For the first time in his long eleven-year career, Dudley felt powerless. On the contrary, Harry Potter seemed a little uncomfortable with the respect and care he had never had before.

But this feeling...

He likes it very much.

"Harry, starting this weekend, you can take Dudley's place in music class!" Vernon felt distressed about the investment he was about to make, and in the evening chat with his wife last night, they made clear their guilt towards Harry.

This kind of guilt makes them want to make up for it.

And the best way to make up for it is to train Harry to be a good person and completely stay away from wizards and magic.

Since Dudley has no musical skills, he will give this opportunity to Harry.


Dudley felt sad at first when he heard his father's decision, but then he thought about it, didn't he just want to get rid of piano lessons and continue to enjoy the good weekend?

Let Harry go through the torment instead of me!

Dudley lowered his head and snickered.

In this way, Harry Potter replaced Dudley Dursley as a student in the music class, and he gradually got used to the belated affection from his uncle and aunt, and the smile on his face gradually increased.

"Good morning, Mrs Bell."

Wearing new clothes bought by the family, Harry greeted the neighbor's wife happily.

Finally, he didn't have to wear Dudley's old clothes, he was fed up with the bigger size and the smelly old clothes.

The neighbor's wife looked at Harry's heartfelt smile and said hesitantly, "Good morning, Harry. Did something good happen recently? You've become different from the past...more cheerful."

Harry said, "Uncle is going to take me to learn the piano!"

Just as he was talking, Uncle Vernon drove out of the car from the garage, rolled down the window and said, "Harry, get in the car, today is your first class, we have to be early!"

Harry said goodbye politely to the neighbor's wife, and jumped into the passenger seat.

This has always been the exclusive seat for cousin Dudley and aunt Penny.

Seeing the car belching and leaving, the neighbor's wife hadn't recovered, she could feel the slight change in Mr. Vernon's attitude towards Harry.

She was delighted with the change in Harry's life circumstances.

But she didn't know if she should tell Dumbledore about this.

No matter what happened to Harry Potter, where he went, or what he did, he should tell everything in detail.

But Wizard White's indifferent attitude towards Harry Potter, the savior of the magical world, annoyed the neighbor's wife. She hesitated for a moment, stopped writing, and threw the letter into the stove.

Anyway, it didn't take long for Harry Potter to receive an acceptance letter from Hogwarts.

Let him spend an undisturbed time!


The car is parked in the open-air parking lot.

Harry Potter opened his mouth wide and looked up at this European-style garden villa covering several hectares.

Immediately following Uncle Vernon into the villa, he came to the splendid living room with European-style elegant carpets and mahogany cabinets. Uncle Vernon was already familiar with him and greeted him.

"Good morning, Doctor Granger."

"Good morning, Mr. Dursley."

Hermione's father returned the salute gently, then looked at the timid boy with glasses hiding behind Vernon, and couldn't help but wonder, "Who is this? Didn't you bring Dudley?"

Vernon looked ashamed.

"Mr. Ivan said that Dudley's musical talent is very bad, and he is not willing to work hard. I can only replace him. This is my nephew, Harry! Harry Potter!"

Harry said to Hermione's father, "Hello, Doctor Granger."

"Hello! Harry!" Granger was very gentle: "You are about the same age as my daughter, so you should be good friends."


Harry suddenly froze, thinking of the girl he met at the concert.

At this moment, the butler walked into the hall and politely led Harry to the door of the piano room.

"Yes, Miss Hermione, you've worked hard!"

He heard Mr. Ivan's exclamation from the piano room. Harry leaned over nervously and saw the teachers and students in front of the upright piano through the crack of the door.

Hermione was very happy.

Zhou Qidao: "I don't have anything to teach you about music theory, and you can master **** very quickly. If you are willing to take the path of a pianist, you must have good basic skills."

With that said, he took down a stack of hand-painted staves from the table.

Floral English and printed stave, all of which are compelling.

This is Zhou Qi's basic exercise based on Hanon's piano fingerings in memory, which ensures the connection of fingerings and the fun of music.

It is the most boring time when the piano is playing the basic skills. Many people can't last this period of time and will give up.

"Five minutes left."

Zhou Qi glanced at the wall clock and said, "What style of music do you like?"

Hermione was happily holding the staff, and said busyly, "I like the Hathaway Variations that you played at the concert, teacher. I like the ethereal feeling."

As a child, of course, I like piano music with a more modern style.

Eleven-year-old girls can't be made to like Beethoven's Symphony of Fate, they haven't had such experience.

Zhou Qi remembered the piano music he had heard on a Danmu website before he traveled.

