I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 204 Headless Horseman

"Hello, Araki!"

"Brother Araki, long time no see!"

Seeing that it was Sosuke Araki who came in, several men who seemed to be cruel, immediately got up and bowed respectfully and gave up their positions.

They are members of the "Phoenix Runaway Group" who happened to be maintaining the locomotive here.

Sosuke Araki greeted several people expertly, and took Yamada Kengo to sit down.

"Kenjirou, this Araki brother is..."

After a man sat down, he asked his companion curiously.

"Yeah, you only joined later... Araki, but our phoenix Yuan old man, the record holder of the second round downhill record of the Haruna Mountain track."

"What? The record holder?"

The man immediately showed excitement in his eyes.

The phoenix runaway group can be called the largest runaway organization in the Kanto region, naturally because the records of multiple tracks in the Kanto region are kept in their hands.

Among them is the two-round downhill of Mount Haruna at 2 minutes 54 seconds, a record that no driver can surpass in the past five years!

At the beginning, he himself was also yearning to surpass these exciting records, and joined the Phoenix.

"Don't mention it, those are all old calendars..."

"Where, this record is called the "unsurpassable limit" by the riders on Haruna Mountain."

The man named "Kenjiro" respectfully lit the cigarette in his hand for Sosuke Araki.

Several people warmly recounted the past.

"Let me introduce to you, this is my younger brother, Yamada-kun, who was released from Shibuya Police Station only last month..."

"Pre... Senior, please don't introduce me in this strange way."

Yamada Kengo's forehead was sweaty.

"Brother Araki's younger brother, no wonder it's no wonder! This figure looks like a ruthless character, so how many of them got in?"

Several fierce-faced men gave Kengo Yamada an approving look, and while chatting about homely and asking terrible things, while stroking his muscles in an indescribable way.

"Yo, Kenjiro, how is your job hunting recently?"

"Hey, let's not say it. I applied for more than 40 film and television companies, and I thought that my size was not enough. In the end, my father was asked to go through the back door, and it turned out to be an adult product supplier. I went to visit those adult product stores every day. With the love hotel, it's so boring..."

"You are already pretty good. I can't find a job at all. I can only temporarily work as a salesperson in a cosplay costume shop..."

"How about you, Ichiro? What are you doing recently..."

"I...I'm a useless person, don't want me anywhere... Now I can barely squat at home and take charge of rent collection for dozens of shops..."

When asked by everyone, a man who had been squatting in the corner and reticent had a low expression and said hesitatingly.

"Brother Araki, you should have been the number one thug in which gang, or you have committed dozens of cases and changed your status for more than a dozen..."

Ignoring the hateful bastard directly, several people looked at Sosuke Araki again, and asked in a low voice admiringly and curiously.

"Ah...hahahahaha! I don't want that kind of crime-filled job...In short, my current job is to ride this beloved motorcycle and wander under the free night sky..."

When asked about work, Araki Zongsuke was taken aback for a while, haha ​​tried to cover up the past.

"Could it be that Brother Araki are you running an underground car race? Where are you running? That's right, with your driving skills, you should make a lot of money..."

Hearing Sosuke Araki's description, several people naturally thought of completely different places.

"In the race, I would have stopped running a long time ago."

Hearing this question, Araki Sosuke's face became cold and fell silent.

"Hey...you guys, don't ask random questions!"

Kenjiro immediately touched the others with his elbow.

As we all know, for some reason, Sosuke Araki, who was originally active, stopped appearing at Haruna Mountain more than three years ago.

"By the way... Speaking of underground races, have you heard that rumor recently..."

In order to change the subject and adjust the atmosphere, another man lowered his voice and said mysteriously.

"You mean, someone witnessed... a headless rider at the Haruna Mountain Circuit?"

Hearing a few people talking, Yamada Kengo, who could not put his mouth on the side, suddenly pricked his ears.

Haruna Mountain is one of the three mountains of Shangmo in Gunma Prefecture, Japan. It is a double volcano composed of Myogi, Akagi, and Shangmo Mountain. It is famous for its four thrilling and steep five consecutive hairpin bends. It is in the Kanto racing circle. The famous track, long-term various underground car races.

In the past two years, people have often seen in the middle of the night a motorcycle rider wearing a Boozou jersey, without driving lights, and without a head, running on that road...

It is said that once he overtakes a person, he will die in a traffic accident. The heads of the deceased are all cut off flatly by objects like steel wires.

"Well, those are ghost stories that scare people, don't worry too much."

Hearing a serious discussion from several people, Sosuke Araki spit out his cigarette indifferently.

"No...Brother Araki, I heard that there have been several incidents on that road during the recent underground race of the trio. Before the incident, the riders said on the walkie-talkie that they saw a headless rider following... It is said that it was the resentful spirit of the rider who died on that mountain road."

"That's right, some people say that the headless rider is wearing our Phoenix special attack uniform and riding a Red Lotus ZIII..."

"What?! Which bastard is talking nonsense, Laozi knew that he was going to kill him!!"

Araki Sosuke, who had a laid-back face and smoked with his head up, bounced off the sofa with a carp, furious for some reason.

"Well, Brother Araki, don't get excited, those are just some people deliberately talking nonsense..."

Ichi Hongu, who just walked in from outside, took off his gloves and pressed Araki Sosuke's shoulder heavily.

"After all, Big Brother Kosaka has already..."

Hearing Gong Xing mentioning someone's name, Araki Sosuke's face eased, and he sat down in a daze.

What am I thinking about, that man has already become a legend of Mount Haruna.

Sitting awkwardly among a group of criminal men, Yamada Kengo's face gradually turned pale after hearing a few people's discussion.

Because what a few people said just now is true.

In the quest list of the Soul Slayers Association, the quest of the "headless knight" of the weird level [2] has been hanging for more than a year.

Moreover, since five days ago, he has been assisting the "Headless Horseman" in Lesson 9 at Haruna Mountain every night.

According to the internal data of the Metropolitan Police Department, there have been frequent traffic accidents on the roads near Shang Maosan Mountain in the last two years. The heads of the victims have been bizarrely broken and disappeared due to fairly neat cuts.

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