I do not know how long it has been.

"Boom boom boom..."

With a noisy exhaust sound, a heavy black locomotive drove into the parking lot in front of the apartment in front of Tibet.

"Yeah, the business on the weekend is really good, and it's a huge profit tonight... It's a good job to leave the front hall, I must cherish it, and I can't get irritated when I am stimulated by the elementary school student."

As the knight in the car said so, he took off the ghost helmet from his head and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

It was Sousuke Araki who had worked hard all night and returned from get off work.


In front of the door of the apartment, in the early morning mist, a blonde girl with a double-ball head leaned pitifully on the doorpost beside the steps, sleeping soundly.

"Mochizuki Ayano? This elementary school student...no, how could the policewoman sleep in front of my house?"

Seeing the female police officer with a pitiful appearance of "running away from home" with an income of over 10 million next year, Sosuke Araki looked at a loss.

If you sleep like this, you will catch a cold.


"Ayano sauce, make your favorite ramen with tonkotsu soy sauce... Alright, this kid is on the sofa again... It's so cute when he falls asleep."

Energetic, but also with a spoiled female voice into the ears.

"It must be too exciting to play in the playground today... Let her sleep a little longer."

A man with a strong voice whispered.

The familiar scent of pork bone soy sauce soup poured into the nasal cavity.

I can hear the hum of the washing machine working in my ears.

It is full of the daily life of Japanese families.


Mochizuki Ayano opened her eyes tiredly and reluctantly.

What caught her eyes were the white ceilings and primitive ceiling lamps common in old-fashioned Japanese houses.

Have you dreamed of the past again?

She smiled self-deprecatingly.

For people who have the ability to never forget, some memories are like wounds that never heal, always stinging their hearts.

No wonder I slept all night, but I was still sleepy and sleepy like working overtime all night.

The nose moved slightly, her face changed slightly when she was about to sleep.

The scent of the hot tonkotsu soy sauce soup did not disappear as he gradually awakened, on the contrary, it became more and more intense.

and many more……

Mochizuki Ayano wanted to stand up, but she felt a tearing pain all over her body, especially the inner part of the thigh.

She endured the sore muscles all over her body and sat up...

A thin limited-edition blanket of "Ghost Senyouhui" claw machine slipped quietly from her.

This is a simple, small, messy, tatami one-bedroom room with only more than ten square meters.

Looking around, there are a mess of indescribable things stacked on the storage shelf that covers the entire wall next to the tatami mattress.

Covers of magazines that are not suitable for children, action movie discs, “perspective glasses” purchased online, various doll machine figures, comic books, and the well-assembled but uncolored unicorn Gundam RX-0...

On the side of the shelf, there is also a white Bozou tribe's special attack clothing with words such as "Heaven is the only one in the world" and "Nanwu Amitabha" is written.

On the bottom shelf next to the bed, there are neatly arranged a row of colorful thermos cups, which are of unknown purpose and exude inexplicable smell.

And the mattress on which she slept, just under the row of shelves, was surrounded by a pile of "academic journals", cartoons and crumpled paper towels scattered on the ground.

"You woke up... it's really time..."

Said a somewhat familiar male voice full of inexplicable meaning.

Looking in the direction of the sound, at the entrance of the door, a man wearing short shorts, large tattoos on his hands and feet, and a T-shirt with the word "toolman" printed on his chest, was busy on the narrow stove.

Behind him, a white washing machine was running "buzzing".

Even though she is a genius girl with an IQ of 180 and never forgetting, Mochizuki Aya can't deal with the huge amount of information and the complicated elements in front of her at all.

Obviously, she was so fragrant, wearing a newly bought nightdress, and fell asleep in the cozy little bed.

Upon waking up, the world has undergone earth-shaking changes like a journey.

The room where the suspect lives in a pervert, the unfamiliar tattooed man, the muscles of the whole body, especially a certain part of the body, are sore as if they have suffered inhuman torture, and the whole body is covered with a layer of greasy sweat, as if they have experienced some kind of violent exercise... …

Ha ha ha ha……

I must be under too much pressure at work recently to have such a dream.

With a dry smile in her heart, Mochizuki Ayano weakly fell on the tatami and closed her eyes, trying to wake herself from this nightmare in this way.

"I'm preparing to eat it for you. If you are hungry, eat a banana first."


The breath of "boys dormitory" constantly pouring into the tip of her nose and the sound of something on the table pulled her back to the ruthless reality.

Looking up, he happened to see a criminal-looking blond man holding a huge banana facing him.

There is a bigger one on the desktop.

"Fortunately for you, today I just bought a fresh and expired banana that can be eaten directly without peeling it in the legend... This is a coquettish thing that can't be climbed normally..."


The man said so, took the thick banana in his hand, didn't even peel it, put it directly in his mouth, and ate half of it brutally.


Mochizuki Ayano, who heard the other party's unexplained dangerous speech, sat up, screamed desperately like every weak girl who encountered such a scene.

"Banana? Give me something to eat next? What did you do to my body and how many times did you do it?! Don’t you want to let me go when you wake up? Don’t come here... I will call the police if you come again... No, I am a policeman myself, and I want to arrest you for illegal imprisonment, kidnapping and molestation of young girls!"

Mochizuki Ayano was incoherent, helplessly grabbing the things next to her, and threw it at the man who was still in a state of "screaming shock".

"Hey, don't throw them around, but I finally managed to make these few..."

The man is like juggling, eating the "unpeeled banana" in his hand, while hurriedly catching the flying "private collection" with various parts of his body with extreme precision.

Seeing that the "long-range attack" was invalid, Mochizuki Ayano didn't hesitate to rub her body forward, kick the ground, sink her waist, and slam the opposite metamorphosis with a punch.

Facing the violent punch from the girl, Araki Sosuke's lower body fell cold, arched back like a prawn to dodge, and then reached out his hand against the opponent's head.

At this moment, Mochizuki Aya's next move was useless with the coherent "two-handed rim swinging his arms and fists".

Because she can't reach it.

"You can almost calm down, the noodles will not taste good when they are soft..."

Raising his head, Mochizuki Ayano, who was embarrassed and angry, continued to run violently, and waved his arms like a human electric fan, only then could he see the face of the man in front of him.

"Ara... Araki Sosuke?!"

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