.

He is not old, but very young. He looks like he is in his twenties, his body is improved, and his face is handsome, but his young body cannot hide the aging of his soul.

"Welcome guests!"

The leader took off his white gloves and smiled genially.

The waiter by the side brought wine.

Zhou Qidao: "You are younger than I thought."

The leader shook the wine and said with a smile, "You mean this body, I have tens of thousands of backups, and it can maintain my happy mood. You know, an old man over 400 years old can't play extreme sports!"

The two sat opposite each other, and the waiter brought wine and food one after another.

Zhou Qi thought thoughtfully: "Your body has no traces of cell cultivation, shouldn't it be cloned?"

The leader said: "Clone, of course not clone, these bodies are young people carefully selected by me from different planets, I give them money, so that they can live happily, and these young people just need to keep good My diet and exercise habits allow me to gain control over my body when I need it.”

Speaking of which, he winked at Zhou Qi and said, "I have played with everything for so many years, and there are still many beautiful and young girls in my body library, if you are interested... ."

"No!" Zhou Qi decisively refused, he had no interest in playing some kind of game of soul and flesh with a soul over 400 years old.

However, I didn't expect that this end-born person had quite an idea.

He uses breeding bodies to prolong his life. From the body he is using now, we can see that these young people are all selected, and their appearance and body must be strictly controlled before they are qualified to become his body.

But for this civilized young man, I'm afraid they are extremely happy, right?

Being able to become a leader's body bank can get extremely rich monetary rewards. If a poor youth is selected, it will be the moment when the entire family will complete a class leap.

Zhou Qi had a great conversation with the leaders.

The two talked about the galaxy universe from Platon's cultural heritage. The leader was cunning and cunning. Every time he wanted to spy on Zhou Qi's identity, he was turned off the topic smoothly. the rules of this civilization.

On the contrary, Zhou Qi's inquiries about the leader filled in a lot of information.

The Platon civilization is an interstellar convention signed 130 years ago. The interstellar convention is a convention that cosmic civilization adheres to. There is no transfer of knowledge to others, no violation of other people's civilization, etc. Although this convention is not followed, but Platon The Dun civilization regards it as a treasure.

This is their first contact with interstellar civilization.

The leader even went to the center of the galaxy for civilization registration on behalf of the Platon civilization one hundred and thirty years ago, and everything he saw shattered his self-esteem.

What makes him despair the most is that technology is not respected in this universe!

He thought that if the level of science and technology was improved, the level of civilization would be improved and respected.... Not at all. When he was in the center of the galaxy, he collected a lot of information and found that there are high-energy races in the universe.

Each of these races has the power to destroy the world!

Can easily destroy planets.

Able to survive battleship shelling.

It can burst out a huge energy comparable to a plasma cannon.

Those technological civilizations that were far superior to Platon were easily destroyed because they provoked these cosmos-level powerhouses, and tens of millions of years of development and efforts were all gone!

This is also the most important reason why the Platon civilization has become the licking dog of alien travelers.

No one knows whether there is a powerful parent star or a powerful friend behind the alien travelers... I can't afford to gamble, and Platon dare not bet on it!

Zhou Qi wanted to know the status quo of cosmic civilization, whether Frieza and his old bean became cosmic overlords, but obviously, as an interstellar traveler, if you asked this kind of common sense question, the design would collapse.

He decided to temporarily slow down his exploration of the current state of the universe.

"Do you want to stay here for a longer time?" The leader was stunned and said with a smile on his face: "Of course, I am very happy, you can stay here as long as you want!"

The two happily shared dinner with the beautiful scenery. The leader sent Zhou Qi into the car with a face full of reluctance, and invited him to be company with him many times in the past few days, watching the back of the hovering car away.

The smile on the leader's face slowly disappeared.

The green grass under his feet suddenly collapsed downwards, forming a circular elevator that took him to the base inside the island.

"Camille!" the leader shouted.

A pleasant voice suddenly appeared behind him. It was an alien who was completely different from the Platon race. He was wearing a simple robe and was floating in the air with fine wine.

"My Majesty." The alien floated to his side and drank the wine slowly: "Don't worry, I have been protecting you!"

When the leader saw his bodyguard, he was obviously relieved.

He smiled: "Camille, how did you observe this interstellar traveler?"

The alien took out the combat power measuring instrument that Zhou Qi was very familiar with from behind him and played with it for a while, with a sarcastic tone: "It's only garbage with a combat power of five, you are too cautious!"

The leader shook his head and said, "This just proves that he came out of technological civilization. Maybe he knows some races with high combat power?"

