The two raised their heads with a sword, and the other assumed a posture of "drawing swordsmanship", sensing each other's aura.

The air in the Xuanwu Dojo seemed to freeze.

The Beichen One Sword Style originated from the ancient Zhongjo One Sword Style. The core concept is "one hit kills."

This is a skill that is truly tempered on the battlefield to kill the enemy.

"Before being beheaded, kill the ranks" was the motto of all kendo schools.

The face is covered by the protective gear, and neither side can see the other's expression and eyes.

But if there is a real murderous intention in the two of them, they will continue to collide with each other in the air.

The two kendo schools, which also adhere to the "one hit kills" belief, but are completely different, have crossed a thousand years of time and space and met at this moment.

At the time of the stalemate, the gray power of ghosts and gods on Pingjiangmen's body, but like the smoke from a range hood, constantly poured into Araki Sosuke's body.

Unknown to be due to the power of ghosts and gods, or the encouragement of the "first date in life" that is about to usher in, Araki Sosuke's momentum has become more vigorous, and he has entered a realm of mysterious and mysterious.

He is the kind of person who acts on intuition.

The intuition, like a beast, became more acute at this moment, and every subtle movement of the opponent and the possibility of the next move appeared in his heart like a mirror.

Is this what the old man said, "Sword Heart is Bright"?

"Can absorb the power of ghosts and gods?! This trip is right... This son will be an obstacle to my rulership, and I must not stay!"

Feeling the rapid passing of the power in the body, under the circumstances of one change and another, he could no longer hold back the door, and the sword in his hand suddenly came out of the sheath.

As the distance between the two of them narrowed and the power of ghosts and gods continued to fade, his movements were far from being as neat as before, and he had gradually fallen to the level of ordinary people.

The quaint Taito turned into a black streamer out of its sheath, and cut it towards Sousuke Araki at a very fast speed.

As soon as the opponent drew his sword, Araki Sosuke's pupils shrank and the corners of his eyes throbbed wildly, only to feel that a major crisis was imminent.

He maintained the posture of holding the wooden sword high, instinctively stepped on the pace of Wing Chun to "turn the horse", and made a sideways dodge action before the opponent's sword was out of the sheath.

Even so, the black long sword of Pingjiangmen still turned into a streamer, and he wiped his mask and made a thin mouth.

Even the Ping Shogun in the state of ordinary people is a sword master who has been tempered in the flames of war.

"Damn Chiba Ibuki, didn't tell me in advance that it was a real sword test..."

Must·Need·Require·Add·Money! ! ! !

Seeing the black sword in the opponent's hand that seemed to be able to swallow all the light, the blue veins on the forehead of Sousuke Araki were exposed.

I have no grievances with you, just an ordinary kendo contest, f*ck used a real sword without saying hello, and didn't remind me when I was holding a wooden sword.

Wait... The other party had an appointment to come over at night and was wearing this antique-like gorgeous protective gear. Is it some kind of fanatic who revives samurai customs and wants to emulate the antique style?

Before the Meiji Restoration, the samurai relied on the "Kisya Yumune", and had similar evil customs like slashing and Tsuji slashing.

The shogunate gave the samurai a privilege. When the samurai is treated rudely by the common people, even if they are beheaded, they will not be punished.

But that's just a superficial rhetoric. The definition of rudeness is very broad, bumping, not giving way, improper language, or even a meeting of eyes can all be regarded as “rude”.

Slashing like this means using the corpse of a criminal instead of a straw mat to try the sword; Tsujizhan is a samurai standing at a crossroad with a sword, and then slashing passers-by to "try the sword."

After a large number of civilians died, it was not until 1602 that the Edo Shogunate banned this practice.

Today with a sound legal system, just walking on the street with a real knife will be tortured by the police.

Not waiting for him to call a timeout, the other side was slashed with a slap in the face.

The sharp and simple blade, with a strong killing intent, took his head straight.

It simply means fighting with fate and not keeping hands at all.

However, Araki Sosuke, who was in that mysterious and mysterious state, relied on his ordinary predictive intuition to once again make an evasive action in advance.

"Asshole, is the real sword great?"

Seeing the other party's real sword versus the wooden sword, still seemingly unreasonable, Araki Zongsuke became angry.

I saw him stepping on the "turning horse", and after flashing the opponent's sword, he was another "mounting horse".

One inch long and one inch strong, one inch short and one inch risky.

The distance is too close, and the Nagata sword of Pingshou cannot be played.

He then stepped back, ready to move away.

Just before he took any action, Araki Zongsuke came out...foot.

I saw his left foot dexterously handed behind the opponent...

Ping pushed the back heel of the door, as if he had smashed the door by himself.

He is not an orthodox swordsman, nor is he a dumb loser, and he is not polite if the opponent does not follow the rules.

When the feet collided, there was mental arithmetic and unintentional, the center of gravity of the door was immediately unstable, and it fell backward.

But he deserves to be a man who has been fighting for a long time. In the case of losing his balance, the sword in his hand still steadily stabbed out at a tricky angle.


Relying on that terrible intuition, Araki Sosuke's cheeks were slightly sideways, and he flashed the opponent's life-threatening stab dangerously.

Then, he took a deep breath, and the muscles of his arms swelled suddenly.

Intuition tells him that it is now.

The violent power instantly swung the wooden knife in his hand.

The wooden knife has reached the highest speed before it passes the top of the head.

Then, Araki Sosuke's wrist was loosened and turned over, and his elbows were fully extended, allowing the knife to fall naturally and gaining more powerful acceleration.

Beichen's sword flow, cut off.

Cutting and falling has a very high status in the First Sword Style, and it is also the most important core skill of Beichen One Sword Style.

In the eyes of laymen, the actions of cutting off and Suzhen are similar, both raising the sword in his hand above his head, and then cutting it straight down.

But in fact, the power-generating skills, artistic conception, and "cultivation method" of these two movements are completely different.

Cut and fall can be said to be a perfect combination of speed and power, and it is more suitable for real knife duels on the battlefield, where the victory and defeat are scored in one blow.


The wooden sword swinging down from top to bottom seemed to sweep away the surrounding air, with an extremely violent sound of breaking through the air, and then slashed at the face of "Soma Kojiro" who was the first to move. Helmet on.

Under this violent slash, the Ping Shoumen, who was already out of balance, fell straight to the ground with a sword in his visor.

Beichen's sword flow, the first blow, is usually the last blow.

"Victory, it's already divided... it's a loss in the next."

Soma Kojiro, who fell to the ground, struggled to get up and heeded the samurai armor on his body.

Immediately, he laughed at himself, shoved the sword too much, bowed slightly to Sousuke Araki, turned and strode out of the dojo.

Seeing the other party decisively admit defeat and leave free and easy, Araki Sosuke, who is still holding the wooden knife in both hands, has not recollected it.

"Giving's pretty straightforward..."

He didn't come back to his senses until the man went out.

If the other party makes another fight, he can only go to the back room to get the old man's real knife.

It was indeed a shame to be hit by the real sword against the wooden sword.

"Eastern country warriors like this, my great cause of rejuvenation is doomed to be fruitless, not the crime of the pseudo-emperor..."

Under the full moon, in the narrow alleyway, walking slowly for nearly a hundred meters, the discouraged and desperate Pingjiangmen sighed up to the sky, tears poured on the wind and smoke, and gradually turned into a spot of light and dissipated...

Before leaving, he just wanted to take another look at the prosperous Dongguo under the night, and this deep land that he loved.

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