There are many ACG piano pieces, which are very suitable for little girls like Hermione, and should stimulate their fun in learning the piano.


Zhou Qi shouted to the door, "Come in and listen together."

The door was slowly pushed open, and the little boy with glasses squeezed in with a blushing face. Hermione looked at it and found it familiar, but couldn't remember where she had seen it before.

"This is my new student, Harry Potter, who came to study in place of his cousin." Zhou Qidao.

Hermione stretched out her hand and said, "Hello, Harry Potter, I'm Hermione, Hermione Granger."

"Hello!" Harry shook hands and greeted, "We met at the concert."

Hermione then remembered the concert.

The two little children are truly acquainted with each other.

Zhou Qi put his hands on the keys and recalled the music he had heard before. The ethereal and repetitive rhythm drew the attention of Hermione and Harry.

At the end of the rhythm, there is a series of irregular waves.

Hermione can be considered to have listened to a lot of piano music, either as cheerful as Ode to Joy, as serious as Destiny Solo, or as graceful as Canon.

But I have never heard of this type of music.

Cheerful and beautiful, several repeated tunes are intertwined with each other, and Mr. Ivan's hands are brisk as dancing, the tune slowly rises in the range, but it quickly transforms into a pleasant melody in the key of F major.

The song was only a few minutes long, but it gave Hermione a glimpse of a new genre being born.

"What tune is this?" Hermione asked excitedly.

Zhou Qi put his hands on the keyboard and smiled, "FlowerDance is also the introductory song I gave you. As long as you can lay a solid foundation, you can play such a song at will."

Having said that, he also played a short section of Castle in the Sky as an example.

Not only Hermione, but even Harry looked interested.

Interest is the best teacher.

Zhou Qi has always been entertaining.

He taught Harry Potter music theory and staves from scratch. Seeing the seriousness of the savior of the wizarding world, he couldn't help but have a bad taste. If Harry Potter could be a musician from now on, how interesting it would be .

How can a wizard have a future as a musician?

However, this thought is just a thought. If Harry Potter is to be turned into a musician, Dumbledore may fight with him desperately.

that's all.

Time goes by two weeks later.

Early in the morning, Privet Drive had a few more white owls, crouching by the eaves, staring strangely at the Dursley family's house.

"Harry, please go get the newspaper!"

Penny fry an egg and shouted happily.

After the family reconciled, even Dudley gradually got used to the new life, at least he didn't dare to be rough with Harry.

"Okay, Aunt Petunia."

Harry tugged at his pajamas and took out today's morning paper from the mailbox.

A letter fell out.

PS: Thanks to the blade of book guest 69223062152

Take a nap, there is another chapter in the evening


Section 362 Chapter 5 Dumbledore (for subscription)

"It's here, it's here!"

Aunt Petunia held Harry tightly in her arms and looked at the envelope on the table with hatred, as if she didn't want to lose this family member again.

Uncle Vernon snatched the letter and shredded it.

"Uncle Vernon, why did you tear up my letter?"

Harry couldn't understand the family's actions.

Vernon breathed heavily and forced a smile: "Harry, we promise to protect your growth, I will never let you touch these monsters!"

Penny said in panic, "They've already come to the door, what should we do?"

"Move!" Vernon's fat face trembled. As the only man in the family, he carried the burden: "Move as far away as possible, to a place where they will never find us!"

The more Harry listened, the more wrong it got.

Now that he has the courage to question his family's actions, he broke away from his aunt's embrace and asked loudly, "What happened, why did I receive a letter and you guys are going to move!"

"Please tell me, Aunt Petunia, Uncle Vernon!" Harry said earnestly, "I just want to know the answer!"

Vernon sat slumped in his chair.

He and his wife looked at each other, slowly lit the cigarette, took a deep breath,

Spit out white smoke rings.

"Harry," he said. "You're a wizard."

"Wizard?" Harry's eyes widened, "How could I be a wizard."

Aunt Petunia covered her face and wept sadly: "Your parents James Potter and Lily Potter were wizards, they didn't die in a car accident, they died at the hands of the bad guys among wizards, before they sent you to After arriving at my place, I made up my mind to never let you touch that dangerous world!"

She embraced the dazed Harry, gently lifted his black hair, and looked pitifully at the lightning scar on Harry's forehead.

"You have a special ability since you were a child, and that is the proof that you are a wizard."

In the explanation of my uncle and aunt.

Harry finally understands everything, understands why he is being looked down upon by his relatives, and understands why he has strange abilities.

different from the original.

At this time, Harry reached a reconciliation with his family, and he understood for the first time that the wizarding world was not as beautiful as he imagined.

There is evil, slaughter.

Da da!

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