Camille laughed sharply: "You think too much, my employer, the real strong will not accept your employment like me. They don't have a weak race like you in their eyes."

He drank the wine in one go, "Whatever you need, just grab it!"

The leader was stunned for a long time, speechless.

In his communication with Zhou Qi, he retained a lot of information. For example, he saw the massacre and destruction of a technological civilization by a high-combat powerhouse from a video from the Galactic Center one hundred and thirty years ago.

Uneasy and restless, he recruited Camille through some secret passages.

This warrior has a combat power of 5,000 points, and he can destroy a civilization as long as he spends time. The leader uses huge resources to win him over every year. It has been more than 20 years since he was recruited.

The resources that Camille can enjoy in the Platon civilization have far exceeded his leader.

But it's all worth it!

Recognizing a coward and licking a dog on the outside will not cause the invasion of cosmic civilization, and it has the guardianship of Camille inside, which can suppress all resistance.

"I should sit back and relax." The leader, enjoying the service of the maid, murmured, "Why are you uneasy?"


Poor star.

"Connor, this way!"

On the quiet street at night, a few ghostly young people sneaked out. They came to a vending machine and waved excitedly to Connor in the shadow.

Connor touched it nervously.

The vending machine is flashing with blue light, and there are different kinds of nutrient solutions in it. In the past, the rebels never thought of getting food through it. This kind of machine has an alarm system. Once it is attacked, it will immediately attract the electronic police. .

"Can Conor really succeed?"

Looking at the leader standing under the vending machine, someone licked their lips and asked in a low voice.

The other person was also uneasy, but insisted: "Mr. Arnold has said that Connor has made rapid progress. Aren't we here to give it a try!"

"However, Mr. Arnold didn't say that Connor can control the machine now..."

"Shut up, be quiet!"

At the end of the street, there was the sound of night patrols, and these young people suddenly held their breaths. They didn't let out a long breath until the sound left.

Connor also felt that he could no longer hesitate.

If you hesitate, you will give it for nothing!

He put one hand on the vending machine and clenched his fist to cheer himself up: "Connor, you can do it!"

"Please pay the credits!"

The vending machine scanned Connor, then turned on a red light, and the automatic alarm mechanism was ready to activate.

"Electronic control!" Connor's eyes widened, and the dark world in front of him changed in an instant. Countless green numbers flickered non-stop. He decisively reached out his hand, cut off the alarm signal from the vending machine, and roared: "Hurry up! "

The vending machine was in chaos, flickering incessantly.

From its delivery port, clang clang clang, a large number of cans were spit out, and the little friends on the side were very nervous and excited. They opened their backpacks, and they were full. Holding a full can, I wish I had eight hands!


Connor withdrew decisively, turned around and ran with his friends, and the alarm signal of the vending machine finally spread.

Ula Ula!

The siren of the electronic police suddenly sounded.

The speed of these electronic octopuses is far faster than that of humans, not to mention that they are still holding a large amount of food in their hands. Seeing that the manhole cover is in front of them, the companions behind them are still thinking about turning back to pick up the cans that fell on the ground.

Connor felt tired!

"Come in, I'll buy time!" After saying that, he turned to face the electronic police who bore the brunt of it.

Mr. Arnold's breathing exercises are simply devilish.

Connor needs to feel the fluctuation of the electric current when he breathes the electric magnetic field. There is always a painful and non-fatal electric current that destroys him physically. It is not until he enters this door that he sees a different world.

He can feel magnetic field pulses, electronic messages.

It has the ability to interfere slightly!

In Mr. Arnold's words, it was only when his soul began to transform into electronic information that he had this ability. When he was fully refined into a mechanical soul, not only electronic information, he could even manipulate gamma rays in the universe.

But that's too far away!

This time I came out to get food, just to test my strength, the result was good, but unfortunately I have to bear the consequences myself!

Connor greeted the electronic police and grabbed the other side's flickering power grid with one hand.

"You are under arrest!"

The electronic policeman thought the human was stunned, so he hooked it with his claws. Who would have guessed that the human shrank and pressed his backhand on his head, revealing his white teeth.

"Your electricity will be returned to you!"


The high-frequency current destroyed its chip in an instant, and the electronic police swayed to the ground, bursting a spark.

Connor gasped, his hands shaking, both excited and nervous.

But instead, it was physical and mental fatigue. He couldn't complete the accumulation and release of electricity again. This body couldn't bear it. Looking at the electronic police that surrounded him in front of him, Connor showed a wry smile.

"Electronic control."

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