Is there still hope for Beauxbatons?

The frenzy of the times is like frogs boiled in warm water. When they are content with the status quo, they drown to the top of their heads. However, Hogwarts, the three major schools of magic in Europe, built a giant ship and was pushed into the distance by the huge waves.

If it was said before, they needed help from Hogwarts to get rid of the suspicion of Death Eaters.

Now, they need to board the ship Hogwarts in order to survive in a new era.

This goes back to the original choice.

Maxim and Karkaroff were confused. They realized at this moment that they had never had the right to choose from beginning to end.

"Today is October 17, and there are fourteen days until Halloween."

Zhou Qi leaned back in his chair and said calmly, "The matter of the three-school alliance is still in the balance. If your school thinks about it, come to me at any time."

The heads of the two schools, who were in despair, did not know when they left the office. They stood in front of the corridor and watched the hurried figures of Hogwarts students holding books.

Arcane magic.

The Three Schools Alliance.

Times change.

The two looked at each other, as if they were ten years old at this moment.


Gryffindor common room.

The students were either sitting on the sofa or leaning on the head of the bed, without the passion of the past, and fell silent.

Even the most mischievous Weasley twins looked annoyed and said nothing.

Ginny-Weasley walked into the lounge area with a book in her arms, feeling the weird atmosphere and twisting her neck unconsciously.

A close friend rushed over.

"Ginny!" The girl squeezed forward and asked in a low voice, "You have taken arcane classes before, are those classes difficult to learn?"

Others in the lounge area also raised their ears consciously.

Ginny smiled and flipped out the book, and said, "I'm also taking an arcane class now!"

"Ah!" The girl exclaimed, clattering, and Gryffindor students in the common rest area and dormitory swarmed around her, looking at her with sparkling eyes: "But Arcane classes have become the basic courses of the other three colleges. Well, how did you go to class?"

Ginny is generous.

"No one said I can't take classes. I, Harry, and occasionally Ron will run to Ravenclaw to take classes. The professors won't chase us out, and they will explain carefully what we don't understand."

"My biology homework was graded by Professor Snape!"

The lounge area groaned.

"There is also the trick of rubbing lessons, how come I don't know!"

"Ginny, you should have said it earlier!"

Ginny looked bewildered, but you didn't ask.

Besides, who gets a headache looking at Muggle subjects and uses mathematics as a hypnotic agent.

Immediately afterwards, the dull atmosphere was swept away, and the students gathered here began to form pairs, and took advantage of the break time to go to other colleges to take classes, causing strange eyes from the other three colleges.

There is a big idea that you are afraid to make trouble.

"We are all confused."

The girl who pulled Ginny sighed softly: "We all understand why Professor Ivan wants to implement changes, and we regret that we are coveting this kind of pleasure. The magical world is exposed to the eyes of Muggles, but in the whole of Hogwarts, only Greg Ryffindor cannot adapt to the new era."

Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff.

They are all perfectly adapted to the new era, and move forward bravely with the east wind.

Only Gryffindor, stagnant.

gradually lagging behind,

Leave the team.

Ginny said, "Professor Ivan once said that it's never too late to pursue progress. I believe that Hogwarts will never give up Gryffindor!"


"I was the one who dragged Gryffindor down."

Harry had never seen such a sad expression on Professor McGonagall's face. In the past, this elegant and graceful professor always showed a strong side, just like her Gryffindor dean.

"Professor Ivan has given us hints and opportunities."

Professor McGonagall pursed her lips, her eyes painful.

"Snape got it, Pomona got it... Only me, only I missed it."

"Professor McGonagall." Harry whispered, "It's still too late. Professor Ivan has been waiting for you. He has provided two opportunities for each house at Hogwarts."

Minerva McGonagall shook her head.

"I don't know what to do, I don't know where Gryffindor will take me?"

"Professor!" Harry increased his tone: "You just think too much and are dragged down by responsibilities and obligations. Hogwarts is led by the headmaster. Please put aside your role as vice headmaster."

"You are the head of our Gryffindor!"

Minerva McGonagall raised her head slowly.

Bystanders are obsessed with the authorities.

The main reason why she will never take the next step is because of her status as a vice-principal. Everything she does will consider the consequences first, and she will not think about it first, unlike other deans who have no hesitation, nor is she ambitious like Zhou Qi.

Too worried, too concerned.

Instead, it will be dragged down by identity.

