I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 194 Highly Salary Recruitment of Test Sleepers

"It's useless to say that some of these are not available. The property company does have hard standards for recruiting people... However, there is another department I think I think you are quite suitable. Would you like to recommend you to try... "

Jin Shanzhang pretended to ask arrogantly.

Hearing some familiar lines from the other party, Sosuke Araki raised a black line on his forehead, and Yoshimasa said: "Um...I don't have much interest in the communication industry at the moment... Even if you say that there is free training, even if there is For the heroines, I also... I need to understand the basic situation of the heroines first."

"What kind of communication industry... If there is any, I would like to go there myself. I mean, the Tokyo branch of the three-member group of the same consortium as this property company. How about, do you recommend you to train in Ruozhong?"

Having said this, Jin Shanzhang snickered. Anyway, the minister only said that he should be a trainee first, and he did not specify a position.

"The group of three...Tokyo branch... Ruozhong? So, in fact, this is not a property company today, but a gang of gangs recruiting, right."

Hearing this name, a bloody scene in the cabin that night appeared in Araki Sosuke's mind.

There is no turning back for anyone who has stepped into the extreme way.

"Huh, it's...wasting my time..."

Araki Sosuke's face became cold, he sighed, and stretched out his hand to untie the tie on his neck.

Then he stood up without a word, turned and walked towards the door.

"Hey, kid, don't know how to praise! On your terms, you still want to find a decent job. It's good to recommend you to be a Ruozhong... Don't underestimate any position!"

Seeing his disdainful attitude, Jin Shanzhang suddenly became angry and stepped forward and grabbed the opponent's shoulder.

At the beginning, he was not hired from Ruozhong all the way, this arrogant kid actually dared to look down on Ruozhong's position.

Being pulled by a hand, Araki Sosuke's "white shirt for interviews" suddenly collapsed half of his shoulder.

The chest, shoulders and back are densely covered with tattoos.


Seeing the exaggerated tattoo on the opponent's body, Jin Shanzhang was in a daze.

The tattoo area is more than that of Minister Tianteng...

"I said, did you make a mistake... I will deliver food for the rest of my life, and I will never associate with people like you."

Araki Sosuke frowned and stared at him with evil eyes.

After speaking every word, he lightly shrugged and buttoned his shirt, and left without looking back.

Shocked by the look in his eyes, even Jin Shan Zhang, who has been in the extreme path for many years, felt his whole body stiff and trembling slightly.

"Yes, Minister... that kid doesn't know how to praise, and refused our invitation. Do you need to... Okay, I see."

After Araki Sosuke left, Jin Shanzhang, who was relieved and recovered, sneered and took out the phone to report the situation to Kazuo Tento.

He had just deliberately provoke and made things difficult for the other party, and he was really afraid that the kid would agree to his proposal.

After all, he should come first if he wants to be the assistant position of the cadres of the "Kizuna Club".


Akihabara, a shop specializing in gyudon rice.

Below the simple yellow sign is a small restaurant less than ten square meters.

Near lunch time, many nearby office workers dine in this delicious, cheap and generous beef restaurant.

"Xingping...hey, don't mention it. I knew it was a company under the three-member group. I won't waste time doing that long and smelly set of test papers..."

Because it is the peak dining season, in a restaurant that is full of seats and allows table-to-table dining, there is only one table that is extremely empty.

On that table, there was a man with a small golden oil head and six-pointed stars engraved on his temples.

Because of his unhappy face, the strong criminal atmosphere all over his body, and the aura of talking on the phone is as terrible as talking about drug dealing or throwing corpses, no one dared to fight with him.

"Araki-kun, you know, the rule in the store is not to use the phone while eating!"

Seeing that he was constantly complaining to the person on the other end of the phone, the middle-aged female boss in the shop spoke to him somewhat displeased from the kitchen window.

"Ahhh... let's do this first, I'm on the gyudon rice side, and I'm not happy about calling the lady boss all the time."

After hanging up the phone, Sosuke Araki turned his grief and anger into appetite and attacked the super-large bowl of gyudon rice and miso soup in front of him.

Compared with chain gyudon rice restaurants such as Yoshinoya, Shiqijia, and Matsuya, the variety of this gyudon rice specialty store is much monotonous, and there is no linkage with the ghost ghosts and dreams that can be served.

But the tender beef, rich sauce, and just cooked rice, paired with the crispy and delicious red ginger shreds, compared with those chain fast food chains, it has a little more private cooking spirituality.

And the most important thing is that the price is cheap.

It was cheap until Araki Sosuke University, and every time I came to Akihabara, I only ate (affordable) this one.

"Acridine...it's this familiar taste..."

While Sosuke Araki was immersed in the delicacy of gyudon rice, a dish of shredded red ginger and a large bowl of miso soup were placed on his table.

He raised his head, it was the middle-aged female owner of this store.

"Please eat...Araki-kun, didn't the job search go smoothly after graduation?"

"Well, I've been doing food delivery work recently... But for someone like me who has not enough academic qualifications and is struggling with exams, it is really difficult to change to a non-physical job!! I said this. Well, it's useless to complain to Obasan..."

Speaking of sore spots, Sosuke Araki picked up the "given" miso soup and drank it with tears.

"There is a company that is a regular customer here. I have put a recruitment notice here. You can try it out."

The female boss put a simple flyer on the dining table, turned and left.

"Cough cough cough cough..."

Araki Sosuke picked up the flyer and looked at it, and the meal in his mouth almost spurted out.

On the suspicious flyer printed on one side of the thinnest recycled paper, it read: Hiring a high-paying trial sleeper.


"After all, come here... turn left from here?"

In a small alley far away from the bustling main street of Akihabara, Sosuke Araki pressed the simple map in the lower right corner of the flyer and looked all the way there.

Although the content of the flyer was quite suspicious, he was seduced by the big word "high salary" on the flyer, and he came over with the mentality of giving it a try.

"It seems...a bit familiar..."

Then, his gaze fell not far away, opposite the small alley, on the dilapidated store on the first floor of the apartment.

"Be careful! Haunted house appraisal."

It says so on the shop sign.

Sosuke Araki raised his head to look at the scenery on both sides, was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly realized: "Isn't this the home of the ‘book lovers’ I met the last time I delivered the food?"

I vaguely remember that Ho Haijun, who prefers full-color heavy-mouthed tentacles, gave him a business card when he left.

Turns out, is their company hiring?

"Is the competition for job hunting during the graduation season so fierce..."

As he stepped forward, he could see the rather narrow storefront, three stories inside and three stories crowded with people.

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