I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 124: The Love That Never Derails

The resentful spirit like a big fish has big eyes like bells, a long narrow mouth full of two rows of fine needle teeth, and a rotten and broken skin.

The most weird thing is that there are several slender tentacles on the top of its head, and the ends of the tentacles are connected to a female resentful spirit who is squirming and swaying.

And under its abdomen, there are several men's heads growing, and they are muttering in pain.

"It turned out to be the'Gathering of Wraiths'... From the appearance, the body should be the anglerfish..."

Looking at the huge resentful spirit in front of him, Abe Temple calmly analyzed it.

After being killed by the wraith spirit, the spirit body driven to become a puppet was called a ghost in ancient times.

And because of certain opportunities, the wraith spirit will be driven, swallowed, and merged by the spirit of the person it kills to form a huge spirit body, which is called the aggregate wraith spirit.

These phenomena often occur in spirit bodies killed by animal wraith spirits.

The anglerfish is a frequent visitor to the Japanese table. It is known for its ugly appearance, delicate meat, and plump liver.

The front part of its head has a lantern that acts as a "bait", which can emit a dim light to hunt small fish.

The most frightening thing is that all the anglers served on the table are females.

Because the male anglerfish, after mating with the female fish, the skin and blood vessels will merge with the female fish, and the internal organs will also degenerate, gradually shrinking to only one-sixtieth the size of the female fish.

Once, such a weird way of reproduction was hailed by the media as "love that never derails."

The cruel reality is that often a female anglerfish is accompanied by several male fishes that are as small as XX, with only breathing and eating instincts, and "refusing to work hard"...

And this congregation of wraiths in front of him, completely accorded with the characteristics of anglerfish.

It's just that the "fake bait" on his head like a suspender turned into dozens of beautiful female wraith spirits; and the male who was lured and killed by the female wraith spirits melted into his lower body like a male anglerfish.

This "aggregate", which had gathered at least dozens of resentful spirits, opened a terrible mouth with a grinning grin, and bit down towards Abe Temple.

The female resentful spirit controlled by the head tentacles also rushed towards Abe Temple.

"This amount of resentment is at least [2], and may even be close to [3]... It seems that the running-in task is not that simple. It needs to be a little more serious..."

Spiritual energy surged from Abe Temple's whole body, and the whole person leaped high.

As Riza Yueyao waved, snow began to fall from all over his body.

Two days first class · snow.


In East Ikebukuro Central Park, when it snows in May.

"Hello, Mr. Houhai, the goods you ordered at the front hall have been delivered..."

In Akihabara, in the corridor on the second floor of a small apartment, Sosuke Araki carried a large bag of convenience store goods and pressed the doorbell of the room.

A short fat man with glasses and a baseball cap opened the door vigilantly.

"Oh~~~~LUCKY! It's Ghost Rider Super1~~~~ The official costume details are really super~~~like!"

Seeing Araki Sosuke dressed up, the man behind the door suddenly rushed out, touching Araki Sosuke excitedly with indescribable methods, and took out his mobile phone to pose with him in various poses.

Startled him.

Araki Sosuke, who was carrying the merchandise, could only cooperate with each other with a wry smile under the helmet.

"How do you say it, you really deserve to be a guest living in Akihabara?"

This man seemed to be very excited about the Ghost Rider's visit. After receiving the merchandise, he graciously invited Araki Sosuke into the house.

"By the way, I heard from the people on the forum that there will be a classic line service link? Do you mind if I record a TIKTOK?"

Then I don’t know where I took out a professional tripod for mobile phones.

"Well... theoretically it can... as long as there are five-star praise."

One minute later.

Behind the camera, "Ghost Rider SUPER1" assumed a very second-degree posture, pointing to "Mr. Houhai" and said: "Don't ask me, despair is your end!"

"Thank you so much, Ghost Rider Sang, it must be very hot to wear such a thick dress. If you don't dislike it, please eat this."

After the video was shot, the man took out a thick dark object and handed it to Sousuke Araki.

The tentacles are cold, this is a bottle of iced sparkling drink.

"Dr. Pepper?"

Looking at the sparkling drink in his hand, Araki Sosuke, who was "forced to open" and took off his helmet, did not hesitate to unscrew the lid and drank it with his head up.

The cold air bubbles irritated his throat, making him seem to be reborn.

"You know it well, many people are not used to drinking this soda."

The taste of Dr. Pepper, like some third-rate light novels, has always been mixed.

Those who love to drink like sweets, and those who are not used to abandon it like dung.

To describe the taste objectively, it is the aerated Chuanbei loquat paste.

"Mr. Houhai" packed the tripod and sat back in front of the computer in the room.

Before the next order came, Sosuke Araki drank a drink leisurely and looked at the single apartment in front of him.

Three running computers, a large amount of information, cool light and shadows and figures in a transparent case, SWITCH...

Typical technical house dormitory.

"These three are all servers? Is Mr. Houhai a legendary super hacker?" Araki Sosuke saw the different computer configurations in front of him at a glance.

"Where, you praised me too much. These three are used by the company to run the website..." The man wiped the sweat from his hands and handed out a business card to Sousuke Araki with his fleshy hands.

"Be careful! Haunted house appraisal." CEO, COO, CFO, CTO, CIO... Hou Hailu Dou.

"The title is really long..."

Looking at a long list of unknown titles, Sosuke Araki exclaimed.

He seemed to think of something.

"By the way! My house is also rented on your website..."

"Really? That is really fate, which one, maybe I still have an impression."

"Tiangqian Apartment No. 102."

"Zangqian apartment...oh, that one, hahahaha! I haven't lived in it so far...what weird happened, right?"

Hearing him say this, he was also drinking Dr. Pepper's thick sea and land, and his movements stopped for a while.

"No, no, thanks to a website like yours, I can rent such a cheap and good house so easily. When I was kicked out of the dormitory, I was almost desperate, and I was going to sleep under the Senju Bridge..."

Araki Sosuke looked grateful.

"It's good to live comfortably. Don't worry, the house we intermediary on our website will strictly check the quality of the house and send professional sleepers. At the same time, we ask our long-term cooperating masters to clean them before introducing them to guests."

Hearing him say this, Hou Hailu Dou, who was sitting in front of the computer, gave a relieved expression.

"Do you also like the 2CH forum? This is the urban legend section?"

When I accidentally saw the web page on the other party's computer screen, Sosuke Araki asked curiously.

"Well, I just look at this area on weekdays. The urban legends section is okay, it's not that the old lady wants me to help her stare..."

"Speaking of the notebook area... the most recent notebooks are of very high quality..."

"That's it, I divided it many times before reading it..."

The two immediately began a fierce academic exchange with a flushed face.

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