After being punctuated by Harry, Professor McGonagall, who returned to Dean of Gryffindor, was invigorated, and found Pomona and Snape successively, hoping to gain some life experience from them.

But these two deans with different personalities gave the same answer.

"How Gryffindor walks is Gryffindor's own business. Find the nature of Gryffindor and take the first step bravely."

Gryffindor nature....

Minerva McGonagall was confused again.


Maxim returned to Beauxbatons' independent lounge in a trance.

Except for a small number of students who followed Hufflepuff in their self-study, most of them gathered in the lounge area, holding newspapers, or communicating in a low voice. The atmosphere was extremely pessimistic.

With a long sigh, she called the students over, and brought up the three-school alliance.

"Three-School Alliance, you are Hogwarts students. The school's resources and teachers will also migrate to Hogwarts from France, and Hogwarts will arrange your studies."

"I'm here to ask for your opinion." Maxim said, "Being a student at Hogwarts, you must abide by the rules of Hogwarts... and academic arrangements."

"You mean we're going to learn Muggle magic too?" someone asked.

Maxim nodded.

The lounge area fell silent, everyone's faces were different.

Knowing that she was not a qualified headmaster, Maxime handed over the choice to these children, and emphasized the Muggle magic - maybe not as bad as she thought, what if magic was exposed in the Muggle world, doesn't it? Don't wizards have to go to school?

She had such expectations.

Almost at the same time, Karkaroff made the same choice.

Compared with the dull Beauxbatons, Durmstrang was much more excited. He opened his mouth to greet Hogwarts and was very angry.

"We can't possibly learn Muggle magic!"

"Isn't Durmstrang only the signboard left?"

"Hogwarts... what a sinister villain!"

The crowd is full of emotions.

The two academies were silent or questioned, but two people stood up.

Krum of Durmstrang, Fleur of Beauxbatons.

"Professor (Mrs.), if we leave, will we never catch up with Hogwarts?"

As soon as these words came out, Durmstrang's angry youth fell silent, and Beauxbatons' silent girl raised a questioning voice.

Karkaroff and Maksim wanted to bite the bullet and explain in front of everyone. What could they possibly explain?

Explain that we won't be left behind by Hogwarts?

Explain that we are still a thousand-year-old school?

Then Hogwarts reached a peak that could not be looked up in a new era, but Beauxbatons (Durmstrong) stopped because of this moment's excuse and was thrown away by the era?

They will become sinners in school history.


The two principals either smiled wryly or answered dully.

PS: Thank you Xueba for returning Gu Weiwei’s salted fish thorn

Begging for a reward and asking for a blade, I am dying (crying bitterly)

py: "I have a lot of identity"

The new book of the most evil newcomer Wang Qingdi is not to be missed. I have already downloaded it, how about you?

(Dare to read Qingdi's book in front of the reviewing eldest brother, life is complete)


Chapter 471 Chapter One Hundred and Twelve

"I haven't heard of Grindelwald, how could I have never heard of it!"

President America slammed the report to the ground.

After the Magic League exposed the magical world, even the most conservative Magical Congress gave up on itself. They no longer asked the federal government to control news (it could no longer be controlled), and only wanted to catch the culprit, Grindelwald.

Europe has already recognized the existence of magic.

Now the entire magical world is greeting the Magical Congress. In the eyes of wizards, it is because the Magical Congress has not controlled its influence, so the Magic League has to stand up and expose the magical world.

In short, the pot is done!

Things have developed like this, and they can only accept it. The rough-hearted citizens of America gradually accepted magic after a short period of chaos. The only ones who felt that they could not accept it were those conservative wizards.

The Magic Congress has close cooperation with the federal government.

With a lot of money to open the way, those wizards who have never seen the world are immediately fascinated by the capitalist world that is intoxicated with money.

In order to please these wizards with extraordinary power, the federal government has put all-round pressure on California.


California pretends to be deaf and doesn't take the White House seriously at all.

Grindelwald, I don't know, I don't know.

You look for yourself, we can't find it.

"Are your agents eating shit, and you can't even find a single one?" Clinton greeted the intelligence chief with a slap in the face, making the intelligence chief flush with embarrassment.

He was wronged Baba.

Can this be my fault?

I don't know how many agents were dispatched and how many resources were mobilized to sneak into California. As a result, those agents didn't even find a hair, and they were sent out of the state after clearing their memory. In severe cases, they even woke up streaking and hung on the flagpole.

Still hanging on the body - I'm a CIA agent.

It is simply carrying the provocation to the end!

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