Abeji held his sword vigilantly to confront the man, but his brain was running fast.

The chrysanthemum, who has turned into a grudge, has a rather cunning consciousness, and will take the initiative to retreat tactically and choose a stronger sword bearer!

The state of the man in front of him should have been controlled by Juyiwen Zezong.

But seeing the opponent's hands are empty, where did that demon sword go.

Before he could think about it, the man who bowed slightly on the opposite side stretched out his hand and touched behind him...

In the horrified gaze of Abe Temple, he suddenly pulled out a scarlet remnant from an inconceivable delicate part, like "Iaido", and turned it into a strange streamer, and cut it out at him. .

It is Juyi Zongzong!

The remnant blade that was originally no more than 30 centimeters, after some slaughter, has stretched out about 10 centimeters of blood crystals.

Seeing the other's movements, a chill climbed up to the back of Abe Temple.

This evil sword not only has a high level of intelligence and sword skills, it can attract and control sword holders, and it can repair itself with human blood...

Can it be sheathed like a parasite? !

Who is the sword and who is the messenger?

The two stark contradictory images, the "chrysanthemum" that represents the Japanese royal family's pattern and the "sword" that symbolizes the identity of the samurai, are perfectly integrated in this weird Taito.

The chrysanthemum and the sword, which reveals the cruel and mysterious beauty of the chrysanthemum, exemplifies the shame culture of the traditional Japanese "chrysanthemum and sword" both physically and spiritually.

A red light with a fishy wind rushed towards his face, and Abe Temple's double swords stopped in front of him.

The expected gold-iron clash did not come.

The ten-centimeter-like blood crystal-like part of the front end of Juichi's Zong's blade was actually like a liquid, and it crossed the Sun Chakra without hindrance, and slashed towards his neck.

"not good……"

Abe Temple leaned backwards to the limit, and the whole person took advantage of the momentum to turn backwards.

A trace of blood appeared on his neck, and fine blood beads appeared.

As if there was an invisible attraction, a drop of blood began to float away from the wound towards Juyi Zezong.

The whole body of Abe Temple spontaneously protects the body with spiritual power, and it stops the blood being sucked from the scratch by the strange force.

"Sorry for being rude."

Saying this to the person who had completely cut off his vitality and turned into a puppet, Abe Temple, who had just landed from the air, opened his hands with two swords, and at the same time slashed towards the opponent.

Two-day first-rate, upright, two heavens of ice and fire.

As the spiritual power in his body fully exploded, the flames on the sun wheel of the long sword and the frost on the moonlight of Richa slashed at the person at the same time.

Yueyao on Abe Temple's left hand happened to freeze the right half of the man holding the sword, so that the opponent's counterattack could not be cut out.

Severe frost and flames erupted on both sides of the person's body, and under the impact of extreme freezing and extreme heat, a wave of air like an explosion was generated.

As the power of ice and fire spread, the right half of the man froze into ice, and the left half of his body burned into charcoal. He slowly fell to his knees, maintaining the posture of holding the sword on the ground, no more movement...

"Huh... But with such a little contact time, does the whole person turn into a zombie-like existence?"

Confirming that the person could not move, Abeji breathed out a suffocating breath and turned around anxiously to check the situation of Yumaru Yiwen.

Lying in the sea of ​​blood on the corpse mountain, a literal Yuwan whose body was shriveled like a corpse, at this moment, he was still holding his last breath, and his lips moved slightly.

"Uncle Yiwen..."

Abe Temple immediately put his ear close, trying to hear him clearly.

"This knife... has no sheath, it will... cause harm to the world... This is the fault of a clan of characters... Please..."

Before the words were finished, the words of Yumaru Xiruoxina came to an abrupt end.

"Uncle Yiwen... Don't worry, I Abe Temple swears that I will destroy this knife."

Gently closing the eyes of Yumaru Ichichi, Abe Temple bitterly looked at the Kikuichi Yumaru in the man's hand.

The grievances are hard to destroy, he can only wait until the onmyoji from the clan arrives, and then try to obliterate his spirituality with a seal.

However, it took two hours for the family to send someone from the nearest Tokyo metropolis.


Akagi Shrine.

The small alley next to the torii gate was only one person wide, and more than a dozen men could only walk in crowded like a queuing into the subway.

"Boy, I advise you not to interfere with things here, take off your pants obediently..."

"I said, did you make a mistake...Here, the surveillance should not be able to take pictures."

The man who followed Araki Sosuke did not finish speaking, but saw the "Uncle Fried Noodles" in front of him turned around, and thunderously slammed his abdomen with a punch...

"You go to Yokohama to inquire, dare to hinder Laozi from setting up a stall, what is the end of it..."

"Smelly boy, dare to do it first? Brothers fuck him!"

"Don't squeeze... let me go first!"

"Don't mess with me... Your own person, asshole..."

At the entrance of the alley, before the last few men could walk in, they heard a sudden noise inside.

Then there was a fisting voice.

"Huh, it seems that those who are behind have no fun."

The three of them stopped immediately and didn't plan to go in, so as to make room for the people in the alley and have fun.

"Hey, several guests have been rubbing at the door for a long time, now what if I can't get in."

After turning around, a man stood in front of them with the sun behind his back.

Under the backlight, the man's face was hidden in the shadows, and only the pair of hanging corner eyes exuded the brutal look of a wolf.

It was Kohei Higashino who came afterwards.

Then, the three felt that a powerful force had hit a fragile place under their crotch.

The pain of beating the chicken eggs caused them to hold their lower bodies and slowly kneel to the ground.

Kohei Higashino roughly grabbed one of the men by the hair.

"Just trouble you guys and help that kid block the door..."

The hard knees pressed against the faces of the three people mercilessly, and the nosebleeds soared with their teeth.

"Why doesn't it move anymore? Get out quickly. There are too many people crowded to death..."

"Is this kid a monster, so strong..."

"Ah... not there..."

In the alley, the first few men who followed Araki Sosuke had already collapsed to the ground crookedly under his "heavy punch".

A dozen men, so unexpectedly, were blocked by Sosuke Araki and Kohei Higashino one after another in the narrow alleys and suffered old punches.

In the alley where it is difficult for two adult men to stand side by side, the number advantage cannot be used at all.

Not to mention that they are facing two people who have more than ten years of rich street fighting experience and cooperate with each other.

Among them is a monster who is two lives, martial arts skills and physical fitness far beyond ordinary people...

The fists and screams intertwined into a rhythmic RAP, echoing in the alleys.

five minutes later.

When Funamura slowly walked down the stone steps, crossed the torii, and walked to the alley, the inside was quiet.

He deliberately slowed down just now, just wanting to save some time so that his subordinates would "open their eyes" to the two "eye-opening" boys, and then come forward to relieve themselves.

By the way, you can also use the tragic situation of those two boys to deter Akagi Shrine to make the next negotiation smoother.

These are his usual tactics.

However, the alley seemed a bit too quiet.

"These guys, so fast today? Don't be too exaggerated..."

The recent medical expenses and the attorney's fees for salvaging people at the police station are not cheap.

Thinking about this, he quickly used a "tactical probe" and looked into the alley.

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